Last 3 Edits
April 29th, 2021
- Added Optional Class Features & Subclasses from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.
- Added Subclasses from Grim Hollow Player's Guide.
Sept 30th, 2020
- Added subclass from Midgard Heroes Handbook.
May 9th, 2020
- Added racial deity themed subclasses from Faiths of the FR 2.
Armor: Light, Medium, Shields
Weapon Groups: Barbarians are proficient in the Simple and Martial weapon in each group they choose. Choose any 6 from: Axes & Picks; Blowguns; Bows; Brawling; Clubs & Staffs; Flails; Hammers & Maces; Hook & Sickles; Long Blades; Natural Weapons; Shields; Short Blades; Spears; Thrown & Slings; Whips, Nets & Chains.
(If you have groups for which you only have Simple weapon proficiencies, such as from race, you can upgrade 2 of these to Martial in the place of one of your selections from above.)
Tools, Items, Vehicles, etc: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose 2 from Animal Handling, Athletics, Endurance, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Survival, Swim.
- Slayer. Whole class modelled on barbarian. (Adventures in Middle Earth - Player's Guide, Cubicle Seven).
- Primal Knowledge. 3rd level extra feature. (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, Wizards of the Coast).
- Instinctive Pounce. 7th level extra feature. (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, Wizards of the Coast).
SUBCLASSES (Primal Paths)
- Ancestors. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p33, Kobold Press).
- Ancestral Guardian. (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p9, Wizards of the Coast).
- Ashes For followers of the halfling deity, Urogalan (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
- Battlerager. (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p121, Wizards of the Coast).
- Battletrancer
- Beast. (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, Wizards of the Coast).
- Berserker. (PHB p49).
- Foe-Hammer. (Adventures in Middle Earth - Player's Guide, Cubicle Seven).
- Fractured. (Grim Hollow Player's Guide p39, Ghostfire Gaming).
- Hoarder For followers of the dwarven deity, Abbathor (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
- Kaxanar For followers of the dwarven deity, Haela Brightaxe (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
- Loadstar (EN5ider, Speaking with Fists, Josh Gentry).
- Painbringer For followers of the orcish deity, Bahgtru (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
- Predator
- Primal Spirit. (Grim Hollow Player's Guide p40, Ghostfire Gaming).
- Ragecaster
- Reaver
- Rider. (Adventures in Middle Earth - Player's Guide, Cubicle Seven).
- Savage Hand
- Selvetargtlin For followers of the drow deity, Selvetarm (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild)
- Skinchanger.
- Stone For followers of the gnomish deity, Callarduran Smoothhands (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
- Storm Herald. (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p10, Wizards of the Coast).
- Swift
- Totem Warrior (Bear). (PHB p50).
- Totem Warrior (Eagle). (PHB p50).
- Totem Warrior (Elk). (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p121, Wizards of the Coast).
- Totem Warrior (Raptor). (5E Reforged, Dawn Forged Cast).
- Totem Warrior (Shark) (Heroes of Saltmarsh I, DMsGuild, Eventyr Games)
- Totem Warrior (Tiger). (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p121, Wizards of the Coast).
- Totem Warrior (Wolf). (PHB p50).
- Tyrant
- Wild Magic. A feywild or choas-plane influenced, magical barbarian.
- Wolfsblood. (Heroes of the Night EN5ider article, Brandes Stoddard).
- Zealot. (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p11, Wizards of the Coast).
There are MANY more subclasses here on the 5E SRD website
There are MANY more subclasses on the DMsGuild. Feel free to try one of those too.