5E Rogue

Last 3 Edits

June 2021

  • Added Ninja.

April 29th, 2021

  • Added Optional Class Features & Subclasses from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.
  • Added Subclasses from Grim Hollow Player's Guide.

Oct11th, 2020

  • Added Ambush Predator from Southlands Heroes.




Armor: Light
Weapon Groups: Unless noted, rogues only have proficiency in Simple weapons from these groups. Choose 5 from: Axes & Picks; Blowguns; Bows; Brawling; Clubs & Staffs; Crossbows (+ hand crossbows); Flails; Hammers & Maces; Hooks & Sickles; Long Blades; Pistols; Short Blades (+ Martial); Spears; Thrown & Slings; Whips, Nets & Chains.
Tools, Items, Vehicles, etc: Thieves' tools

Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills: Choose 4 from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Streetwise, and Swim.


  1. Treasure Hunter. 1st level. Whole alternate class modelled on rogue. (Adventures in Middle Earth - Player's Guide, Cubicle Seven)
  2. Steady Aim. 2nd level, bonus feature. (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, Wizards of the Coast).

SUBCLASSES (Roguish Archetypes)

  1. Agent. (Adventures in Middle Earth - Player's Guide, Cubicle Seven).
  2. Ambush Predator. (Southlands Heroes p6, Kobold Press). A more nature-driven version of Assassin (presented as a lizardfolk variant).
  3. Ambusher
  4. Archaeologist
  5. Assassin. (PHB p97).
  6. Arcane Trickster. (PHB p97).
  7. Battle Dancer
  8. Burglar. (Adventures in Middle Earth - Player's Guide, Cubicle Seven).
  9. Duelist. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p44, Kobold Press).
  10. Fastpaw For followers of the gnomish deity, Baervan Wildwanderer (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
  11. Fixer. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p45, Kobold Press).
  12. Highway Rider. (Grim Hollow Player's Guide p64, Ghostfire Gaming).
  13. Hurndor (Merchant of Misfortune) For followers of the dwarven deity, Vergadain (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
  14. Inquisitive. (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p45, Wizards of the Coast).
  15. Mastermind. (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p135 & Xanathar's Guide to Everything p46, Wizards of the Coast).
  16. Mischiefmaker For followers of the elven deity, Erevan Elesere (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
  17. Misfortune Bringer. (Grim Hollow Player's Guide p66, Ghostfire Gaming).
  18. Night Harvester For followers of the orcish deity, Shargaas (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
  19. Ninja.
  20. Outlaw.
  21. Phantom (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, Wizards of the Coast).
  22. Puissant Protector For followers of the elven deity, Angharrahd (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
  23. Rapscallion For followers of the halfling deity, Brandobaris (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
  24. Reaver (Heroes of Saltmarsh I, DMsGuild, Eventyr Games)
  25. Scout (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p47, Wizards of the Coast).
  26. Sniper
  27. Sniper
  28. Soulknife. (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, Wizards of the Coast).
  29. Speedster. (EN5ider, Speaking with Fists, Josh Gentry).
  30. Swashbuckler. (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p135 & Xanathar's Guide to Everything p47, Wizards of the Coast).
  31. Thief. (PHB p97).
  32. Whisper. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p46, Kobold Press).
  33. Witch Hunter. (I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost EN5ider article Kiel Chenier).

There are MANY more subclasses here on the 5E SRD website

There are MANY more subclasses on the DMsGuild. Feel free to try one of those too.

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