Last 3 Edits
17th July, 2020
- Added some B&B entries.
29th of June, 2020
- Adjusted the wording for : Racial Drawbacks and and the section under Removing Racial Drawbacks.
- Adjusted the Limited Vocabulary flaw.
Jan 1st, 2020
- Rolled the Sustenance Requirement into the Addiction/Dependency.
- Added Grave-Touched.
- Renumbered the drawbacks as that was fully up the shit.
Table of Contents
Drawbacks are flaws, deficiencies or hindrances for your character that we use for our games. They are largely adapted from our Bashed & Borrowed system, which was in turn adapted from Savage Worlds and the Song of Ice and Fire roleplaying games. They can be seen as 'anti-proficiencies' and 'anti-feats'. Note that penalties are typically double the benefits one would normally gain from a proficiency or feat. This is on purpose, as it is easy to reduce a PC in areas they already suck at (and probably won't use too often) to boost areas of specialty even further.
Yes, there are roleplaying drawbacks in the list below. We have not had a problem with this in our groups, but if you find that min-maxers are abusing this system, then remove them. This system works best when some drawbacks are assigned to characters (see Racial Drawbacks below): that way, even if a drawback that barely comes into play is chosen by a player, there are still other ones that will. It isn't all about how to bend the system for the benefits.
Most drawbacks have more than one name. Choose the one that suits your PC best. These might be inspired by your rolls on the Background Charts.
Benefits for Taking Drawbacks
You gain the following benefits for taking drawbacks:System | Referred to as… | Minor Drawback | Major Drawback |
D&D | Drawbacks | 1 proficiency selected from the proficiencies listed for your class or race. (For 2 minors, a GM might let you chose any non-armor proficiency) | 1 feat. |
Cypher System | Inabilities | 1 XP. | 1 Advance (4 XP). Many major drawbacks are not available at PC creation - Descriptors include negative traits already. (But a player may be given one during play). |
AGE | Drawbacks | Training in 1 extra weapon group (from class) OR 1 focus that was not rolled/chosen from race/background. (For 2 minor drawbacks, a GM might allow you to chose any 1 focus). | 1 talent. |
YZE | Flaws | 1 XP. | 1 Advance (5 XP). |
B&B | Hindrances | 1 XP or 1 Specialty | 1 Advance (5 XP). |
Savage Worlds | Hindrances | Gain 1 character creation point. (Gain a skill point or increase starting funds by 100%). | Gain 2 character creation points. (Gain another attribute point or 1 Edge, or spend them on the 1 poitn options) |
Racial Drawbacks
Races in our games have starting drawbacks assigned to them. For these drawbacks, each race also has a list of proficiencies and/or feats to choose from as compensation..
Removing Assigned Racial Drawbacks
With the GM's permission, you may be able to 'buy off' an assigned minor racial drawback. This should mainly be used for roleplaying based drawbacks (such as not wanting to be an Honorable dwarf), but there may be rare situations where a physical drawback could be removed. The player and GM should come up with a suitable backstory for this.
To remove a minor drawback you must give up two proficiencies. Major drawbacks assigned as racial drawbacks should not be 'bought off', but for the same cost, a GM may allow a player to reduce their character's major drawback to a minor. (In extreme circumstances a GM may allow the drawback to be reduced again from minor).
'Upgrading' Racial Drawbacks**
If you have a minor drawback assigned as a racial drawback, then you still gain the benefits of a major drawback if you 'upgrade' to the major. There are no real 'steps' for the drawbacks . This encourages players to take drawbacks that would be considered common for that particular race. However, feats chosen from drawbacks upgraded in this manner, must come from the racial feat options listed under each race.
1. Addiction/Dependency/Sustenance Requirement
You just have to have the desire of your dependency. Your addiction is likely an addictive substance or drug (such as alcohol or chew leaf), but could be some other odd compulsion. (Special drugs that could be used in the game can be found in the 3E Book of Vile Darkness p41.)
This drawback can also be used for races/species that have a special dietary or atmospheric requirement. You might be an alien struggling to breath air, partially undead that requires blood, a herbivore in a region without a lot of plant life, an aquatic creature that must immerse in water every day, etc. Usually there a ways to overcome your deficiency, such as advanced equipment, hence this drawback is usually minor. (It could be a major flaw if access to such equipment or the sustenance itself is hard to come by). The rules below might be slightly altered depending upon your species/race.
System | Effects |
D&D | Following every long rest, you must make a DC 8 Wisdom or Constitution saving throw (use your weakest save) if you did not partake in your addiction the previous day. If you fail your save, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion. (You should roleplay how the levels of exhaustion affect your behaviour). You can only attain 3 levels of exhaustion through your addiction. On a successful save, you stave off your dependency for a day. If you pass the check by 5 or more, you benefit from some short-term coping mechanism and actually reduce your exhaustion level due to your addiction by 1. (If you have previous levels of exhaustion from this flaw). Major only. Your addiction can lead you down to 5 levels of exhaustion and the DC to resist increases to 10. |
Cypher System | Following every ten hour recovery, if you did not partake in your addiction the previous day, you must make a difficulty 2 Might defense or Intellect defense roll (if you have training in one of these use the other). If you fail, all tasks are treated as 1 difficulty level higher for you that day. (You should roleplay how this affects your behaviour). Effects are cumulative, but you can only go up to a penalty of two difficulty levels. On a successful roll, you stave off your dependency for the day. If you pass the check by 2 difficulty levels or more, you benefit from some short-term coping mechanism and actually reduce your addiction penalty by 1 difficulty level. (If you have previous levels of exhaustion from this flaw). Major only. The difficulty levels to resist effects of addiction increase to 3. You have a third stage of addiction penalties, which is Impaired (immediately following 2 difficulty levels of penalties. |
AGE | |
YZE | Following every long rest, you must make an Endure roll if you did not partake in your addiction the previous day. If you fail, you suffer 1 damage or fatigue. (You should roleplay how this affects your behaviour). You cannot be broken (Strength or Agility of zero) by your addiction. On a successful Endure check, you stave off your dependency for a day. If you get a critical success, you benefit from some short-term coping mechanism and restore 1 fatigue/stress point (but not damage). Major only. Your addiction can lead you to broken and all Endure attempts made regarding your addiction are made at -2 modifier. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
2. A-hole/Belligerent/Mean/Threatening/Violent
You are not a nice person. You come across as abrasive.
System | Effects |
D&D | Your first social interaction roll is a Charisma (Intimidation) roll, no matter what your intentions are. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and Wisdom (Insight) checks. Major Only. Reduce your Wisdom score by 2. |
Cypher System | NA. (See Descriptors like: Angry, Insolent.) |
AGE | |
YZE | Add the Dominate skill (M:YZ Genlab Alpha p50) to your skill list. When interacting with other intelligent creatures, your first interaction roll must be a Dominate roll, or you have Intimidating talent, you may use this. Major Only. Reduce your Empathy score by 1. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
3. Ailin'/Crook/Ill
You are suffering from a long term illness that leaves you susceptible to exhaustion. Your weakness may well kill you.
System | Effects |
D&D | Decrease your Strength, Dexterity or Constitution score by 2. (This should be representative of the illness). You take disadvantage on rolls to resist exhaustion. Additionally, you must make a Constitution check (with disadvantage) to reduce your level of exhaustion even when you would normally be able to do so for free. (The typical DC is 10, but is determined by the DM). Furthermore, you must make this check at the beginning of each game session. If you fail, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. Exhaustion from this check is your illness taking effect. You can roll to remove this exhaustion at the end of each long rest. |
Cypher System | Might defense rolls are 1 step more difficult for you. Furthermore, you must make a difficulty 3 Might defense roll at the beginning of each game session. If you fail, you lose access to one of your recovery rolls. You can attempt a new check to remove this following each 10 hour rest (when you regain your recover rolls). Failure results in continued loss of 1 recovery roll. A GM Intrusion will make this loss permanent. |
AGE | -2 to Endure or Move/Agility skill. Furthermore, you must make an Endure roll at the beginning of each game session. If you fail, you begin with 1 point of fatigue or damage, plus 1 more for every 1 rolled. When you get the chance to recover damage or fatigue suffered because of your condition, you must roll a d6 for each point recovered. If you roll a 1, then the loss is permanent: reduce your Strength or Agility by 1. |
YZE | |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
4. All-Thumbs/Shaky/Unsteady
You have not developed your fine motor skills and have difficulty manipulating fine objects. Alternatively, you may have 'the shakes' due to an illness, alcoholism or exposure to something 'man was not meant to see'.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks and other Dexterity checks that involve fine motor skills (such as picking locks or forging documents). Additionally, the DM will require you to roll a Dexterity check for many mundane tasks requiring the manipulation of tiny items, such as drinking a potion or writing a letter. Major only. You also have disadvantage on all attacks made with ranged and finesse weapons, as well as spells cast using material components or using a components pouch. |
Cypher System | All fine motor skill tasks are one step more difficult for you. Additionally, the GM gets one free GM intrusion per session (which you can still refuse with 1 XP), to use on you to show your clumsiness, such as dropping something at a crucial moment. Major only. The difficulty of all ranged attacks and melee attacks with light weapons is increased by 1 step for you. |
AGE | |
YZE | Major only. Ranged Combat/Shoot checks and Melee Combat/Fight attacks with light weapons are made at -2. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
5. Allergy
You are highly allergic to something. If it is something that you would be exposed to frequently (such as fur, pollen, people, daylight) it is a major drawback. If you would only come into contact with the allergy infrequently (such as horses, insects, diary products, fish) then it is minor. Check with your GM, as if you are not likely to come into contact with your allergy, then you gain no benefits at all.
System | Effects |
D&D | When exposed to allergy (within 5 feet, though some allergies may require direct contact) make a Constitution DC 10 save (DC 15 for direct contact) or act as poisoned (and incapacitated if you fail by 5 or more). You may attempt a save at the end of each of your turns to remove these conditions if you move more than 30 feet away from the allergy source. |
Cypher System | When exposed to allergy (within 5 feet, though some allergies may require direct contact) make a difficulty 3 Might defense roll (difficulty 4 for direct contact) or all checks are made at 1 difficulty level higher (and impaired if you fail to beat difficulty level 2). You may reroll the check to remove these conditions at the end of each of your turns if you move more than 30 feet away from the allergy source. |
AGE | |
YZE | When exposed to allergy (within 5 feet, though some allergies may require direct contact) make an Endure check. If you fail all skill rolls are made at -2. You may attempt an Endure check at the end of each of your turns to remove this penalty if you move more than 30 feet away from the allergy source. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
6. Anti-Social/Annoying/Bad Habits/Shy/Socially Inept/Stubborn/Timid
There could be many reasons for this, but you simply don't get along with people. You might be a recluse; fear social interactions; have strange or off-putting quirks or habits; or just simply, hate people.
System | Effects |
D&D | Reduce your Charisma score by 2. Major only. Reduce your Charisma score by 4 (in total). |
Cypher System | The difficulty of all pleasant social interactions is 1 step to your detriment. Major. NA. (There are many Descriptors that could reflect this). |
AGE | |
YZE | You have a -2 on all Manipulate rolls. Major only. Reduce your Empathy by 1. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
7. Armor Avoidance
There could be many reasons for this, but you simply can't or don't wear armor that others can.
System | Effects |
D&D | You forfeit any starting proficiencies in medium or heavy armor granted by your class. You can gain proficiency in them through other means, but generally find heavier armor to be uncomfortable. |
Cypher System | . |
AGE | |
YZE | |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
8. Arrogant/Haughty
You think you are above the common rabble. Only people of your station/status/power deserve respect. You might humiliate foes or find common foes beneath your concerns and issue challenges to leader-types.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and Wisdom (Insight) checks. (This does not apply to people of your status, such as if you are a Noble (the background) interacting with other nobles. Likewise, if you are from the lower class dealing with other peasants). |
Cypher System | The difficulty of all pleasant social interactions is 1 step to your detriment. (This does not apply to people of your status, such as if you are a noble interacting with other nobles. Likewise, if you are from the lower class dealing with other peasants). |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 Manipulate & Sense Emotions. (This does not apply to people of the same Upbringing as you.) |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
9. Aversion/Hatred
You do not get along with a particular group of creatures. Some races have this drawback and it is made clear who you do not get along with. A GM might allow a player to choose a focused group for their character if it suits their background. Ideas include a particular race, arcane casters, members of a particular organistion or religion (if it plays a prominent part in the game), beasts (or beasts of a particular grouping and their anthropomorhic-related races, if any), or other creature types.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on any Wisdom (Animal Handling) rolls made with beasts or other non-intelligent creatures in your chosen group. You have disadvantage on all Charisma checks when interacting with intelligent members of your chosen group. Creatures belonging to your chosen group typically reciprocate the negative feelings you have for them, and will likely target you over other targets. |
Cypher System | All interactions with creatures or characters of your chosen group are made at 2 steps to your detriment. Creatures belonging to your chosen group typically reciprocate the negative feelings you have for them, and will likely target you over other targets. |
AGE | |
YZE | Any Empathy-based skill roll made to interact with any creatures or people from your chosen group are done so at -4. Creatures belonging to your chosen group typically reciprocate the negative feelings you have for them, and will likely target you over other targets. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
10. Big Mouth/Blabber Mouth
If the saying 'loose lips sinks ships' is true, then you are a veritable storm. You don't know when to keep your trap shut and often blab information to the wrong people.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Charisma (Deception) checks. If asked a direct question, you are likely to answer even if that means revealing information you do not wish to. (In dire circumstances you can make a Wisdom DC 10 save to resist revealing information). |
Cypher System | The difficulty level of attempts at deception is increased by 2 levels for you. If asked a direct question, you are likely to answer even if that means revealing information you do not wish to. (In dire circumstances the GM can use a free GM intrusion (which you are still free to refuse with 1 XP). |
AGE | |
YZE | Attempts to lie impose a -4 penalty to your Manipulate roll. If asked a direct question, you are likely to answer even if that means revealing information you do not wish to. (In some circumstances the GM may use 1 DP to have you reveal the information). |
B&B | You have disadvantage on Deception checks. If asked a direct question, you are likely to answer even if that means revealing information you do not wish to. (In dire circumstances, you can make a Will (Spirit) roll to resist revealing information). |
Savage Worlds |
11. Bleeder
Paper cuts can be a hazard for you. Blades are extra deadly. This could be a minor drawback in modern settings where slashing attacks may be considered rare.
System | Effects |
D&D | You are vulnerable to slashing damage. |
Cypher System | If you take damage from a slashing weapon, increase the damage by 50%. |
AGE | |
YZE | If you take damage from a slashing weapon, increase the damage by 1. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
12. Blind/One-Eyed/Short-Sighted/Bad Eyes
You have blurred vision or one-eye and have trouble with depth perception. For a major drawback you are completely blind.
System | Effects |
D&D | You make all Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely upon sight with disadvantage. You reduce the normal range of any ranged weapon you use to 30 feet if it is further than this. Major only. You have the Blinded condition permanently. You automatically fail any ability check that requires sight. Attacks against you have advantage and your attacks have disadvantage. Special: This counts as 2 Major drawbacks. |
Cypher System | The difficulty of all perception tests that rely upon sight are increased by 2 steps for you. You reduce the range of any ranged weapon you use to short if it is further than this. Major only. Attacks against enemies are treated as fighting an 'Invisible target' (CRB p206). Speed defense rolls are also modified by 2 steps to your detriment. Special: This counts as 2 Major inabilities. |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 to Observation/Scout. You reduce the range of any ranged weapon you use to short if it is further than this. Major only. Attacks are treated as if fighting in complete darkness (M:YZ p93). You also suffer -2 to defense rolls. Special: This counts as 2 Major inabilities. |
B&B | You suffer a -1 penalty to any ability roll dependent upon vision (such as Notice and Search rolls) and to ranged attacks. Major. The penalty becomes -2. For two majors, you are blind. (See SWA p22 for the effects of wearing glasses, etc). |
Savage Worlds |
13. Brain-Dead/Dullard/Stupid/Dull/Not Bright
You lack the mental faculties and capabilities of other people. You have trouble grasping concepts and ideas. Beating an ogre in a spelling bee might be a challenge for you if you have the major drawback.
System | Effects |
D&D | Reduce your Intelligence score by 2. Major only. Reduce your Intelligence score by 4 (in total). |
Cypher System | Reduce your Intellect Pool by 3. Major only. Reduce your Intellect Pool by 6 (in total). |
AGE | |
YZE | You have a -2 modification to all Comprehend, Know the Zone, Data Jinn, Medicurgy, Culture, Science and Technology skill rolls. Major only. Reduce your Wits by 1. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
14. Brittle Bones/Bruise Easily
You flunked out of the school of hard knocks. Blunt weapons are your bane.
System | Effects |
D&D | You are vulnerable to bludgeoning damage. |
Cypher System | If you take damage from a bashing/blunt weapon, increase the damage by 50%. |
AGE | |
YZE | If you take damage from a bashing/blunt weapon, increase the damage by 1. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
15. Cautious
You do not rush in. You like to assess all options before acting.
System | Effects |
D&D | Your action on the first round of any encounter is spent assessing the situation. You may make an appropriate Intelligence or Wisdom check to learn something about your environment or enemies, but you may take no other action. |
Cypher System | Your action on the first round of any encounter is spent assessing the situation. You may make an Intellect roll to learn something about your environment or enemies, but you may take no other action. |
AGE | |
YZE | Your action on the first round of any encounter is spent assessing the situation. You may make any appropriate skill roll to learn something about your environment or enemies, but you may take no other action or maneuver. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
16. City-Slicker/Pampered
You are used to your homely comforts and being able to get what you want with little effort.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Wisdom (Survival) rolls. You have disadvantage on checks and saving throws made to resist exhaustion. |
Cypher System | The difficulty of any check to resist the effects of nature, including starving and dehydration, is 2 steps worse for you. |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 to Endure & Survival skill rolls. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
17. Civilian/Non-Combatant
You have never learnt to fight up close and personal.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all melee attacks, including spell melee attack rolls. |
Cypher System | The difficulty level of all melee attacks is 2 steps higher for you. |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 Fight/Melee Combat skill modification. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
18. Clueless/Forgetful/Uneducated
You are not stupid, but you lack a basic education and your knowledge base is very narrow. Or perhaps you just have a memory like a sieve. (Nature and Survival type checks are not included below as this trait often represents those without formal learning, which includes many that have lived and learnt a lot about the wilds).
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Intelligence checks to recall lore (typically, all Arcana, History and Religion checks). |
Cypher System | The difficulty of all Intellect rolls to recall lore is made at 2 steps higher for you. |
AGE | |
YZE | You have a -2 modification to all skill checks to recall lore (typically, Comprehend, Know the Zone, Data Jinn, Science, Technology). |
B&B | You have disadvantage on Knowledge rolls. |
Savage Worlds |
19. Clumsy/Klutz/Uncoordinated
You lack co-ordination and often trip over your own toes, or perhaps your bulk simply limits your movement. Chewing and walking at the same time may be a challenge if you have the major drawback.
System | Effects |
D&D | Reduce your Dexterity score by 2. Major only. Reduce your Dexterity score by 4 (in total). |
Cypher System | Reduce your Speed Pool by 3. Major only. Reduce your Speed Pool by 6 (in total). |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 on all Move/Dexterity skill roles. You drop something or trip over/stumble, etc if you fail an Agility-based skill roll showing any 1's. Major only. Reduce your Agility by 1. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
20. Cocky/Overconfident
When it comes to using your skills, there is nothing you can't handle. When you fail, you do not take it well.
System | Effects |
D&D | If you fail at a task you are proficient in, you suffer disadvantage on all checks and attacks until you take a long rest. (For combats, this does not mean failing a single attack, but failing to defeat the enemy if you used attacks with weapons, spells etc with which you are proficient. Likewise for tasks requiring several checks - the penalty only applies if you fail the task, not an individual check). You tend to tackle the toughest (or smartest) enemy - whichever is considered a 'suitable target' for one of your skills. |
Cypher System | NA. (See Descriptor: Know It All.) |
AGE | |
YZE | If you fail at a task you have skill dice in, you suffer -2 on all skill until you take a long rest. (For combats, this does not mean failing a single attack, but failing to defeat the enemy. Likewise for tasks requiring several checks - the penalty only applies if you fail the task, not an individual check). You tend to tackle the toughest (or smartest) enemy - whichever is considered a 'suitable target' for one of your skills. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
21. Communal/Hive or Pack Dweller
You do not cope well being alone.
System | Effects |
D&D | |
Cypher System | All defense rolls made without an ally that can be seen and within near range, has the difficulty increased by one step. Each day spent in isolation, you must make an Intellect defense roll or move one step down the condition track. The roll is made at the same time recovery dice are regained and the difficulty starts at level 1 and increases cumulatively for each additional day spent in isolation (resetting when a day is spent around others). |
AGE | |
YZE | All skill rolls made to resist effects or attacks (such as defense action) are made at -2 if you do not have an ally that can be seen and within near range of you. Each day spent in isolation, you must make a Wits roll or suffer 1 point of doubt/stress. (These points are recovered as per the normal rules for recovering doubt). |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
22. Coward/Craven/Milquetoast
Although you might want to be brave, acts of bravery are very hard for you to do. You are easily frightened and go to water during confrontations.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on saves to resist the frightened condition. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Intimidate) checks. Major only. You start every confrontational situation (social intrigue, combat, unexpected encounter) with disadvantage on all ability checks and attacks. You may spend an action to overcome your fear by making a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw (at disadvantage and as if resisting the frightened condition). On a success, you are no longer at disadvantage on all checks and attacks for the encounter. Failure indicates that disadvantage remains, though you may continue to make checks for every action you spend. A natural roll of 1 on one of these checks, results in you becoming frightened as well. If you get a raise (5+ above the required DC) on the save, you conquer your fear and gain Inspiration. |
Cypher System | NA. (See Descriptor: Craven.) |
AGE | |
YZE | You are -2 to resist being intimidated or frightened. Likewise, you make Manipulation checks to intimidate at -2. Major only. You start every confrontational situation (social intrigue, combat, unexpected encounter) with a -2 on all skill checks. You may spend an action (normal) to overcome your fear by making an unmodified Wits roll. On a success, remove the -2 penalty for the encounter. Failure indicates that the penalty remains, though you may continue to make checks for every (normal) action you spend. A failure that includes at least one roll of 1 on these checks, results in you becoming frightened and taking the -2 to all rolls as well. If you get a critical success on this check, you conquer your fear and gain +2 bonus to your next action. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
23. Curious
Yep, curiosity killed the cat, and it may well get you (and your allies) killed too. You are likely to take on missions, valuing the solving of the mystery as much (or more) than monetary reward. It should not take much to get you dragged into bad situations. You are likely to create a few of your own too, such as checking behind that unopened door whilst others are trying to rest, or wandering off whilst on watch to 'see what that noise is'.
System | Effects |
D&D | When confronted by a situation where you don't know all the answers, you act to find those answers. There may be times where a GM might impose a Wisdom save if you wish to resist acting upon this compulsion. You suffer disadvantage on Wisdom saves to resist effects that draw you into curious situations, such as following a will-o-wisp. |
Cypher System | NA. (See Descriptors: Brash, Impulsive, Meddlesome.) |
AGE | |
YZE | When confronted by a situation where you don't know all the answers, you act to find those answers. There may be times where a GM might impose a Wits roll if you wish to resist acting upon this compulsion, such as following a will-o-wisp. |
B&B | When confronted by a situation where you don't know all the answers, you act to find those answers. There may be times where a GM might impose a Will (Spirit) roll if you wish to resist acting upon this compulsion, such as following a will-o-wisp. |
Savage Worlds |
24. Deaf/Hard of Hearing/Hey?
Through age, an unfortunate accident, or being born this way, you have a hearing deficiency. Fortunately for you, shriekers don't pose much of a problem - get some to annoy the neighbours.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on any check requiring hearing. This is typically Wisdom (Perception), but should also apply to social interaction rolls like Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Persuasion) when conversation is important. Major only. You have the Deafened condition permanently. You cannot hear and fail all ability checks requiring hearing. |
Cypher System | The difficulty of any check relying on hearing is 2 steps more difficult for you. This also applies to social interaction rolls when conversation is important. Major only. You cannot hear and fail all checks requiring hearing. |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 to all Observation/Scout rolls that rely on hearing. This also applies manipulate and Sense Emotion rolls when conversation is important. Major only. You cannot hear and fail all checks requiring hearing. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
25. Delicate/Frail/Unfit/Unhealthy
You do not look after yourself. You could be rangy and unhealthy or large and unfit.
System | Effects |
D&D | Reduce your Constitution score by 2. Major only. Reduce your Constitution score by 4 (in total). |
Cypher System | Reduce your Might Pool by 3. Major only. Reduce your Might Pool by 6 (in total). |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 to Endure checks. Major only. Reduce your Strength by 1. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
26. Easy Target/Gold Brick/Magnet
You often zig when you should have zagged and tend to get in the way. You literally aren't going anywhere and get hit a lot.
System | Effects |
D&D | When someone rolls a critical fumble that targets a nearby ally or a random target in a combat (from a ranged attack), you become that target. Major only. You take a -1 penalty to your AC. The AC penalty becomes -2 if you wear medium or heavy armor. |
Cypher System | NA. Major only. All Speed defense rolls are made at 1 difficulty level to your detriment. |
AGE | |
YZE | Opponents targeting you for an attack gain +1 to their rolls. Major Only. Opponents' bonus increases to +2. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
27. Elderly/Old/Venerable
You are getting long in the tooth. Physical exertion is more taxing than it used to be.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on checks and saves to resist exhaustion. You reduce your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores by 1 each. Major only. You reduce your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores by 2 each (in total) and they cannot be raised from this point on. |
Cypher System | NA. |
AGE | |
YZE | Reduce your Strength or Agility by 1. Major Only. Reduce your Strength or Agility by 2, or 1 each (total). |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
28. Feeble
You might have trouble fighting your way out of a wet paper bag.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Strength and Constitution saving throws. You have disadvantage on all Strength checks. |
Cypher System | The difficulty of all Might tasks is one step higher for you. |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 on all Endure & Force rolls. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
29. Flammable/Tinderbox
You don't take to well to fire, but it takes well to you.
System | Effects |
D&D | You are vulnerable to fire damage. |
Cypher System | You take double damage from any fire or heat attack that deals you damage. |
AGE | |
YZE | If you take damage from a heat or fire attack, add 2 to the damage. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
30. Fragile
Force and thunder damage leave you rattled. (This drawback may not be allowed in games where these damage types are extremely rare or non-existent).
System | Effects |
D&D | You are vulnerable to thunder damage and to effects that deal force damage. |
Cypher System | NA. |
AGE | |
YZE | If you take damage from a force, sound or thunder attack, add 2 to the damage. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
31. Hypothermic
You do not function well in the cold and suffer from cold attacks
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on saving throws or ability checks to resist the effects of cold or cold damage. |
Cypher System | |
AGE | |
YZE | |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
32. Glass Jaw
You might look tough, but you go down easily when hit in the right spot.
System | Effects |
D&D | Anytime you take damage totaling half your current hit points or more, you must make a Constitution saving throw or become incapacitated. The DC is 10 or half the damage you take, whichever is higher. If incapacitated from a failed save due to this flaw, you can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of your turns to remove the condition. |
Cypher System | If you take damage equal to or greater than your current Might Pool, you are automatically Impaired until you raise your Might Pool by any means. |
AGE | |
YZE | Anytime you take damage totaling your current Strength score (or half your current hit points if using those) or more, you must make an Endure roll or become broken. If broken from a failed roll due to this flaw, you can make another Endure roll at the end of each of your turns to remove the condition. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
33. Grave-Touched/Part Undead
You are partially undead or have a supernatural connection with the undead. Perhaps you worship a deity of undeath?
System | Effects |
D&D | You are vulnerable to radiant damage. |
Cypher System | If you take damage from a radiant attack, increase the damage by 50%. |
AGE | |
YZE | If you take damage from a radiant attack, increase the damage by 1. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
34. Gullible/Naive
You have no reason to question what your ears hear and what your eyes see.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Wisdom (Insight) checks. You have disadvantage to see through illusions. Typically an Intelligence (Investigation) check. You have disadvantage on Wisdom saves to resist the charmed condition. |
Cypher System | The difficulty of all attempts to resist charms, see through lies, read people or question another's motives is 2 steps harder for you. |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 to Sense Emotions rolls. Also -2 Manipulation to resist charms and seduction. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
35. Hyperthermic/Can't Handle the Heat
You suffer in the heat and do not do well in it/
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws or ability checks to resist the effects of heat or fire damage. |
Cypher System | |
AGE | |
YZE | |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
36. Heavy Sleeper/Sleepyhead
You like your sleep and when you get it, you are not easy to awaken.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks when asleep, no matter how loud the noise. You have disadvantage on all attacks and checks for 1 minute following a long rest or when roused from your sleep, until you spend an action to 'shake off' your tiredness. To do so, you must spend an action to make a DC 10 Constitution or Wisdom save. A successful save removes the penalties until the next long rest. During a long rest, your hours must be consecutive. If awakened during the required 6 hours rest, you do not get the benefits of a long rest and must start over. |
Cypher System | Any perception checks made to awaken are done so at 2 difficulty levels to your detriment. The difficulty of all checks is made at one step to your detriment for 1 minute following a long rest or when roused from your sleep, until you spend an action to 'shake off' your tiredness. To do so, you must spend an action to make difficulty 3 Might of Intellect roll. A successful check removes the penalties until the next long rest. If you have to exert yourself during your 10 hour rest, you begin the next day with 1 less recovery roll. |
AGE | |
YZE | Any Scout/Observation checks made to awaken are done so at -2. you are -2 on all rolls for 1 minute following a long rest or when roused from your sleep, until you spend an action (normal) to 'shake off' your tiredness. To do so, you must spend an action to make an Endure or Wits roll. A successful check removes the penalties until the next long rest. If you have to exert yourself during your 10 hour rest, you begin the next day with 1 point of fatigue or confusion (or stress if being used). |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
37. Honest/Honorable/Honor-Bound
You believe in a behavioural code, such as chivalry, where your word is your honor. You act in a respectful and non-deceitful manner towards all typical races. Your code may even require you to treat enemies (especially captives) in a decent manner.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Dexterity (Sleight of Hand and Stealth) and Charisma (Deception) checks. |
Cypher System | NA. (See Descriptors: Honorable, Virtuous.) |
AGE | |
YZE | You do not tell lies and any Manipulate check made to deceive is done so at -2. Attempts to trick, steal or deliberately mislead others are all made at -2, no matter the skill. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
38. Illiterate
You are all about talking. There is no need to commit your words to paper. You were likely raised in a community where reading was unexpected or even unknown. (For some settings it is quite possible for the GM to assign this drawback with no benefits, if being illiterate is the norm).
System | Effects |
D&D | You cannot read or write. |
Cypher System | You cannot read or write. |
AGE | |
YZE | You cannot read or write. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
39. Inattentive/Insensitive/Self-Centered/Unaware/Unwise/Vague
You live in your own world and sometimes have difficulty feeling a part of the real world.
System | Effects |
D&D | Reduce your Wisdom score by 2. Major only. Reduce your Wisdom score by 4 (in total). |
Cypher System | Reduce your Intellect Pool by 3. Major only. Reduce your Intellect Pool by 6 (in total). |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 Observation/Scout and Sense Emotions. Major only. Reduce your Wits by 1. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
40. Lame/One-Legged/Slow/Slowpoke
Whether through birth, an accident or injury, you are not as fast on your feet as others. When the others get going, you get left behind.
System | Effects |
D&D | Reduce your speed by 5 feet. Major only. Speed reduction increases to 10 feet. You also have disadvantage on Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. |
Cypher System | All Speed tasks relating to running and jumping are made at 2 difficulty steps to your detriment. Major only. All Speed tasks are 2 difficulty steps harder for you. |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 to Move or -2 meters of movement from speed. Major only. Speed reduction increases to 4 meters. You also have -4 on all Move/Dexterity checks. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
41. Landlubber
You have no sea legs at all. You are uncomfortable on the deck of a moving ship and suffer from motion sickness. (Obviously, you cannot benefit from this drawback if boat travel is not going to feature in the campaign).
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Strength, Constitution and Dexterity checks and saves whilst in or on a waterborne vehicle. At the start of each day (or new journey) aboard a water vessel you must make a Constitution roll to avoid sickness. The DC is 10 and failure results in a level of exhaustion. This can be removed with a similar check following a short rest (or automatically following a long rest) off the vessel (and not at sea of course). |
Cypher System | The difficulty of all Might and Speed-based tasks is 1 higher for you whilst in or on a waterborne vehicle. At the start of each day (or new journey) aboard a water vessel you must make a difficulty 3 Might roll to avoid sickness. Failure results in impairment. This can be removed with a similar check following a short rest (or automatically following a long rest) off the vessel (and not at sea of course). |
AGE | |
YZE | All Strength and Agility-based rolls are made at -2 whilst in or on a waterborne vehicle. At the start of each day (or new journey) aboard a water vessel you must make an Endure roll to avoid sickness. Failure results 1 point of fatigue (hit points) plus one more for every one rolled. This can be removed with a similar check following a short rest (or automatically following a long rest) off the vessel (and not at sea of course). |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
42. Large/Lumbering/Ungainly
Your size can be a problem. You plod around and find acrobatics difficult.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Dexterity (Acrobatics & Stealth) checks. |
Cypher System | The difficulty of all Stealth and acrobatic movement tasks is 1 higher for you. |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 to all Move/Dexterity and Stealth/Infiltration skills rolls. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
43. Limited Vocabulary/Mute
You may have never learnt (or ever been able) to speak clearly, or perhaps you lost the ability to speak after a horrific encounter or a magical curse. Or perhaps your tongue got you into trouble once too often and someone had to remove it for you. You may simply be of a race/species that cannot vocalise the common language. In any case you cannot speak clearly, though you may be able to make noises (ala Ilyn Payne), growl and gesture Chewbacca) or repeat one word or phrase (like "Hodor" or "I am Groot").
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Charisma checks other than Intimidation checks. You cannot communicate complicated concepts through speech. |
Cypher System | All positive social interaction tasks are 2 difficulty levels harder for you. |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 Manipulate. You can only convey simple concepts, thoughts and feelings through speech. |
B&B | Disadvantage on a Persuasion and on Warfare checks to convey plans or commands to others. |
Savage Worlds |
44. Loyal
You do not leave a mate behind.
System | Effects |
D&D | If you are not the last of your group to leave a dangerous situation, then you suffer overwhelming guilt. (This includes running or disengaging from an enemy that still threatens other allies). You have disadvantage on all ability checks until you take a long rest. (If several members of a group have this drawback, then the penalty only applies if there are allies without this drawback left behind). |
Cypher System | If you are not the last of your group to leave a dangerous situation, then you suffer overwhelming guilt. (This includes running or disengaging from an enemy that still threatens other allies). All tasks are made at 2 difficulty levels to your detriment until you take a long rest. (If several members of a group have this inability, then the penalty only applies if there are allies without this inability left behind). |
AGE | |
YZE | If you are not the last of your group to leave a dangerous situation, then you suffer overwhelming guilt. (This includes running or disengaging from an enemy that still threatens other allies). All skill rolls are -1 until you take a long rest. (If several members of a group have this inability, then the penalty only applies if there are allies without this flaw left behind). |
B&B | If you are not the last of your group to leave a dangerous situation, then you suffer overwhelming guilt. (This includes running or disengaging from an enemy that still threatens other allies). All ability rolls are -1 until you take a long rest. (If several members of a group have this inability, then the penalty only applies if there are allies without this flaw left behind). |
Savage Worlds |
45. Mad/Unstable
You suffer from an indefinite madness. This is primarily a roleplaying drawback and should only be taken if the player is comfortable taking on such as restriction.
System | Effects |
D&D | You roll a random flaw from the Indefinite Madness table in the Wizards of the Coast's Dungeon Master's Guide page 260. If you try to resist the urge of your affliction, the GM may require a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. Your madness will also result in situations where you suffer disadvantage too. Many of these situations may be interaction based and will be determined by the GM. |
Cypher System | NA. (See Descriptors: Crazy, Mad). |
AGE | |
YZE | NA. (Though you could still roll a random madness from the D&D table and adapt). |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
46. Nervous/Lying Eyes
You have trouble hiding your thoughts and controlling your nerves when put under pressure. Attempting to make others feel uneasy is just as hard for you.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Charisma (Deception and Intimidation) checks. |
Cypher System | The difficulty of attempts to deceive others is made at 2 difficulty levels higher for you. |
AGE | |
YZE | Any Manipulation roll used to lie is made at -2. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
47. Oath of the Ancestors
You have sworn to follow in the steps of your ancestors and their traditions.
System | Effects |
D&D | You avoid weapons, armors and tools made of metal. Effectively all weapons gain the Fragile property groups (See Weapons Properties in Chapter 5: Equipment) and you cannot wear metal armor or take proficiency in most tool kits and vehicles (DM’s discretion). |
Cypher System | |
AGE | |
YZE | |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
48. Obsession
You have a near-addiction liking for something or someone. It could be a type of vehicle, a certain activity, or type of creature. When the object of your obsession is around you engage in or with it making you distracted to the world around you. Your obsession must be something that would have a regular effect on your behaviour to qualify as a drawback.
System | Effects |
D&D | When in the presence of your obsession you suffer disadvantage on Perception checks. Furthermore, you or another person nearby must spend an action to 'snap you out of your' obsession and concentrate on what is going on around you. |
Cypher System | When in the presence of your obsession Perception tasks are two steps more difficult for you. Furthermore, you or another person nearby must spend an action to 'snap you out of your' obsession and concentrate on what is going on around you. |
AGE | |
YZE | When in the presence of your obsession you suffer -2 to any Observation/Scout rolls. Furthermore, you or another person nearby must spend an action to 'snap you out of your' obsession and concentrate on what is going on around you. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
49. Outsider
You are away from your own people and your ways are strange to those where you are now. (You cannot take this drawback if the campaign is mainly set in your character's homeland, obviously).
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Charisma (Persuasion and Streetwise) checks. (You do not have disadvantage when interacting with people from your homeland or of the same subrace/culture). |
Cypher System | All pleasant social interaction rolls are made at 2 difficulty levels higher for you. (This penalty does not apply when interacting with people from your homeland or of the same subrace/culture). |
AGE | |
YZE | All pleasant social interaction uses of the Manipulate skill (or other skills such as Command) are made at -2. (This penalty does not apply when interacting with people from your homeland or of the same subrace/culture). |
B&B | You have disadvantage on all Persuasion and Knowledge (Streetwise) checks. (You do not have disadvantage when interacting with people from your homeland or of the same subrace/culture). |
Savage Worlds |
50. Phobia
You have an irrational fear of something (like cats, drinking from containers, tall people), or your fear of something that others fear (undead, aberrations, etc) is extreme. Your fear must be something that will have an effect on your abilities, so a creature type is a good choice for this drawback.
System | Effects |
D&D | Upon seeing or being within 30 feet of your phobia, you must make a Wisdom save DC 10 or suffer the frightened condition. This save must be repeated at the start of each of your turns if you remain within 30 feet of your phobia (even if you previously passed the saving throw). Once frightened, you can take a bonus action to make another Wisdom DC 10 save to remove the condition. However, if you roll a natural 1, the fear cannot be overcome this encounter and you do not get to make any more saves. If you roll a natural 20, your 'fight' reflex takes over and you instead gain advantage on your next attack versus the object/creature of your phobia and you do not need to make any more saves to avoid being frightened by your phobia this encounter. |
Cypher System | Upon seeing or being within 30 feet of your phobia, you must make a difficulty 3 Intellect roll or become frightened, making all tasks 1 difficulty level harder for you. This check must be repeated at the start of each of your turns if you remain within 30 feet of your phobia (even if you previously passed the roll). Once frightened, you can spend an action to make another difficulty 3 Intellect roll to remove the condition. |
AGE | |
YZE | Upon seeing or being within 30 feet of your phobia, you must make an 'easy' (+1) Wits roll or become frightened, making all skill rolls -1. This check must be repeated at the start of each of your turns if you remain within 30 feet of your phobia (even if you previously passed the roll). Once frightened, you can spend an action to make another 'easy' Wits roll to remove the condition. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
51. Poor Reflexes/Slow to Act
People always get the jump on you.
System | Effects |
D&D | (Minor is for our Card Initiative only.) You receive 1 penalty card each turn. Major Only. You have disadvantage on initiative and Dexterity saves. (For our Card Initiative this results in 2 penalty cards). |
Cypher System | (Minor is for our Card Initiative only.) You receive 1 penalty card each turn. Major Only. Initiative and non-combat Speed defense tasks are 1 step harder for you. (For our Card Initiative this results in 2 penalty cards). |
AGE | |
YZE | (Minor is for our Card Initiative only.) You receive 1 penalty card each turn. Major Only. -2 On Initiative rolls. -2 Move/Dexterity rolls. (For our Card Initiative this results in 2 penalty cards). |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
52. Primitive
Your people do not make use of metal. Equipment and items are made from unrefined materials such as stone, wood, and bone. Some rare materials, such as obsidian, may make up components too, such as a knife in a healer's bag. This drawback really only hinders the character at initial levels, but can be a good roleplaying angle too. (Again, if the whole campaign is based around having very little equipment and technology, they GM may assign this drawback with no benefits).
System | Effects |
D&D | All starting weapons that would normally include a metal component gain the Fragile property. Starting armor is restricted to non-metal armors. (With a GM's permission, you may have substitutes for some metal armors, such as wood armor, but all AC values should be reduced by 1). Starting equipment is limited to non-metal items. Most can be substituted with other materials, but this will prohibit some items. For example, you might carry a simple oil-burning lamp as opposed to a lantern. You do not start with any coins. After purchasing all equipment, any funds leftover are lost, or if it suits your background could be converted to other commodities available to your people, such as livestock, produce, spices, etc. |
Cypher System | All starting weapons that would normally include a metal component gain the Fragile property. Starting armor is restricted to non-metal armors. Starting equipment is limited to non-metal items. Most can be substituted with other materials, but this will prohibit some items. For example, you might carry a simple oil-burning lamp as opposed to a lantern. You do not start with any coins. After purchasing all equipment, any funds leftover are lost, or if it suits your background could be converted to other commodities available to your people, such as livestock, produce, spices, etc. |
AGE | |
YZE | All starting weapons that would normally include a metal component gain the Fragile property. Starting armor is restricted to non-metal armors. Starting equipment is limited to non-metal items. Most can be substituted with other materials, but this will prohibit some items. For example, you might carry a simple oil-burning lamp as opposed to a lantern. You do not start with any coins. After purchasing all equipment, any funds leftover are lost, or if it suits your background could be converted to other commodities available to your people, such as livestock, produce, spices, etc. |
B&B | All starting weapons that would normally include a metal component gain the Fragile property. Starting armor is restricted to non-metal armors. Starting equipment is limited to non-metal items. Most can be substituted with other materials, but this will prohibit some items. For example, you might carry a simple oil-burning lamp as opposed to a lantern. You do not start with any coins. After purchasing all equipment, any funds leftover are lost, or if it suits your background could be converted to other commodities available to your people, such as livestock, produce, spices, etc. |
Savage Worlds |
53. Self-Reliant
You find it hard working closely with and trusting others to help you.
System | Effects |
D&D | To receive or give help on ability checks you must make a DC8 Wisdom saving throw. |
Cypher System | |
AGE | |
YZE | |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
54. Soft-Skin/Thin-Skinned
Not even your skin offers you much protection. You are a walking pin-cushion.
System | Effects |
D&D | You are vulnerable to piercing damage. |
Cypher System | If you take piercing damage, increase the damage taken by 50%. |
AGE | |
YZE | If you suffer any piercing damage, increase the damage by 1. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
55. Storm-Scarred/Super-Conductor
Something in your past has led you to being vulnerable to attacks from the heavens - more than likely you have upset the gods, or just one of them. (This drawback may not be allowed in settings where such damage types are very rare to nonexistent. If a system relies heavily on energy weapons (as many futuristic settings do, this could become a Major drawback).
System | Effects |
D&D | You are vulnerable to damage from energy weapons, lightning and thunder damage. |
Cypher System | If you take damage from energy weapons, lightning or thunder, increase the damage by 50%. |
AGE | |
YZE | If you take damage from energy weapons, lightning or thunder, increase the damage by 1. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
56. Sunlight Sensitivity/Delver/Ranga
You grew up in the dark or have very sensitive skin.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. You have disadvantage on Constitution (Endurance) rolls to resist the effects of heat. Major only. You have disadvantage on attack rolls when you or your target are in direct sunlight. |
Cypher System | Perception tasks when you or what you are trying to perceive is in sunlight are made at 2 difficulty levels harder for you, as are all rolls made to resist the effects of heat or dehydration. Major only. These penalties also apply on attack rolls when you or your target is in direct sunlight. |
AGE | |
YZE | When you or what you are trying to perceive is in sunlight Observation/scout rolls are made at -2, as are Endure rolls made to resist the effects of heat or dehydration. Major only. These penalties also apply to attack rolls when you or your target is in direct sunlight. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
57. Thin Blooded
Liquids travel faster through your bloodstream and your skin offers little resistance to such fluids.
System | Effects |
D&D | You are vulnerable to acid and poison damage. |
Cypher System | You double any damage you take due to poisons or acid. If poisons do not damage, but have other effects, you Might defense roll to resist them is made at 2 difficulty levels higher. |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 Endure to resist poisons and toxins (inc Rot). |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
58. Wayward
(Minor) NB: May only be taken by half-breed races such as half-elves and half-orcs.
You do not fit into either of your parents races.
System | Effects |
D&D | You gain the Outsider flaw, but the penalties ONLY apply amongst the races of your parents. |
Cypher System | |
AGE | |
YZE | |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
59. Weak/Weakling/Small
You simply lack the bulk and power of other people.
System | Effects |
D&D | Reduce your Strength score by 2. Major only. Reduce your Strength score by 4 (in total). |
Cypher System | Reduce your Might Pool by 3. Major only. Reduce your Might Pool by 6 (in total). |
AGE | |
YZE | -2 to Force rolls. Major only. Reduce your Strength by 1. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
60. Weak Mind/Weak-Willed
Your mind is easy to penetrate and you are easily influenced by magic.
System | Effects |
D&D | You have disadvantage on all Wisdom, Intelligence and Charisma saves. |
Cypher System | The difficulty of Intellect defense tasks is made at 2 levels higher for you. |
AGE | |
YZE | Any roll made to resist confusion, doubt or stress is made at -2. |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |
No. Name/s
System | Effects |
D&D | |
Cypher System | |
AGE | |
YZE | |
B&B | |
Savage Worlds |