Bashed & Borrowed System

Last 3 Edits

July 20th, 2021

  • Removed a lot of B&B webpages.
  • Added sample pages below.
  • All docs (other than TTs) now on this page.

Dec 6th, 2020

  • Uploaded pics of Basic Rules from the PDF.

B&B Back Story

CNote: This is my attempt at building upon the frameworks of Savage Worlds to create a system that incorporates many innovations, rules and ideas from other systems to create a game that hits all the points we as a group like. It is also an excuse for me to mess with things - which I love doing. Games such as Dungeons & Dragons (all editions and including Pathfinder and 13th Age), and Song of Ice and Fire RP have greatly influenced the development of these rules too.


For a full copy of the rules as one PDF…

Bashed & Borrowed Full Rules PDF v1.4


Below are some sample pages from each of the Chapters. All information and full documents are available under "Files" at the bottom of this page.

Note that due to their number, B&B Talent Trees have their own page.


Chapter 1. Cover, Credits, Content & Rules Modifications

This chapted basically outlines the core rules used and how they differ from Savage Worlds - Adventure Edition (referred to as SWA in the docs).

Sample Pages
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Chapter 2. Character Creation & Relationships & Renown

This chapted basically outlines the core rules used and how they differ from Savage Worlds - Adventure Edition (referred to as SWA in the docs).

Sample Pages
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Chapter 3. Abilities & Specialties

These form the core of your character. The average level of proficiency is a d8. Those with higher dice indicate a high level of skill. If you are below a d8, then your character is below average.

Sample Pages
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Chapter 4. Heritage

Often referred to as race, species or lineage in other systems. Heritages are quite open for choice so that they cover many archetypes, but you can also build against type too. For example, you want an elf tied to the Feywild, like an eladrin, then make sure you choose the Fey Talent Tree under the elf Heritage. The choices you make here should also reflect your background. Consider what you were before an adventurer - before you adopted your Concept - when choosing Specialties.

Sample Pages
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Chapter 5. Concept

Concept helps determine what you do - what your role is. It is not as defined as classes in other systems, as like Heritage, there is quite a bit of choice within the Concept. Concept is important for focussing in on how you see your character in the world and choices here will be important for future Advancement.

Sample Pages
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Chapter 6. Hindrances

In B&B you can select some drawbacks in order to get further Advances to build your character. These drawbacks are called Hindrances. Minor Hindrances get you 1 Advance and Major get you 2. Some of these are physical flaws and many are simply codes of behaviour or quirks. If you take a role-playing Hindrance, it is important that you act on it. Such Hindrances should really shape the personality and actions of your character. Of course, a GM should encourage this with Bennies too ;)

Sample Pages
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Chapter 7. Edges & Talents

This is the core of B&B where your choices for Advancement are siloed into Talent Trees. These are collections of Talents (like feats) and Powers (spells and magical abilities). Talent Trees shape your character idea and come from Heritage and Concept.
You can branch out into other Talent Trees by taking an Edge (also known as an Entry Edge because they give you access to a new Talent Tree). Edges are less powerful than Talents, but the two work together.
Talents are those features that break the rules in specific ways that show specific areas of expertise for your character.
Powers are simply magical abilities. (You have to have a Spellcasting Specialty to get access to the Powers section of your Talent Tree).
Talent Trees each represent a theme, such as 'Elemental - Fire' or 'Fiend'.
There are Fighting Style Talent Trees that help define how your character approaches combat too. Fighting Style Talent Trees do not have Powers.
Some Talent Trees have a lot of Powers and few Talents, as they are very magic-focused.

As there are so many Talent Trees, they have their own page: B&B Talent Trees. Each Talent Tree is its own document in the Files section of that page.

Sample Pages from Cold Talent Tree
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Chapter 8. Powers

Powers are basically spells, psionics, prayers, etc. This chapter covers how magic is used in B&B.
Individual Powers are in the Talent Trees, so they are siloed for thematic effect and character choice. Want to be a fire wizard/sorcerer/priest? Then get access to the Elemental - Fire Talent Tree.
As there are so many Talent Trees, they have their own page: B&B Talent Trees. Each Talent Tree is its own document in the Files section of that page.

Sample Pages
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Chapter 9. Equipment

Look here for rules on Encumbrance, Weapon Properties, Weapon Groups and individual weapon statistics.

Sample Pages
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Chapter 10-12. Mental Trauma, Actions, Conditions, Stunts & Fumbles

This probably needs a little cleaning up. Rules for Mental Trauma could go with other rules. The collection of charts a GM would make a lot of use of are compiled at the end.

Players also might like a copy of the Actions you can take. As a GM, I love to roll on the chart for creatures.

Sample Pages
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Chapter 13. Creature Codex

A simple collection of stat blocks for creatures I have written/used. These can be copied and modified for individuals in any GM's game (that is why the blank lines have been left in).
I have also gone through and made some lists of creatures that line up with summoning Powers.

Sample Pages
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Chapter 14. Character Sheet

Rather than a blank sheet, here is one filled in (though the BG and Persoanlity information is not in there yet).
This should give you an idea of where to put information. Note that the sheets are divided into coloured sections on purpose.

Sample Pages
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