Last 3 Edits
15th Oct, 2020
- Changed all feat links to the new 5E D&D split Feat Pages.
10th Oct, 2020
- Added references from the PF2 Lost Omens Character Guide to the Heritage Lists.
June 14th, 2020
- Added table stating where the player races are and what systems we have written up for.
These pages are rules only and are for GMs. Use them as a repository to cut and paste races for your particular setting/realm. The races are divided into pages that group races according to their heritages. These pages are used by GMs to populate their Realms (and are linked to the Realms Creation Pages).
Race/Species Group
Rules for published races in the 5E D&D books do not appear here, but the books each race is in is referenced, s you know where to find them. You will need to consult those sources for the stats if playing that particular race.
The race pages do not include societal and cultural descriptions. References to where you can find this information is given, but generally, the settings sites is where this information appears, as they describe how each race fits into that particular world.
For new races we have created, there is often a link to the lore we have written. Again, as a GM, you can copy that for your setting or write your own.
New Heritages/Origins/Races
We not only have modified races from the core books, but a number of conversions from various editions of D&D and even some from other games. Furthermore, we have included several of our own creations (mostly from our Kage Campaign Setting).
Random Heritage/Origins/Race
To generate a random race roll on the chart on the Realms Society & Races page.
D&D Origin/Race Notes
Altered Features
We try to use the races as written in the various books, but where features overlap with our house rules, the changes are noted here. The most common change here will be how weapon proficiencies affect Weapon Groups if you use them, but also abilities that might mention initiative or inspiration.
Typical Drawbacks
Races are also defined by their flaws and weaknesses, as well as their strengths. These drawbacks are suggestions for the GM to include when considering a race for their setting (they are not options for the players to pick and choose). If a GM likes the drawbacks, include them on your settings' racial page. The GM may insist some are compulsory and some are optional, or you have to choose one from a list, etc. These drawbacks work like those chosen by a player with the following exceptions:
- You still gain a bonus proficiency for each minor drawback assigned to your race, but you must select it from the proficiencies listed here.
- If your race starts with a major drawback, then you must select a racial feat as compensation (you cannot select any feat).
- If a race starts with a minor drawback, you still get the full benefits of a major if you upgrade to the major drawback. Obviously, you forgo the benefit for the minor drawback if you choose to do this. Feats chosen for this upgrade must be chosen from the racial feats listed, however.
- These drawbacks can be 'bought off' with a GM's permission, just as any other drawback can be, as detailed on the Drawbacks Page. For example, if you wanted to play a dwarf that is not honorable, the GM may let you buy off this drawback.
B&B Heritage Notes
Note that some drawbacks are Hindrances. You do not gain bonus Advances for these at creation. However, an assigned Hindrance can be 'bought off' with an Advance if you do not wish to start with it. (Some other Drawbacks have this option also).