Last 3 Edits
June, 2021
- Added Alienist.
April 29th, 2021
- Added Optional Class Features & Subclasses from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.
- Added Subclasses from Grim Hollow Player's Guide.
April 14th, 2021
- Added subclasses from Arcadia 2 & 3 magazine.
Armor: None
Weapon Groups: Wizards are only proficient in the Simple weapons from their chosen groups. Choose 3 weapon groups from: Blowguns; Clubs & Staffs; Crossbows; Short Blades; Thrown & Slings.
Tools, Items, Vehicles, etc: None
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose 2 from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion.
Battlemage. Replaces cantrip features with weapon-based ones. (Heroes of the Blade EN5ider, John Lynch).
SUBCLASSES (Arcane Traditions)
- Abjuration. (PHB p115).
- Aegis.
- Alienist. A Far Realms dealing wizard.
- Alkemancer. (Deep Magic p167, Kobold Press). Uses alkemancy (alchemical magic).
- Angelic Scribe. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p76, Kobold Press; Deep Magic p177, Kobold Press).
- Animation
- Arcane Artisan For followers of the dwarven deity, Dugmaren Brightmantle (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild)
- Arcanum
- Azorius Lawmage
- Bladesinging. (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything & Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Wizards of the Coast).
- Blood Mage. (Deep Magic p322, Kobold Press).
- Categorization
- Chains Tradition For followers of the dwarven deity, Laduguer (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
- Chaos Mage For followers of the drow deity, Malyk (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild)
- Chronurgy Magic. (Explorer's Guide to Wildemount p184, Wizards of the Coast).
- Clockwork. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p78, Kobold Press).
- Conjuration. (PHB p116).
- Conspirator Mage For followers of the drow deity, Zinzerena (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild)
- Deviant Wizard.
- Divination. (PHB p116).
- Doom Croaker. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p79, Kobold Press).
- Doomsayer. (Deep Magic p315, Kobold Press).
- Dragon Mage/Masks. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p80, Kobold Press; Deep Magic p205, Kobold Press).
- Elementalist. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p82, Kobold Press; Deep Magic p151, Kobold Press).
- Elven High Magic. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p84, Kobold Press).
- Enchantment. (PHB p117).
- Entropy. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p85, Kobold Press; Deep Magic p190, Kobold Press).
- Evocation. (PHB p117).
- Geomancy. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p88, Kobold Press).
- Graviturgy Magict. (Explorer's Guide to Wildemount p185, Wizards of the Coast)
- Hibernation. (Arcadia Magazine #2, MCDM Productions). A Winter themed subclass.
- Illumination. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p88, Kobold Press; ; Deep Magic p227, Kobold Press).
- Illusion. (PHB p118).
- Infusion
- Invention. (Unearthed Arcana, Wizards of the Coast).
- Master of Fiends. (Deep Magic p328, Kobold Press).
- Mechromancy
- Necrophagy. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p90, Kobold Press; Deep Magic p335, Kobold Press).).
- Necromancy. (PHB p118).
- Onomancy
- Plague Doctor. (Grim Hollow Player's Guide p76, Ghostfire Gaming).
- Redirection
- Ring Warden. (Midgard Heroes Handbook p90, Kobold Press; Deep Magic p205, Kobold Press). Dwarven rune magic infused into rings.
- Sangromancy. (Grim Hollow Player's Guide p77, Ghostfire Gaming). Blood magic.
- Scribes. (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, Wizards of the Coast).
- Shadowcaller Tradition. (En5ider article by Ari Marmell).
- Theologian (EN5ider article Volumes of Forgotten Lore: Divine, by Ari Marmell).
- Timekeeper. (Deep Magic p263, Kobold Press).
- Transmutation. (PHB p119).
- Trickster For followers of the gnomish deity, Baravar Cloakshadow (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
- True Death Tradition For followers of the drow deity, Kiaransalee (Faiths of the Forgotten Realms II, DMsGuild).
- Void Caster. (Deep Magic p335, Kobold Press).
- War Magic. (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p59, Wizards of the Coast).
- White Necromancer. (Deep Magic p153, Kobold Press)
There are MANY more subclasses here on the 5E SRD website
There are MANY more subclasses on the DMsGuild. Feel free to try one of those too.