Last 3 Edits
April 28th, 2021
- Page created.
Blood Hunter on DMsGuild (by Matt Mercer)
Armor: Light, Medium, Shields
Weapon Groups: Blood Hunters are proficient in Simple and Martial weapons from any group they gain proficiency in. Choose any 6 weapon groups.
(If you have groups for which you only have Simple weapon proficiencies, such as from race, you can upgrade 2 of these to Martial in the place of one of your selections from above.)
Tools, Items, Vehicles, etc: Alchemist's supplies
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills: Choose 3 from Animal Handling, Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Endurance, History, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Religion, Survival.
- Archery. (PHB p72 & Blood Hunter DMG's Guild, Matt Mercer)
- Blind Fighting. (Unearthed Arcana).
- Dueling. (PHB p72 & Blood Hunter DMG's Guild, Matt Mercer)
- Fisticuffs (EN5ider, Speaking with Fists, Josh Gentry).
- Great-Weapon Fighting. (PHB p72 & Blood Hunter DMG's Guild, Matt Mercer)
- Thrown Weapon Fighting. (Unearthed Arcana).
- Two-Weapon Fighting. (PHB p72 & Blood Hunter DMG's Guild, Matt Mercer)
SUBCLASSES (Blood Hunter Orders)
- Ghostslayer (Blood Hunter DMG's Guild, Matt Mercer, linked above)
- Mutant (Blood Hunter DMG's Guild, Matt Mercer, linked above)
- The Pit (DM'sGuild, Huntsman LeBaron. If you wish to use this subclass, please note my changes in the Discussion section of the linked page.)
- Lycan (Blood Hunter DMG's Guild, Matt Mercer, linked above)
- Profane Soul (Blood Hunter DMG's Guild, Matt Mercer, linked above)
- Serpent (DM'sGuild, Huntsman LeBaron. If you wish to use this subclass, please note my changes in the Discussion section of the linked page.)
- Viral (DM'sGuild, Huntsman LeBaron. If you wish to use this subclass, please note my changes in the Discussion section of the linked page.)
There may be more subclasses here on the 5E SRD website
There are MANY more subclasses on the DMsGuild. Feel free to try one of those too.
(None at this stage).