All Weapon Stats

Last 3 Edits

6th May, 2020

  • Removed reference to a Mounted property that does not exist. Moved from Spears group. If anyone sees it anywhere else let me know :)

April 4th, 2020

  • Added tail to the Natural Weapons.

Haven't completed this yet

  • Going through Culture & Variations columns and cleaning up. Up to Spears.


The document outlining the groups and the weapons that belong to each are below and also attached to the Equipment Page under Files.

If you wish to quickly determine a group quickly, here is a list of the Weapon Groups:

  1. Axes & Picks
  2. Blowguns
  3. Bows
  4. Brawling
  5. Clubs & Staffs
  6. Crossbows
  7. Flails
  8. Hammers & Maces
  9. Hooks & Sickles
  10. Long Blades
  11. Natural Weapons
  12. Pistols
  13. Polearms
  14. Rifles
  15. Shields (Weapon Group proficiency allows you to add your Proficiency bonus to attacks with shields).
  16. Short Blades
  17. Siege & Heavy weapons
  18. Spears
  19. Thrown & Slings
  20. Whips, Nets & Chains

Weapon Adjustments

Weapon Damage

Some variation weapon and ammunition adjust the base damage of a weapon. For D&D the damage adjusts the die type up or down. For all other systems this modifier is applied straight to damage.

Weapon Ranges

This table appears on the Weapon Properties Page, but repeating here for ease of use. For all our games we use universal range categories.

Range category Distance in meters Distance in feet Distance in 'squares'/inches minis scale Other
Close Range up to about 2 meters up to about 5 feet. 1 square (Also referred to as adjacent or immediate)
Near Range up to about 10 meters up to about 30 feet 6 squares (Typical movement rate for many games)
Short Range up to about 20 meters up to about 60 feet 12 squares (A typical double move action or run movement)
Medium Range up to about 40 meters up to about 120 feet 24 squares (A typical long range spell attack)
Long Range up to about 100 meters up to about 300 feet 60 squares (Typical long range weapon attack)
Extreme up to about 1 kilometer up to about 3,000 feet 600 squares (Basically anything beyond Long range, within eyesight, and reasonable distance for the given weapon used)

Weapon Sizes

All stats are typically for medium-sized wielders. Adjust stats for other sizes as per the table.

A Handy link whilst doing cultures and variations: Land of Nod Blog

CNOTE: Seems it would be a good idea to get Palladium's Compendium of Weapons & Armor. Which also reminds me, I had a blue 2E D&D book I must find: Arms & Equipment Guide from memory.

Size (of wielder) Damage Die* (for weapons made to appropriate size) Properties (if using normal sized weapons)
Tiny ½ die value Only Light weapons can be used, which is replaces with the Two-Handed quality.
Small Normal Disadvantage with Heavy weapons; Versatile is replaced with the Two-handed quality (with no increase to damage)
Large x2 die If weapons don't have Two-handed they gain Light quality; Two-handed is replaced with Versatile; Light weapons as to small to use
Huge x3 die Normal one-handed weapons are to small to use; Two-handed lose that quality; Gain reach
Gargantuan x4 die Only Two-handed weapons can be used and they gain Light; Gain Reach.

*Larger weapons may also gain Qualities such as AP 1, Heavy etc


Axes & Picks

  • Vibro: weapons have rapidly vibrating blades and require power cells. Also called power, molecular or dura-weapons.
Simple Axes & Picks Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Axe - tool D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Heavy, Slashing, Two-handed, Unbalancing Euro (doloire, woodcutter's, wagoner's); Roman (dolabra) Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Handaxe / Throwing D&D1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Light, Range (Near), Slashing, Thrown Africa; America (tomahawk); India (bhuj); Japan (masakari, ono), Indonesia (kapak); Modern (hatchet) 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Mattock D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Bludgeoning & Slashing, Heavy, Two-Handed, Unbalancing ANY (inc ancient digging tools) En5ider
Pick - hand / light D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Piercing Dwarf; Gnome; Modern (prospector) PFCR
Pick - miner's D&D 1d10, Cypher 5, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 4, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d10 AP2, Awkward 2, Heavy, Piercing, Two-Handed, Unbalancing ANY with mining. En5ider; 5E PHB
Martial Axes & Picks Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Axe-Spear D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Double, Heavy; Piercing (spear), Slashing (axe), Spear - uses Spears group proficiency, Versatile, cannot be thrown as a spear Dwarf (urgosh) En5ider; PFCR
Battleaxe D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 3, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Slashing, Versatile Africa (shoka); Athas (carrikal - twin bladed, Fragile, Brutal (rerolls 1's on damage)); China (ch'iang); Egypt (khetan); Euro - north (Dane axe); Gamorean; Greece (labrys); India (parashu, keteriya, tabar, tungi); Japan (masakari, ono); Maritime (boarding axe); Persia (sagaris, tabarzin, 'saddle axe'); Phillipines (panabas); Viking (bearded - as a bonus action can hook on target's shield to provide Wrap-Around for next attack vs the target before the target has their turn; Dane axe) 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Buckler-Axe Axe, Buckler: D&D 1d6, 1d4, Cypher 3, 2, AGE 1d6+1, 1d6-1, YZE 1,1, Gear -1, Crit 2, B&B +d6, +d4 Bludgeoning (buckler), Light; Buckler uses Shields group proficiency, Defensive 1, (Benefits that allow you to use your shield, such as to push or add to Dexterity saves, cannot be used with bucklers), Slashing (axe) Dwarf 3E Complete Warrior
Double battleaxe D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 3, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Double, Heavy, Slashing (both ends), Versatile Orc En5ider; PFCR
Greataxe / Two-handed Axe D&D 1d12, Cypher 6, AGE 3d6, YZE 4, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B+d12 Heavy, Slashing, Two-Handed Euro - north; Orc 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Pick - war / Crowbill D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 AP2, Piercing, Versatile China (daggeraxe); India (zaghnal) Euro - medieval (bec de corbin "crow's beak") 5E PHB
Swordaxe D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 AP1, Slashing, Unbalancing, Versatile 3E Arcana Unearthed
Vibro-ax D&D 2d6, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 3, Gear +0, Crit 1, B&B +d8+2 Heavy, Slashing, Versatile Coriolis (dura axe); Futuristic; Star Wars Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook; Coriolis; Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana
Waraxe D&D 1d10, Cypher 5, AGE 2d6+1, YZE 3, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d10 AP1, Heavy, Slashing, Unbalancing Dwarf PFCR


Simple Blowguns Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Blowgun D&D 1, Cypher 1, AGE 1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 4, B&B 1 Ammunition (Tiny darts), Light, Piercing, Range (Near) Africa; America - central & south; Japan (fukidake) 5E PHB
Martial Blowguns Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Blowgun - Long / Greater D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d3, YZE 1, Gear +1, Crit 3, B&B 1d3 Ammunition (Tiny darts), Piercing, Range (Short), Two-handed Africa (great); America - central, south & Cherokee; Asia - southeast 3E Oriental Adv
Mouth Darts D&D 1, Cypher 1, AGE 1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 4, B&B 1 Ammunition (Tiny darts), Piercing, Range (Close) Japan (fukimi-bari) 5E PHB


Simple Bows Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Shortbow / Hunting bow D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B 2d6 Ammunition (Tiny arrows; quiver counts as item), Piercing, Range (Short), Two-handed ANY (except Australia) 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Martial Bows Damage & Type Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Greatbow D&D 1d10, Cypher 5, AGE 2d6+1, YZE 3, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B 2d6+2 Ammunition (Tiny arrows; quiver counts as item), Heavy, Piercing, Range (Medium), Two-handed, Disadvantage unless Strength is 13+ Africa (Kenyan); Modern (Compound) 3E African Adv; 1E Dragon Mag 189
Longbow D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 1, B&B 2d6+1 Ammunition (Tiny arrows; quiver counts as item), Heavy, Piercing, Range (Medium), Two-handed Africa; Euro (English, Welsh); Elf; Gnolls 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Longbow - composite D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6+1, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 2d6+1 AP1, Ammunition (Tiny arrows; quiver counts as item), Piercing, Heavy, Range (Medium), Two-handed Hobgoblin; Japan (daikyu - Heavy does not apply when mounted) PFCR
Shortbow - composite D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B 2d6 AP1, Ammunition (Tiny arrows; quiver counts as item), Piercing, Range (Short), Two-handed Arabia (ancient to medieval); Asia (steppe riders); China (gong jian); Greece (ancient); Japan (yumi); Rome En5ider; PFCR
Variant Ammunition Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures Sources
Arrow - blunt D&D -1 die type, Cypher -1, AGE -1, YZE -1, B&B -1 Bludgeoning (replaces previous damage type), Range (-1 category) Elf 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 279)
Arrow - flight normal Range (+1 category (max Long) Elf 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 279)
Arrow - signal D&D -1 die type, Cypher -1, AGE -1, YZE -1, B&B -1 Awkward (3); Designed to whistle or emulate a bird's call Elf 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 279)
Arrow - smoke D&D -1 die type, Cypher -1, AGE -1, YZE -1, B&B -1 Awkward (3); Range (-1 category); Trails smoke & creates a cloud in a 10-foot-cube where it lands Elf 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 279)


  • Vibro: weapons have rapidly vibrating blades and require power cells. Also called power, molecular or dura-weapons. Some dura claws even retract into their gloves.
Simple Brawling Weapons Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Dura Claws D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 1, B&B 1d6 Light, Piercing OR Slashing Coriolis Coriolis
Energy Stick D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 2, Gear +2, Crit 3, B&B 1d6 Energy (lightning) OR Stun Coriolis; Futuristic (zapper, zap stick) Coriolis
Gauntlet / Brass knuckles D&D 1d3, Cypher 2, AGE 1d3+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d3 Bludgeoning, Light ANY with armor (gauntlet); Japan (kote); Modern (brass knuckles); Roman (cestus); Star Wars (combat gloves) 3E Arcana Unearthed; SW Weird Wars Rome; Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Gauntlet - spiked D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Light, Piercing ANY with armor 3E Arcana Unearthed
Improvised (small) D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6-1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Fragile, Light, Range (Near), Thrown ANY 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Improvised (med) D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6, YZE 2, Gear -1, Crit 3, B&B +d6 Awkward 2, Fragile, Range (Near), Thrown ANY -
Improvised (large) D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 3, Gear -1, Crit 4, B&B +d8 Awkward 3, Heavy, Two-handed, Unbalancing ANY -
Knife D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 Finesse, Light, Piercing OR Slashing, Range (Near), Thrown ANY; Africa (telek); Modern (survival - can have Tiny items stored in hilt); Wild West (bowie) Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Powered Glove D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning, Light Coriolis; Star Wars (powered combat gloves); Valkana Coriolis; Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook; Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana
Unarmed Strike D&D 1, Cypher 2, AGE 1d3, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +0 Bludgeoning, Light ANY 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Vibrobdagger D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 1, B&B +d4+2 Finesse, Light, Piercing OR Slashing, Range (Near), Thrown Coriolis (dura knife); Star Wars; Valkana (power knife) Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook; Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana
Wrist razors D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 Light, Piercing OR Slashing Athas; Coriolis (claws) 4E DSCS
Martial Brawling Weapons Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Nekode / Palm claws D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Finesse, Light, Slashing Japan (nekode) PFCR; 3E Oriental Adv
Punching dagger D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Light, Piercing Athas (puchik); India (katar; scissor katar or panther claw - add Defensive 1, Disarm) PFCR; 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 281); 4E DSCS
Sai D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning, Defensive 1, Disarm, Finesse, Light Halfling; Japan (also jitte with one guard) En5ider; 3E Oriental Adv
Siangham D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 Piercing Japan PFCR
Star Knife D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 Finesse, Light, Piercing, Range (Near), Thrown Golarion PFCR
Tonfa or Whacking stick D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning, Defensive 1, Light Africa (knobkerrie, iWisa); Japan (tonfa) PFCR; 3E Oriental Adv
Tortoise blade Punching dagger, Buckler: D&D 1d6, 1d4, Cypher 3, 2, AGE 1d6+1, 1d6-1, YZE 2,1 Gear +0, Crit 2, 3, B&B +d6, +d4 Bludgeoning (buckler), Light; Buckler uses Shields group proficiency, Defensive 1, (Benefits that allow you to use your shield, such as to push or add to Dexterity saves, cannot be used with bucklers), Piercing (punching dagger) Athas; Gnome 4E DSCS; 3E Complete Warrior

Clubs & Staffs

Simple Clubs & Staffs Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Club / Cudgel D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d4, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning, Light ANY; Africa (knobkerrie); Maritime (belaying pin); Modern (baseball bat; baton - Gear +2; extendable baton - add Light property); Phillipines (muton) 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Club - throwing D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning, Light, Range (Near), Thrown Africa (small knobkerrie)
Sap D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d3+1, YZE 1, Gear +1, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning, (Foes reduced to 0 hit points are unconscious) ANY (sack full of sand, stones, coins, etc); Modern (leather & lead) PFCR
Quarterstaff D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +1, Crit 3, B&B +d6 Bludgeoning, Double (and Light when used as a double weapon), Versatile ANY; China (bang, gun); India (lathi); Indonesia (toya); Japan (bo); Korea (bong); Future (expandable - add Light property) 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Sling staff D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning, Fragile, Two-Handed, (see Thrown & Slings for ranged) Halfling (hoopak)
Stun baton D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 1, Gear +2, Crit 3, B&B +d6 Light, Stun (only) Coriolis (shock stick); Star Wars Coriolis; Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook
Martial Clubs & Staffs Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Electrostaff D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 3, Gear +2, Crit 3, B&B +d8 Double (and Light when used as a double weapon), Energy (Lightning), Versatile Coriolis (Energy staff); Star Wars Coriolis; Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook
Greatclub D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Bludgeoning, Heavy, Two-handed ANY; China (chang bang); India (gada); Japan (tetsubo)
Morningstar / Spiked club D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 3, B&B +d8 AP 1, Bludgeoning & Piercing ANY; Modern (baseball bat with nails) 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook


Simple Crossbows Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Light Crossbow D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6+1, YZE 2, Gear +2, Crit 2, B&B 2d6 AP 1, Ammunition (Tiny bolts; case is 1 item), Piercing, Range (Short), Loading, Two-Handed Africa (Congo); China (nu); Dwarf; Euro 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Martial Crossbows Damage & Type Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Hand Crossbow D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B 2d4 Ammunition (Tiny bolts; case is 1 Light item), Light, Loading, Piercing, Range (Near) Drow; Euro - Renaissance 5E PHB
Heavy Crossbow D&D 1d10, Cypher 5, AGE 2d6+3, YZE 3, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 2d8 AP 2, Ammunition (Tiny bolts; case is 1 item), Heavy, Piercing, Range (Medium), Rof 1, Loading, Two-Handed Dwarf; Euro 5E PHB
Repeating Crossbow D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 2d6 Ammunition (Tiny bolts; case is 1 item), Awkward 2, Double-shot, Heavy, Piercing, Range (Short), Reload (6 shots), Two-Handed Dwarf; China (Cho-ko-nu/Shuge); Korea (Sunogung); Westeros (Myrish - Reload (3)) En5ider; 3E PFCR
Variant Ammunition Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Bolt - thunder D&D -1 die type, Cypher -1, AGE -1, YZE -1, B&B -1 Bludgeoning, Range (-1 category); Creatures within 10-feet of impact point must make a DC 12 Constitution save. On a failed save they are deafened (save at the end of each turn to remove). If a creature is the target, they also suffer 1d6 thunder damage on a failed save. Dwarf 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 279)


  • Bladed: flails deal Slashing damage but gain the Awkward (2) property.
  • Spiked: flails (morningstars) gain AP 1 and deal Piercing damage as well as Bludgeoning damage. 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 304).
Simple Flails Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Ball & chain D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d6 Awkward 2, Bludgeoning, Heavy, Trip, Unbalancing, Wrap-Around ANY with Iron Age technology En5ider
Flail - Light/Grain/Tool * D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning, Fragile, Light, Trip, Wrap-Around ANY agricultural; Japan (nunchaku - add Disarm, Finesse, remove Fragile); Modern (bike chain) En5ider; PFCR
Martial Flails Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Flail * D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d8 Bludgeoning, Trip, Wrap-Around China (2-section staff); Euro 5E PHB
Flail - heavy * D&D 1d10, Cypher 5, AGE 2d6+3, YZE 3, Gear -1, Crit 3, B&B +d10 Bludgeoning, Heavy, Trip, Two-handed, Wrap-Around Euro 3E Arcana Unearthed
Three-section staff D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d6 Awkward 2, Bludgeoning, Disarm, Trip, Wrap-Around China 3E Oriental Adv

Hammers & Maces

  • Vibro: weapons have rapidly vibrating blades and require power cells. Also called power, molecular or dura-weapons.
Simple Hammers & Maces Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Hammer - tool D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning ANY 5E PHB
Hammer - light / throwing D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning, Light, Range (Near), Thrown Dwarf; Viking 5E PHB
Mace D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 3, B&B +d6 Bludgeoning China (suan tou fung); Euro; Indonesia (gada) 5E PHB
Martial Hammers & Maces Damage & Specific Stats Properties ~ grey|Cultures & Variations## Sources
Maul D&D 2d6, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+3, YZE 4, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d12 AP 2, Bludgeoning, Heavy, Two-handed, Unbalancing Euro (Saxon, Viking); Modern (sledgehammer) 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Power sledge D&D 2d8, Cypher 8, AGE 3d6+2, YZE 4, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d12+2 AP 2, Bludgeoning, Heavy, Two-handed, Unbalancing Coriolis; Futuristic Coriolis; Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana
Warhammer / Warmace D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d8 Bludgeoning, Versatile Euro 5E PHB; 3E Complete Warrior; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook

Hooks & Sickles

Simple Hooks & Sickles Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Gaff / Hafted hook D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Barbed, Heavy, Piercing, Reach, Trip, Toggle (max 10 ft.), Two-Handed Asia (ankus/elephant goad - may have a spear head on end); Maritime (gaff); Ogre (can also deal Slashing damage) 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 331); SW Pirates of the Spanish Main
Hook D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 Barbed, Finesse, Light, Piercing Maritime SW Pirates of the Spanish Main
Sickle D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Light, Piercing OR Slashing Asherati/Desert (eagle claw); Celtic; China (lian); Greece; Indonesia (badik); Japan (kama); Ogre (ogre hook) 5E PHB
Martial Hooks & Sickles Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Alhulak D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Fragile, Piercing & Slashing, Trip, Versatile Athas 4E DSCS
Cahulaks D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Awkward 2 (when thrown), Double, Entangling (when thrown), Fragile, Piercing & Slashing, Range (Near), Thrown, Trip, Wrap-Around (when thrown) Athas 4E DSCS
Mangler D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Fragile, Light, Slashing 3E Arcana Unearthed
Sickle sword D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Piercing OR Slashing, Wrap-Around Africa north east (shotel); Egypt (sickle sword); Euro - east (sica) 3E African Adv; 1E Dragon Mag 189

Long Blades

  • Vibro: weapons have rapidly vibrating blades and require power cells. Also called power, molecular or dura-weapons.
Simple Long Blades Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Long blade D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Slashing, Versatile Africa (Dohemey nyek-ple-nen-toh/razor sword - add Serrated); Africa north west medieval (kaskara); China (jian); Euro (cusped falchion; longsword - can also deal Piercing damage; sabre -add Defensive 1); India (khandar); Japan (katana - Gear +2); Korea (gum); Maritime (shark-toothed longsword, add Serrated); Nepal (ram dao); Roman (spartha); Orc (falchion) 5E PHB; SW Weird Wars Rome; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Martial Long Blades Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Double Laser sword D&D 2d6, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+3, YZE 3, Gear +2, Crit 1, B&B +d8+8 AP 6, Double, Energy Star Wars (lightsaber - add Awkward (3) and Gear -2 unless Force Sensitive) Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook
Double longsword D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 3, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Double, Slashing Elf PFCB
Greatsword / Two-handed Sword D&D 2d6, Cypher 6, AGE 3d6, YZE 4, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d12 Heavy, Slashing, Two-Handed Arabia (great falchion); Burma (dalwel); Dacia/Thrace (falx, add Wrap-Around); Japan (nagamaki, no-dachi); Orc (great falchion); Scotland (claymore) 5E PHB; SW Weird Wars Rome; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Khopesh D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 3, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Slashing, Trip, Versatile Dothraki (arakh); Egypt
Laser sword D&D 2d6, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+3, YZE 3, Gear +2, Crit 1 AP 6, Energy, Light, Versatile Star Wars (lightsaber - Add Awkward (3) and Gear -2 unless Force Sensitive) Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook
Swordaxe D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 3, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 AP 1, Slashing, Unbalancing, Versatile Euro (cleaver falchion) 3E Arcana Unearthed
Vibrosword D&D 1d10, Cypher 5, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 3, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B +d8+2 Piercing OR Slashing Coriolis (dura sword); Star Wars; Valkana (power) Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook; Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana

Natural Weapons

  • These stats are guidelines for a Medium-sized creature. Actual damage may depend upon make and size of actual weapons. For eg a stone slam should increase the damage die by one or a constrictor snake may not get any extra damage for a bite.
Simple Natural Weapons Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Bite – Fangs D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 Finesse, Piercing Egs (poisonous snake, ghoul, rat)
Bite – shredding D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +0 or +d4 Piercing or Slashing Egs (dragon, lizardfolk, wolf)
Bite – crushing D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +0 or +d4 Bludgeoning & Slashing, Entangling Egs (constrictor snake, dragon, snapping turtle)
Bash / Hoof / Slam D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning Egs (stone elemental, horse, zombie)
Claws D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +0 or +d4 Finesse, Light, Slashing Egs (great cat, skeleton)
Gore / Horns D&D 1d4 or 1d6, Cypher 2 or 3, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1 or 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 or +d6 Piercing Egs (minotaur)
Proboscis D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Finesse, Piercing Egs (giant mosquito, stirge)
Tail D&D 1d6, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Bludgeoning, Trip Egs (guard drake)
Tentacle D&D 1d4 or none, Cypher 2 on none, AGE 1d6 or none, YZE 1 or none, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 or none Bludgeoning, Entangling, Reach, Trip, Wrap-Around Egs (octopus, roper)


  • Accelerator: These weapons use magnetism to fire flechettes. Typically recoil free but with a lower rate of fire than other advanced weapons. Also called rail, coil, flechette or magnetic guns.
  • Laser: Super-charged energy that burns. These have varying damage, so if you choose the higher setting, you have more chance of running out of ammunition or overheating. Sometimes called thermal weapons. (May deal radiant damage if that damage type is used).
  • SPP: Self-Propelled Projectiles. These weapons typically fire tiny rockets that explode on impact.
Simple Pistols Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Accelerator Pistol D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B 2d6+1 Ammunition (Tiny clip of flechettes), AP 2, Light, Reload (10 shots), Range (Medium), Silent Coriolis ; Futuristic Coriolis
Derringer D&D 1d6, Cypher 2, AGE 1d3+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B 2d6 Ammunition (Tiny bullets; box of 50 is Light item), AP 1, Light, Piercing, Reload (2 shots), Range (Near) Euro (English 1840 model - Reload (8 shots)); Wild West (Rupertus Pepperbox - Reload (8 shots), remove AP; Wesson dagger pistol - can also be used as a dagger). Mutant: Year Zero; Deadlands Player's Guide
Semi-automatic pistol D&D 1d8, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B 2d6 Ammunition (Tiny clip of bullets), AP 3, Auto-fire (empties clip), Double-Shot, Light, Piercing, Reload (15 shots), Range (Short) Modern (Colt M1911 - +1 damage; Desert Eagle - +1 damage (increase to 2d8 for B&B); Glock; Ruger - -1 damage); Steam punk (Gatling pistol - no clip, Reload (12), AP 2, remove Light) 5E DMG; SW Deluxe CR
Flare gun D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 2d6 Ammunition (Tiny flare, damage is 'per shot'), Energy (fire), Light, Loading, Range (short) Modern Mutant: Year Zero
Gunpowder pistol D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B 2d6+1 Ammunition (Tiny bullets; pouch of 20 is Light item), AP 1, Awkward (2), Light, Loading (2), Piercing, Range (Near) Euro Renaissance (flintlock); Maritime (flintlock) 5E DMG; SW Pirates of the Spanish Main; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Hold-Out Laser pistol D&D 1-3d4, Cypher 2-4, AGE 1d6-1 to +1, YZE 1-2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 1-3d4 Ammunition (Tiny energy cell, damage is 'per shot'), AP 1, Double-Shot, Energy, Light, Reload (50 shots), Reliable, Range (Short), Stun Coriolis (thermal cricket - no Stun setting); Futuristic; Star Wars (blaster) Star Wars Sage Core Rulebook; Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana
Ion gun D&D 3d4, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 3d4 Ammunition (Tiny energy cell, damage is 'per shot'), Energy (ion), Light, Reload (50 shots), Reliable, Range (Short) Futuristic (usually added to other laser weapons); Star Wars
Laser pistol D&D 1-3d6, Cypher 3-5, AGE 1d6+2-4, YZE 1-3, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 1-3d6 Ammunition (Tiny energy cell, damage is 'per shot'), AP 2, Double-Shot, Energy, Light, Reload (50 shots), Range (Short), Stun Coriolis (thermal - Range (Long), no Stun setting); Futuristic; Star Wars (blaster) 5E DMG; SW Deluxe CR; Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana
Revolver D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +2, Crit 2, B&B 2d6+1 Ammunition (Tiny bullets; box of 50 is Light item), AP 4, Double-Shot (not for single-action revolvers), Light, Piercing, Reload (6 shots), Range (Short) Modern (Smith & Wesson Magnum); Wild West (Colt Army single-action - +1 damage; Colt Dragoon single-action; Colt Frontier; Colt Lightning; Colt Navy single-action; Colt Thunderer; LeMat Grapeshot pistol - Reload (9) & add single-shot sawn-off shotgun barrel; Smith & Wesson .44, Peacemaker single & double-action - +1 damage; Starr revolver - +1 damage) 5E DMG; Savage Worlds Deluxe CR; Mutant: Year Zero; Deadlands Player's Guide
SPP Pistol D&D 1d10, Cypher 5, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 2d6+1 Ammunition (Tiny energy cell & Tiny clip of explosive rockets), Double-shot, Reload (10 shots), Reliable, Range (Short) Coriolis (Vulcan) ; Futuristic Coriolis
SPP Light Pistol D&D 1d10, Cypher 5, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 2d6 Ammunition (Tiny energy cell & Tiny clip of explosive rockets), Double-shot, Light, Reload (10 shots), Range (Short) Coriolis (Vulcan Cricket; Vulcan Scorpion - Gear -1, add Auto-Fire, Awkward (2)); Futuristic Coriolis
Stun gun D&D 3d4, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 3, B&B 3d4 Ammunition (Tiny energy cell, damage is 'per shot'), Light, Reload (50 shots), Reliable, Range (Short), Stun (only) Coriolis; Futuristic (usually added to other laser weapons); Star Wars (blaster) Coriolis
Martial Pistols Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
High-Powered Laser pistol D&D 1-3d8, Cypher 4-6, AGE 2d6+0 to +2, YZE 2-4, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 1-3d6 Ammunition (Tiny energy cell, damage is 'per shot), AP 3, Double-Shot, Energy, Reload (50 shots), Range (Near), Stun Futuristic; Star Wars (heavy blaster) Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana
SPP High-Powered Pistol D&D 2d6, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+1, YZE 3, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B 2d6+2 Ammunition (Tiny energy cell & Tiny clip of explosive rockets), Double-shot, Reload (10 shots), Range (Short) Coriolis (Vulcan Arax Omir); Futuristic Coriolis


  • Vibro: weapons have rapidly vibrating blades and require power cells. Also called power, molecular or dura-weapons.
Simple Polearms Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Scythe D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Awkward 2, Heavy, Slashing, Two-Handed, Wrap-Around Euro; Greece; Roman; Scythia En5ider; PFCR
Martial Polearms Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Vibro-halberd D&D 2d6, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+5, YZE 3, Gear +0, Crit 1, B&B +d10+2 Heavy, Reach, Slashing, Two-Handed Coriolis (dura); Futuristic; Valkana (power) Coriolis; Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana
Fauchard D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Entangling, Heavy, Reach, Slashing, Trip, Two-Handed Euromedieval; Fauchard-fork (add spear point) 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 331)
Glaive D&D 1d10, Cypher 5, AGE 2d6+1, YZE 3, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d10 Heavy, Reach , Slashing, Two-Handed China (chan, da dao, guandao); Euro medieval; Japan (naginata); Russia (sovnya) 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Guisarme Main blade, hook & spear: D&D 1d8, 1d6, Cypher 4, 3, AGE 2d6, 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8, +d6 Barbed (hook), Heavy, Piercing (hook or spear), Reach, Slashing, Trip, Two-Handed Euro medieval 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 331)
Halberd Main blade, spear point: D&D 1d10, 1d8, Cypher 5, 4, AGE 2d6+3, 1d6+3, YZE 3, 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d10 Heavy, Piercing (spear), Reach, Readied, Slashing (blade), Two-Handed Athas (trikal - no piercing damage, remove Readied property); China (ch'i chi); Euro medieval; Japan (bisento); France (voulge - no spear point, remove Readied property) 5E PHB; 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 331); Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Crescent Blades D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Double, Heavy, Slashing Athas (lotilus); Japan (lajatang); Kreen (gythka) 5E MM; 3E Oriental Adv; 3E Complete Warrior; 3E Sandstrom
Man-Catcher D&D None or 1d6, Cypher none or 3, AGE none or 1d6+1, YZE none or 2, Gear +1, Crit 4, B&B none or +d6 Entangling (DC 12 to escape), Heavy, Piercing, Reach, Trip, Two-Handed Euro medieval; Japan (sasumata); Papua New Guinea (spear & loop) 3E Oriental Adv; 3E Complete Warrior
Pike D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6+1, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Awkward (2), Heavy, Piercing, Reach (+10ft), Readied, Two-Handed Euro - Renaissance (awl pike); Greece ancient (sarissa); Japan 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 331); 2E Age of Heroes
Pole-Axe / Bardiche D&D 2d6, Cypher 6, AGE 3d6, YZE 4, Gear -1, Crit 1, B&B +d12 AP 1, Awkward 2, Heavy, Reach, Slashing, Two-Handed, Unbalancing Africa (elephant axe); Euro late medieval; Scotland (lochaber axe) En5ider; 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 331); 3E African Adv
Pole-Pick Pick head, spear point: D&D 2d6, 1d6, Cypher 6, 3, AGE 2d6+2, 1d6+3, YZE 3, 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d12, +d6 AP 2 (pick head), Awkward 2, Heavy, Piercing, Reach, Two-Handed, Unbalancing Euro (bec de corbin 'crow's beak'); Switzerland (lucerne hammer - add a 1d8 bludgeoning head with AP 2) 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 331)
Ransuer D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Heavy, Disarm, Piercing, Reach, Readied, Two-Handed Derro (duom - back points that deal 1d6 piercing damage and can be used vs foes within 5ft at no penalty); Euro (ransuer; spetum or partisan - both can deal 1d6 slashing damage). PFCR; 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 331)

Rifles & Carbines

  • Accelerator: These weapons use magnetism to fire flechettes. Typically recoil free but with a lower rat of fire than other advanced weapons. Also called rail, coil, flechette, vulcan or magnetic guns.
  • Laser: Super-charged energy that burns. These have varying damage, so if you choose the higher setting, you have more chance of running out of ammunition or overheating. Sometimes called thermal weapons. (May deal radiant damage if that damage type is used).
  • SPP: Self-Propelled Projectiles. These weapons typically fire tiny rockets that explode on impact.
Simple Rifles Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Accelerator carbine D&D 1d10, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 3, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B 2d8 Ammunition (Tiny clip of flechettes), AP 4, Auto-Fire, Reload (30 shots), Range (Long), Silent, Versatile Coriolis; Futuristic Coriolis
Accelerator rifle D&D 1d12, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+3, YZE 3, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B 2d8+1 Ammunition (Tiny clip of flechettes), AP 4, Auto-Fire, Heavy, Reload (30 shots), Range (Long), Silent, Two-Handed Coriolis (Nestera Paradox, Dam 4, Gear +0, Anti-Vehicle, Heavy); Futuristic Coriolis
Assault rifle D&D 1d10, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+1, YZE 2, Gear +2, Crit 2, B&B 2d8 Ammunition (Light magazine of bullets), AP 4, Auto-fire, Double-shot, Heavy, Piercing, Range (Medium), Reload (30 shots), Two-handed Modern (Heckler & Koch G3 - Reload (20); M-16 - add Reliable; Steyr AUG); Steam Punk (Gatling rifle - Reload (12); WWII (Russia AK-47 - add +1 damage) 5E DMG; SW Deluxe CR
Blunderbuss D&D 2d8, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 3, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 3d6 Ammunition (Pouch of shot; 10 pouches are a light item), AP 1 (at normal range only), Awkward (2), Loading (2), Heavy, Piercing, Range (Near), Spray, Two-handed Euro - Renaissance; Maritime 5E DMG; SW Pirates of the Spanish Main; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Carbine D&D 2d6, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 2d8 Ammunition (Tiny bullets; box of 50 Light item), AP 4, Piercing, Range (Short), Loading OR Reload (5 shots), Versatile Wild West (Burnside - Loading (1); LeMat - Reload (9) & single-shot shotgun barrel; Spencer - Reload (7 shots); Sharps - Loading (1)); WWII (German Karabiner 98kurz; US M1 carbine - Reload (15)) Deadlands Player's Guide
Laser carbine D&D 1-3d8, Cypher 4-6, AGE 2d6+1-3, YZE 2-4, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 1-3d8 Ammunition (Tiny energy cell, damage is 'per shot'), AP 2, Auto-fire, Double-Shot, Energy, Reload (30 shots), Range (Medium), Versatile Coriolis (thermal, replace Auto-Fire with Thermal Sweep); Futuristic; Star Wars (blaster) 5E DMG; SW Deluxe CR; Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana
Laser rifle D&D 1-3d8, Cypher 5-7, AGE 3d6 +0-2, YZE 3-5, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B 1-3d8 Ammunition (Tiny energy cell, damage is 'per shot'), AP 4, Auto-fire, Energy, Heavy, Reload (50 shots), Range (Long), Two-Handed Coriolis (thermal); Futuristic; Star Wars (blaster) Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana
Musket / Arquebus D&D 1d10, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+3, YZE 3, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B 2d8 Ammunition (Tiny bullets; pouch of 20 is Light item), AP 2, Awkward (2), Heavy, Loading (2), Piercing, Range (Near), Two-handed British Army (Brown Bess); Euro - Renaissance; Maritime; Rifled (add Gear +1 & Range (Short)); US (Springfield musket - rifled after 1855; Kentucky longrifle - rifled; Pennsylvania longrifle - rifled); Wild West (Enfield musket) 5E DMG; SW Pirates of the Spanish Main; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Rifle D&D 2d6, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 2d8 Ammunition (Tiny bullets; box of 50 Light item), AP 5, Heavy, Piercing, Range (Long), Loading OR Reload, Two-handed Coriolis (long rifle, single shot); Modern (Barret - add Reliable, +1 damage increase B&B to 2d10, Reload (11)); Sawn-off (Range (Short)); Wild West (Ballard '72 - Loading (1); Bullard Express - Reload (11 shots), +1 damage increase B&B to 2d10; Colt-Paterson Model '36 - Reload (7), +1 damage increase B&B to 2d10; Colt revolving rifle - Reload (5); Evans Old model Sporter; Sharps Big 50 - Loading (1), +1 damage increase B&B to 2d10; Springfield - Loading (1), +1 damage increase B&B to 2d10; Winchester lever-action - Reload (15)); WWII (German Karabiner 98kurz; US M1 carbine - Reload (15)) 5E DMG; SW Deluxe CR, Coriolis
Shotgun D&D 2d8, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 3, Gear +2, Crit 2, B&B 3d6 Ammunition (Tiny shells; Box of 20 Light item), AP 1 (at normal range only), Heavy, Loading, Piercing, Range (Short), Spray, Two-handed Coriolis (Saladin grape gun); Modern; Sawn-off (Range (Near), Crit 3, but can target 3 targets beyond normal range, remove Heavy). 5E DMG; SW Deluxe CR; Coriolis
Shotgun - automatic D&D 2d8, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 3, Gear +2, Crit 2, B&B 3d6 Ammunition (Tiny shells; Box of 20 Light item), AP 1 (at normal range only), Auto-Fire, Heavy, Piercing, Reload (20 shots), Range (Short), Spray, Two-handed Coriolis (Grape carbine); Modern (Streetsweeper - replace Auto-Fire with Double Shot, Reload (12 shots), Loading (2)); Steam Punk (Gatling shotgun - Reload (12); Wild West (Colt Revolving Shotgun - Reload (5)) Deadlands Player's Guide; Coriolis
Shotgun - double barrel D&D 2d8, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 3, Gear +2, Crit 2, B&B 3d6 Ammunition (Tiny shells; Box of 20 Light item), AP 1 (at normal range only), Double-Shot, Heavy, Piercing, Reload (2 shots), Range (Short), Spray, Two-handed Modern; Sawn-off (Range (Near), Crit 3, but can target 3 targets beyond normal range, remove Heavy). Deadlands Player's Guide; 5E DMG; SW Deluxe CR; Mutant: Year Zero
Shotgun - pump action D&D 2d8, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 3, Gear +2, Crit 2, B&B 3d6 Ammunition (Tiny shells; Box of 20 Light item), AP 1 (at normal range only), Heavy, Piercing, Reload (6 shots), Range (Short), Spray, Two-handed Coriolis (Grape rifle); Modern; Sawn-off (Range (Near), Crit 3, but can target 3 targets beyond normal range, remove Heavy); Wild West (Winchester lever-action - Reload (4) Deadlands Player's Guide; 5E DMG; SW Deluxe CR
SPP Carbine D&D 2d8, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 3, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 2d8 Ammunition (Tiny energy cell & Tiny clip of explosive rockets), Auto-Fire, Double-shot, Reload (30 shots), Range (Short), Versatile Coriolis (Vulcan; Vulcan PDW; Legionnaire Dayal-3, add High Capacity, Range (Long), grenade launcher); Futuristic Coriolis
Submachine gun D&D 1d8, Cypher 5, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +2, Crit 2, B&B 2d6 Ammunition (Light magazine of bullets), AP 4, Auto-fire, Double-shot, Piercing, Range (Short), Reload (30 shots), Two-handed Modern (Heckler & Koch MP5 - add Reliable; M-16; Tommygun - can add High Capacity property with round magazine; Uzi - replace two-Handed with Versatile); WWII (German MP40) 5E DMG; SW Deluxe CR
Martial Rifles Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Accelerator machine gun D&D 2d8, Cypher 7, AGE 3d6, YZE 3, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 2d8+1 Ammunition (Magazine of flechettes counts as item), AP 5, Auto-fire (High-Capacity), Brace/Bulky, Heavy, Piercing, Range (Medium), Reload (100 shots), Silent, Two-handed Coriolis Coriolis
Antimatter rifle D&D 6d8, Cypher 8, AGE 4d6+2, YZE 5, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B 4d8 Ammunition (Tiny energy cell), AP 5, Energy, Heavy, Reload (2 shots), Range (Long), Two-handed Futuristic 5E DMG
Laser machine gun D&D 1-3d10, Cypher 5-7, AGE 3d6 +1-3, YZE 4, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B 1-3d8 Ammunition (Belt of caps or magazine counts as item), AP 4, Auto-fire (High-Capacity), Brace/Bulky, Energy, Heavy, Range (Medium), Reload (100+ shots), Thermal Sweep, Two-handed Coriolis (Thermal machine gun); Star Wars (repeating blaster rifle); Valkana (blaster sweeper) Coriolis; Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana
Machine gun D&D 2d6, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 4, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 2d8 Ammunition (Belt of bullets counts as item), AP 5, Auto-fire (High-Capacity), Brace/Bulky, Heavy, Piercing, Range (Medium), Reload (100+ shots), Two-handed Modern (M-60, +1 damage; SAW); WWII (German MG 34 & 42 - +1 damage; Russian DPMG)
SPP machine gun D&D 2d10, Cypher 8, AGE 3d6, YZE 4, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 2d8+1 Ammunition (Magazine of explosive rockets counts as item), Auto-fire (High-Capacity), Brace/Bulky, Heavy, Piercing, Range (Short), Reload (100 shots), Two-handed Coriolis (Vulcan) Coriolis
Twin accelerator carbine D&D 1d10, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 3, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B 2d8 Ammunition (Tiny clip of flechettes), AP 4, Auto-Fire, Double-Shot, Heavy, Reload (30 shots), Range (Medium), Silent, Two-Handed Coriolis; Futuristic Coriolis


  • Spiked shields: gain AP 1 and deal Piercing damage as well as Bludgeoning damage.
Simple Shields Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Buckler D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6-1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning, Defensive 1, Light, (Benefits that allow you to use your shield, such as to push or add to Dexterity saves, cannot be used with bucklers) Dwarf; Euro - Renaissance PFCR; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Small Shield D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning, Defensive 1, Light ANY; Roman (parma) PFCR; SW Weird Wars Rome; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Martial Shields Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Buckler-Axe Axe, Buckler: D&D 1d6, 1d4, Cypher 3, 2, AGE 1d6+1, 1d6-1, YZE 2, 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d6, +d4 Bludgeoning (buckler), Defensive 1, Light, Slashing (axe), (Benefits that allow you to use your shield, such as to push or add to Dexterity saves, cannot be used with bucklers), Axe uses Axes & Picks group proficiency Dwarf 3E Complete Warrior
Shield D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d6 Bludgeoning, Defensive 2 ANY; Africa (Zulu nguni); Greek (aspis, clipeus, hoplon); Norman (kite shield)Roman (clipeus, scutum) 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Tortoise Blade Punching dagger, Buckler: D&D 1d6, 1d4, Cypher 3, 2, AGE 1d6+1, 1d6-1, YZE 2, 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d6, +d4 Bludgeoning (buckler), Defensive 1, Light, Piercing (punching dagger), (Benefits that allow you to use your shield, such as to push or add to Dexterity saves, cannot be used with bucklers); Punching dagger uses Brawling group proficiency, Light Athas; Gnome; Halfling 4E DSCS; 3E Complete Warrior

Short Blades

  • Vibro: weapons have rapidly vibrating blades and require power cells. Also called power, molecular or dura-weapons.
Simple Short Blades Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Dagger / Dirk D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 Finesse, Light, Piercing, Range (Near), Thrown ANY; Bhurma (dhaw); China (bi shou); India (khanjarli); Japan (tanto); Roman (pugio); Thailand (mit) 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Knife D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 Finesse, Light, Piercing OR Slashing, Range (Near), Thrown ANY; Africa (telek) Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Kukri D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 Finesse, Light, Slashing Africa (scrub knife); Nepal PFCR
Mercurium knife D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 3, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Finesse, Light, Piercing Coriolis Coriolis
Vibrobdagger D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 1, B&B +d4+2 Finesse, Light, Piercing OR Slashing, Range (Near), Thrown Coriolis (dura knife); Star Wars; Valkana (power) Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook; Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana
Martial Short Blades Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Double shortsword D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Double, Finesse, Light, Piercing Elf PFCR; 3E Arcana Unearthed (swordstaff)
Foil / Epee D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Finesse, Light, Piercing Elf (elven lightblade); Euro - Renaissance
Laser shortsword D&D 2d4, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+5, YZE 3, Gear +2, Crit 1, B&B +d6+8 AP 6, Energy, Light, Versatile Star Wars (lightsaber - Add Awkward (3) and Gear -2 unless Force Sensitive) Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook
Main-Gauche D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 Defensive 1, Disarm, Finesse, Light, Piercing Euro - Renaissance En5ider; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Mercurium sword D&D 1d10, Cypher 5, AGE 2d6+2, YZE 3, Gear +2, Crit 2, B&B +d10 Light, Piercing Coriolis Coriolis
Rapier D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Defensive 1, Finesse, Fragile, Piercing OR Slashing Elf (elven thinblade); Euro - Renaissance 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Scimitar D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Finesse, Light, Slashing China (dao); Elf (elven fighting sword); India (tulwar, shamshir); Indonesia (parang); Japan (ninja-to, wakizashi); Philippines (bolo) 5E PHB
Shortsword D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Finesse, Light, Piercing Africa (flyssa); China (duan jian); Euro; Greece; India (choora); Indonesia (kris); Korea (dan sang gum); Nepal (kora); Roman (gladius) 5E PHB; SW Weird Wars Rome; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Short Chopping Blade / Single edged blade D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Light, Slashing Africa (long scrub knife); Berbers (flyssa); China (butterfly sword); Maritime (cutlass - gains Defensive 1); Modern (machete); Saxon (seax)
Stiletto D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 (AP 1 with sneak attack or surprise), Finesse, Light, Piercing Euro
Vibroblade D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+4, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B +d6+2 Finesse, Light, Piercing OR Slashing Coriolis (dura blade); Star Wars; Valkana (power) Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook; Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana

Siege & Heavy Weapons

This category basically includes weapons capable of destroying groups of enemies, large objects or structures, including modern artillery often considered 'heavy weapons'.

  • Several of these weapon take a lot of time to load and set-up. If several crew members can gather around, then each of these actions can be taken by different people, lessening the overall time needed to fire the weapons.
  • Many of the normal weapon properties do not apply to them. Unless otherwise noted, these are Large objects (immune to psychic and poison damage).
  • D&D Bonuses to hit are for trained crews are in the 5E DMG.
Simple Siege Weapons Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Accelerator grenade launcher grenade, YZE Gear +1 Ammunition (Light grenades), Heavy, Range (Long), Reload (6 shots), Two-handed Can be added to other guns; Coriolis; Futuristic Coriolis
Ballista - light D&D 3d6, Cypher 6, AGE 4d6+2, YZE 4, Gear +2, Crit 2, B&B 2d8+1 Ammunition (bolts), AP 3, Loading (1), Piercing, Range (Long), Slow (unless someone spends action to aim) Euro - Medieval; Roman (scorpio) Weird Wars Rome
Cannon - large D&D8d10, Cypher 12, AGE 10d6, YZE 6, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B 6d6+2 Ammunition (shot), Anti-vehicle, AP 8, Bludgeoning, Loading (2), Range (Long), Slow (for fuse-lit cannons) Euro - Late Medieval 5E DMG
Cannon D&D4d10, Cypher 7, AGE 5d6, YZE 4, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B 3d6+1 Ammunition (shot), Anti-vehicle, AP 4, Bludgeoning, Loading (2), Range (Long), Slow (for fuse-lit cannons) Euro - Late Medieval 5E DMG
Cauldron - suspended D&D 3d6, Dex DC 15, Cypher 6, Difficulty 5 Speed, AGE 4d6+2, Dex (Acrobatics) TN 13, YZE 4, Gear +0, Crit 1, Agility (Dexterity/Move) -1, B&B 3d6, Agility (Dodge) -1 Ammunition (boiling oil), Area (Close, check listed above for 1/2 damage), Energy (fire), Loading (3), Slow Euro - Medieval; Roman 5E DMG
Chainsaw D&D 2d6, Cypher 5, AGE 3d6, YZE 3, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B 2d6+4 AP (6 vs wood only), Awkward (2), Heavy, Serrated, Slashing, Two-handed Modern Mutant: Year Zero
Flamethrower D&D 2d10, Cypher 5, AGE 2d6+3, YZE 3, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B 2d10 Ammunition (Canister of fuel included as part of weapon), Energy (fire), Heavy, Range (Short), Reload (50 bursts), Spray, Two-handed Coriolis; Modern Coriolis
Grenade launcher grenade, YZE Gear +0 Ammunition (Light grenades), Loading, Range (Long), Two-handed Can be added to other guns; Coriolis; Modern (US M203) Coriolis
Heavy Machine gun D&D 3d6, Cypher 6, AGE 3d6, YZE 5, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B 2d8 Ammunition (Belt of bullets counts as item), AP 5, Auto-fire (High-Capacity), Heavy, Piercing, Range (Long), Reload (100+ shots), Slow (set-up only), Two-handed Modern (M-60); Wild West (Gatling gun - Range (short)); WWII (British Besa MG; Japan Type 92 MG; Russian KPV - +2 damage or increase all damage dice by 1 for those using dice, add Anti-vehicle; US M1919; US M2 Browning - Increase to AP 8, +2 damage or increase all damage dice by 1 for those using dice, add Anti-vehicle) Deadlands Player's Guide
Ram D&D 3d10, Cypher 7, AGE 4d6, YZE 4, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B 3d10 Min of 4 Medium creatures to operate, Disadvantage vs non-stationary targets), Anti-vehicle, AP 4, Bludgeoning Euro - Medieval; Roman 5E DMG; Weird Wars Rome
Siege tower - Speed 15ft (6 Medium creatures needed to push per 10ft high (typically 40ft)) Euro - Medieval; Roman 5E DMG; Weird Wars Rome
Martial Siege Weapons Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Ballista D&D 3d10, Cypher 8, AGE 6d6, YZE 5, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B 3d8 Ammunition (bolts), Anti-vehicle, AP 5, Loading (1), Piercing, Range (Long), Slow (unless someone spends action to aim) Euro - Medieval; Roman 5E DMG; Weird Wars Rome
Catapult D&D 5d10, Cypher 10, AGE 8d6, YZE 5, Gear +0, Crit 1, B&B 5d6 Ammunition (stone), Anti-vehicle, AP 6, Bludgeoning, Loading (2), Range (Long, can't fire on targets with Short but can fire over some cover); Slow Euro - Medieval (Mangonel); Roman 5E DMG; Weird Wars Rome
Catapult - light D&D 3d10, Cypher 8, AGE 6d6, YZE 5, Gear +0, Crit 1, B&B 3d6 Ammunition (stone), Anti-vehicle, AP 4, Bludgeoning, Loading (2), Range (Long, can't fire on targets with Short but can fire over some cover); Slow Euro - Medieval; Roman (onager) Weird Wars Rome
Explosive Charge - Small D&D 3d6 (Dexterity DC 15 save for half damage), Cypher 4 (1 on a miss, cover acts as Armor), AGE 3d6 (Dexterity (Acrobatics) TN 13 for half damage), YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 1, Blast power 6, B&B 2d6 (cover acts as Armor) Area (Close), Bludgeoning & Slashing & Stun, (Size varies according to setting) Futuristic; Modern (anti-personnel mine - add +2 damage for B&B only); Star Wars (detonite); Wild West (1 stick of dynamite) Coriolis; Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook; Deadlands Player's Guide
Explosive Charge - Medium D&D 5d6 (Dexterity DC 15 save for half damage), Cypher 6 (2 on a miss, cover acts as Armor), AGE 4d6 (Dexterity (Acrobatics) TN 13 for half damage), YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 1, Blast power 8, B&B 3d6 (cover acts as Armor) Area (Short), Bludgeoning & Slashing & Stun, (Size varies according to setting) Futuristic; Modern (anti-tank mine); Star Wars (detonite); Wild West (2 sticks of dynamite) Coriolis; Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook; Deadlands Player's Guide
Explosive Charge - Large D&D 6d6 (Dexterity DC 15 save for half damage), Cypher 8 (3 on a miss, cover acts as Armor), AGE 5d6 (Dexterity (Acrobatics) TN 13 for half damage), YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 1, Blast power 12, B&B 4d6 (cover acts as Armor) Area (Short), Light, Bludgeoning & Slashing & Stun, (Size varies according to setting) Futuristic; Modern; Star Wars; Wild West (4 sticks of dynamite) Coriolis; Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook; Deadlands Player's Guide
Explosive Charge - massive D&D 10d6 (Dexterity DC 15 save for half damage), Cypher 12 (4 on a miss, cover acts as Armor), AGE 6d6 (Dexterity (Acrobatics) TN 13 for half damage), YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 1, Blast power 16, B&B 5d6 (cover acts as Armor) Anti-Vehicle, Area (Short), Light, Bludgeoning & Slashing & Stun, (Size varies according to setting) Futuristic; Modern; Star Wars; Wild West (8 sticks of dynamite) Coriolis; Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook; Deadlands Player's Guide
Missile launcher D&D 5d10, Cypher 10, AGE 8d6, YZE 6, Gear +0, Crit 1, B&B 4d8 Ammunition (Missiles count as items), Anti-Vehicle, AP 9, Area (Near), Heavy, Range (Extreme), Loading (1), Two-handed Coriolis; Modern (M72 LAW anti-tank - AP 30, +2 damage (D&D dice do not increase); AT-4 anti-tank - AP 30, +2 damage (D&D dice do not increase)); WWII (German Panzershrek anti-tank - AP 17; German Panzerfaust anti-tank - AP 20; US Bazooka) Coriolis
Trebuchet D&D 8d10, Cypher 12, AGE 10d6, YZE 6, Gear +0, Crit 1, B&B 6d6 Ammunition (stone), Anti-vehicle, AP 8, Bludgeoning, Loading (2), Range (Long, can't fire on targets with Short); Slow Euro - Medieval 5E DMG
Variant Ammunition Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Canister D&D 1/2, Cypher 1/2, AGE 1/2, YZE 1/2, B&B 1/2 Spray (times the possible number of targets by 4), Range (-1 category) Savage Worlds Deluxe
Shrapnel explosive shell D&D -1 dice, Cypher -1, AGE -1 dice, YZE -1, B&B -1 Area (Near) Save Worlds Deluxe


  • Vibro: weapons have rapidly vibrating blades and require power cells. Also called power, molecular or dura-weapons.
Simple Spears Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Fishing Spear D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d4 Barbed (but no extra damage on removal), Fragile, Piercing, Reach, Range (Near), Thrown Westeros (frog) En5ider
Forcepike/Vibro spear D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+5, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 1, B&B +d6+2 Energy & Piercing, Stun, Versatile Star Wars, Valkana Star Wars SagaCore Rulebook; Titans Grave - Ashes of Valkana
Javelin / Short spear D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Piercing, Range (Short), Thrown ANY; Africa (intshuntshe); China (mau); Coriolis (throwing spear); Japan (nage-yari); Roman (iaculum) 5E PHB; SW Weird Wars Rome; Coriolis; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Harpoon or Barbed Spear D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 3, B&B +d6 Barbed, Heavy, Piercing, Range (Near), Thrown, Toggle (harpoon only; max 10 ft.), Versatile Africa; Greece (harpoon); Maritime En5ider
Spear D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Piercing, Range (Near), Thrown, Versatile ANY; Africa (assegai); Japan (yari) 5E PHB; SW Weird Wars Rome; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Martial Spears Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Broad-Bladed Spear D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Piercing & Slashing, Range (Near), Thrown, Versatile Africa (leaf spear - sometimes has serrated quality, paddle spear - remove Thrown & Range properties); Athas (gouge - remove Thrown & Range properties) 4E DSCS; 3E African Adv; 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 304); 1E Dragon Mag 189
Double Spear D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Double, Piercing, Range (Near), Thrown, Versatile
Dragon Paw D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Defensive 1 (off-hand only), Double, Piercing Athas; Japan (sang kauw) 3E Oriental Adv
Lance D&D 1d12, Cypher 6, AGE 2d6+1, YZE 3, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d12 AP 2 (mounted), Heavy, Piercing, Reach, (Two-handed when on foot) Japan (uma-yari); Roman (contus) 5E PHB; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Lance - tourney/jousting D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 4, B&B +d6 Bludgeoning, Fragile (on a 1-3), Heavy, Reach, (Two-handed when on foot) Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Long-Bladed Spear D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 2d6, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d8 Piercing OR Slashing, Versatile Africa (iklwa); Athas (gouge - remove Thrown & Range properties, add Two-Handed) 3E African Adv
Longspear / Light Lance D&D 1d10, Cypher 5, AGE 2d6, YZE 3, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d10 AP 1 (mounted), Heavy, Piercing, Reach, Readied, Two-Handed China (mao, qiang); Greece (xyston); Malaysia (lembing); Roman (hasta); Westeros (boar spear) 5E PHB (as pike); SW Weird Wars Rome; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook
Pilum D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d6 Fragile (any but a 1), Piercing, Range (Near), Thrown, (If a wooden shield is hit, the wielder gains no benefit from it until the pilum is removed using an action and Strength check at DC 10. A thrown pilum is bent and it takes an action to straighten it for another throw) Roman 3E Dragon Compendium (Mag 331); SW Weird Wars Rome
Trident D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Brace, Disarming, Piercing, Range (Near), Thrown, Versatile China (tiger lance, san cha); Greece; Japan (dai tsuchi); Euro (military fork - add Reach); Roman (fuscina) 5E PHB; SW Weird Wars Rome; Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook

Thrown & Slings

  • Weapons listed here are exclusive to this list. If you have proficiency in this weapon group, you also add your proficiency bonus when throwing any other weapon with the Thrown quality, if you are not already proficient with the weapon. (You do not add your proficiency twice).
Simple Thrown & Slings Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Dart D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d3, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Finesse, Piercing, Range (Near), Thrown, Tiny Greece 5E PHB
Grenade - Concussion D&D 3d6 (Dexterity DC 15 save for half damage), Cypher 4 (1 on a miss, cover acts as Armor), AGE 3d6 (Dexterity (Acrobatics) TN 13 for half damage), YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, Blast power 6 (cover acts as Armor), B&B 3d6 (cover acts as Armor) Area (Close), Light, Range (Near), Bludgeoning & Slashing & Stun, Thrown Wild West (dynamite 2 sticks, for 1 reduce damage by 1 or 1 dice); Modern; Futuristic; Coriolis (also Inferno - Area (Short), Damage 2, Crit 1, Blast power 9 Coriolis
Grenade - Fire/Thermal D&D 3d6 (Dexterity DC 15 save for half damage), Cypher 4 (1 on a miss, cover acts as Armor), AGE 3d6 (Dexterity (Acrobatics) TN 13 for half damage), YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 1, Blast power 6 (cover acts as Armor), Fire 2, B&B 2d6 (cover acts as Armor) Area (Close), Energy (fire), Light, Range (Near), Thrown Fantasy (alchemist fire); Modern; Futuristic Coriolis
Grenade - Frag D&D 4d6 (Dexterity DC 15 save for half damage), Cypher 5 (1 on a miss, cover acts as Armor), AGE 4d6 (Dexterity (Acrobatics) TN 13 for half damage), YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 1, Blast power 6 (cover acts as Armor), B&B 3d6 (cover acts as Armor) Area (Close), Light, Range (Near), Slashing, Thrown Modern; Futuristic; Star Wars Coriolis; Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook
Grenade - Ion D&D 4d6 (Dexterity DC 15 save for half damage), Cypher 5 (1 on a miss, cover acts as Armor), AGE 4d6 (Dexterity (Acrobatics) TN 13 for half damage), YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 1, Blast power 6 (cover acts as Armor), B&B 3d6 (cover acts as Armor) Area (Close), Energy (ion), Light, Range (Near), Thrown Modern; Futuristic; Star Wars Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook
Grenade - Smoke no damage, YZE Gear +0 Area (blocks sight in Short), Light, Range (Near), Thrown Modern; Coriolis (also Sensor Smoke - blocks sensors); Futuristic; Coriolis
Grenade - Stun D&D 4d6 (Dexterity DC 15 save for half damage), Cypher 5 (1 on a miss, cover acts as Armor), AGE 3d6 (Dexterity (Acrobatics) TN 13 for half damage), YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, Blast power 6 (cover acts as Armor), B&B 3d6 (cover acts as Armor) Area (Close), Light, Range (Near), Stun, Thrown Modern; Futuristic; Star Wars Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook
Grenade - Thermobaric D&D 8d6 (Dexterity DC 15 save for half damage), Cypher 8 (2 on a miss, cover acts as Armor), AGE 6d6 (Dexterity (Acrobatics) TN 13 for half damage), YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 1, Blast power 9 (cover acts as Armor), Fire 3, B&B 6d6 (cover acts as Armor) Area (Short), Energy (fire), Light, Range (Near), Thrown Modern; Futuristic; Star Wars (thermal detonator) Coriolis; Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook
Sling D&D 1d4, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Ammunition (Tiny stones; 20 is a Light item), Awkward 2, Bludgeoning, Range (Short), Loading, Tiny ANY; Athas (also dejada) 5E PHB
Sling shot D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d3, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B 2d4 Ammunition (Tiny stones; 20 is a Light item), Bludgeoning, Range (Short), Loading Modern (also shanghai) Mutant: Year Zero Genlab Alpha
Sling staff D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d3+1, YZE 1, Gear +1, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Ammunition (Tiny stones; 20 is a Light item), Awkward 2, Bludgeoning, Range (Medium), Loading, (see Staffs for melee) Halfling (hoopak)
Martial Thrown & Slings Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Atlatl D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning, (Can be used with a spear or javelin. Adds Loading property, but adds +1 to the javelin/spear's damage for that attack & increases Range by 1 increment). America; Australia (woomera) 3E Sandstorm
Bolas D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Awkward 2, Bludgeoning, Entangling, Range (Near), Thrown, Trip Africa En5ider; PFCR; 3E African Adv
Boomerang - bird hunting / throwing stick D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d3, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 4, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning, Finesse, Light, Range (Short), Round Flight Path, Thrown Africa; America - Great Basin; Australia; Egypt; India (valari - some deal slashing damage) 3E African Adv; 3E Complete Warrior; 3E Sandstorm
Boomerang - large D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Bludgeoning, Range (Near), Thrown, Two-Handed Africa; Australia (kylee)
Shuriken D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d3, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Finesse, Range (Near), Slashing, Thrown Japan PFCR
Throwing blade D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Piercing & Slashing, Range (Near), Thrown Africa (kulbeda, hunga-munga, mambele, pinga, shongo, trombash) 3E African Adv; 3E Sandstorm; 1E Dragon Mag 189
Throwing disc / wedge/ war quoit D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +1, Crit 3, B&B +d6 Finesse, Fragile, Light, Range (Near), Slashing, Thrown Giant (furnoch); India (chakram); Kreen (chatkcha - add Round Flight-Path property if thrower is proficient) 5E MM; 3E Arcana Unearthed; 3E Oriental Adv
Variant Ammunition Damage & Type Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Sling bullet D&D +1 die type, Cypher +1, AGE +1, YZE +1, B&B +1 die type Bludgeoning 5E PHB

Whips, Nets & Chains

Simple Whips, Nets & Chains Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Chain D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Awkward 2, Bludgeoning, Double, Entangling, Heavy, Reach, Toggle (max 10 ft.), Trip, Wrap-Around ANY (non primitive) 3E Oriental Adv
Net No damage, YZE Gear +1 Awkward 2, Entangling, Range (Close), Toggle (optional; max 15 ft.), Two-Handed, Wrap-Around Roman (retiarius) 5E PHB; SW Weird Wars Rome
Scourge D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d8 Awkward 2, Disarm, Slashing, Wrap-Around Greece 3E Complete Warrior
Martial Whips, Nets & Chains Damage & Specific Stats Properties Cultures & Variations Sources
Chain & Grapple D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Awkward 2, Bludgeoning (chain), Double, Entangling, Piercing (grapple), Reach, Toggle (max 10 ft.), Trip, Wrap-Around Japan (kawanaga) 3E Oriental Adv
Chain & Sickle D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6+1, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d4 Bludgeoning (chain), Double, Awkward 2, Double, Entangling, Piercing OR Slashing (sickle), Reach, Toggle (max 10 ft.), Trip, Wrap-Around; Sickle uses Hooks & Sickles group proficiency, Light Japan (kasuri-gama) 3E Oriental Adv
Chain & shortspear D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 2, B&B +d6 Bludgeoning (chain), Double, Awkward 2, Double, Entangling, Piercing (spear), Reach, Toggle (max 10 ft.), Trip, Wrap-Around; Spear uses Spears group proficiency, Versatile Japan (chijiriki) 3E Oriental Adv
Chain - spiked D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear -1, Crit 3, B&B +d6 Awkward 2, Double, Entangling, Finesse, Piercing & Slashing, Toggle (max 10 ft.), Trip, Wrap-Around Orc; Shadar-kai PFCR
Chain - weighted D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B +d8 Awkward 2, Bludgeoning, Double, Reach, Trip, Wrap-Around Japan (kau sin ke) 3E Oriental Adv
Energy whip D&D 1d6, Cypher 3, AGE 1d6+2, YZE 2, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B 2d6 Awkward 2, Disarm, Energy (lightning), Entangling, Finesse, Reach (+10ft), Stun, Toggle (max 15 ft.), Trip, Wrap-Around, disadvantage in cramped conditions (like the Heavy property) Coriolis Coriolis
Net - hooked D&D 1d8, Cypher 4, AGE 1d6+3, YZE 2, Gear +1, Crit 3, B&B 2d6 Awkward 3, Entangling (deals damage again for every unsuccessful attempt to escape), Piercing & Slashing, Range (Close), Toggle (optional; max 15 ft.), Two-Handed, Wrap-Around Maritime; Rome
Shock whip D&D 1d4, Cypher 2, AGE 1d6, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 3, B&B 2d4 Awkward 2, Disarm, Entangling, Finesse, Reach (+10ft), Stun (only), Toggle (max 15 ft.), Trip, Wrap-Around, disadvantage in cramped conditions (like the Heavy property) Coriolis Coriolis
Whip D&D 1d3, Cypher 1, AGE 1d3, YZE 1, Gear +0, Crit 4, B&B +d3 Awkward 2, Disarm, Entangling, Finesse, Reach (+10ft), Slashing, Toggle (max 15 ft.), Trip, Wrap-Around, disadvantage in cramped conditions (like the Heavy property) China (pi bian); Greece; Wild West (stock whip) 5E PHB
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