Last 3 Edits
May 3rd & 4th, 2021
- Added spells from Grim Hollow Player's Guide.
April 29th, 2021
- Added spells from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.
April 28th, 2021
- Added spells from Stibble's Codex of Companions.
Spell Lists
These lists gather together spells not presented in the PHB. (The list of spells from the PHB is attached as a PDF at the bottom of this page under Files).
Spell Sources
(Arc#) = Arcadia Magazine inc the issue number, by MCDM Productions.
(DM) = Deep Magic by Kobold Press.
(EEPG) = Elemental Evil Player's Guide, a free PDF available from Wizards of the Coast. Also in the Princes of the Apocalypse adventure book by Wizards of the Coast.
(EGtW) = Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, Wizards of the Coast.
(G&G) = Gods & Goddesses a 5th Edition supplement/hardback by Jetpack7.
(GHPG) = Grim Hollow Player's Guide by Ghostfire Gaming.
(GrimH) = Grim Hollow - The Campaign Guide by Ghostfire Gaming.
(House) = House Designed. Spells we have created and are detailed below the spell lists.
(MGHH) = Midgard Heroes Handbook Kobold Press.
(MotW) = Masters of the Wild. EN5ider article by Thiago Rosa.
(MME2) = Monster Manual Expanded II. DMsGuild.
(MOoT) = Mythic Odysseys of Theros. by Wizards of the Coast.
(PCC) = Pirate Campaign Compendium. Legendary Games.
(PHB) = Player's Handbook by Wizards of the Coast. These are spells that don't appear on a class's list in that book, but have been added.
(SCAG) = Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide by Wizards of the Coast.
(SCC) = Stibble's Codex of Companions, Eldermancy
(SwF) = Speaking with Fists. EN5ider article by Josh Gentry.
(TCE) = Tasha's Cauldron of Everything by Wizards of the Coast.
(UA) = Unearthed Arcana Wizards of the Coast online playtest articles.
(XGtE) = Xanathar's Guide to Everything by Wizards of the Coast.
Artificer Spell List
Spell Level | Spells #s | Spell Names (Source) |
Cantrips | 29 here; total 29 | Acid Splash (PHB), Ale-Dritch Blast (DM), Animated Scroll (DM), Booming Blade (TCE), Brawn Boost (DM), Caustic Touch (DM), Clockwork Bolt (DM), Create bonfire (EEPG/XGtE), Dancing Lights (PHB), Fire Bolt (PHB), Frostbite (EEPG/XGtE), Green-Flame Blade (TCE), Guidance (PHB), Hydraulic Push (PCC), Light (PHB), Lightning Lure (TCE), Mage Hand (PHB), Magic Stone (XGtE), Mending (PHB), Message (PHB), Poison Spray (PHB), Prestidigitation (PHB), Ray of Frost (PHB), Resistance (PHB), Shocking Grasp (PHB), Spare the Dying (PHB), Sword Burst (TCE), Thorn Whip (PHB), Thunderclap (EEPG/XGtE) |
1st | 28 here; total 28 | Absorb elements (EEPG/XGtE), Acid Bubble (SCC), Alarm (PHB), Alter Arrow's Fortune (DM), Analyze Device (DM), Anchoring Rope (DM), Candle's Insight (DM), Catapult (EEPG/XGtE), Cure Wounds (PHB), Detect Magic (PHB), Disguise Self (PHB), Expeditious Retreat (PHB), Faerie Fire (PHB), False Life (PHB), Feather Fall (PHB), Float (PCC), Grease (PHB), Identify (PHB), Jump (PHB), Longstrider (PHB), Magnify gravity (EGtW), Murk (PCC), Purify Food & Drink (PHB), Restore Corpse (PCC), Sanctuary (PHB), Snare (XGtE), Tasha's Caustic Brew (TCE), Waterproof (PCC) |
2nd | 29 here; total 29 | Aid (PHB), Alter Self (PHB), Althea's Travel Tent (DM), Arcane Lock (PHB), Blur (PHB), Carmello-Volta's Irksome Preserves (DM), Conjure Mantelet (DM), Continual Flame (PHB), Darkvision (PHB), Depth charge (PCC), Enhance Ability (PHB), Enlage/Reduce (PHB), Heat Metal (PHB), Immovable object (EGtW), Invisibility (PHB), Lesser Restoration (PHB), Levitate (PHB), Magic Mouth (PHB), Magic Weapon (PHB), Martial Mage (House), Pernicious Poison (PCC), Protection from Poison (PHB), Pyrotechnics (EEPG/XGtE), Rope Trick (PHB), See Invisibility (PHB), Skywrite (EEPG/XgtE), Spider Climb (PHB), Web (PHB), Wristpocket (EGtW) |
3rd | 21 here; total 21 | Blink (PHB), Bolstering Brew (DM), Booster Shot (DM), Catnap (XGtE), Create Food & Water (PHB), Dispel Magic (PHB), Elemental Weapon (PHB), Explosive Strength (SwF), Flame Arrows (EEPG/XGtE), Fly (PHB), Glyph of Warding (PHB), Haste (PHB), Herculean Force (SwF), Intellect Fortress (TCE), Protection from Energy (PHB), Pulse wave (EGtW), Revivify (PHB), See the Unseen (G&G), Tiny Servant (XGtE), Water Breathing (PHB), Water Walk (PHB) |
4th | 15 here; total 15 | Arcane Eye (PHB), Distressing Resonance (DM), Elemental bane (EEPG/XGtE), Fabricate (PHB), Freedom of Movement (PHB), Gravity sinkhole (EGtW), Hullshock (PCC), Leomund's Secret Chest (PHB), Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound (PHB), Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum (PHB), Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (PHB), Stone Shape (PHB), Stoneskin (PHB), Summon Construct (TCE), Vitriolic sphere (EEPG/XGtE) |
5th | 12 here; total 12 | Animate Objects (PHB), Animated Object Swarm (DM), Bigby's Hand (PHB), Clockwork Bodyguard (DM), Creation (PHB), Deep diver (PCC), Greater Restoration (PHB), Skill empowerment (XGtE), Soulforging (MGHH), Transmute rock (EEPG/XgtE), Wall of iron (MME2), Wall of Stone (PHB), |
Bard Spell List
Spell Level | Spells #s | Spell Names (Source) |
Cantrips | 11 PHB; 9 here; total 20 | Abhorrence (DM), Acumen (DM), Ale-Dritch Blast (DM), Allure (DM), Bewilderment (DM), Clumsiness (DM), Convey Intention (SCC), Illusory Instrument (GrimH), /Thunderclap// (EEPG/WGtE) |
1st | 21 PHB; 24 here; total 45 | Air Wave (MotW), Alter Arrow's Fortune (DM), Assisted aim (GrimH), Avoid Grievous Injury (DM), Blinding Pain (DM), Broken Charge (DM), Cause Fear (XGtE), Color spray (PHB), Command (PHB), Cunning Strike (MotW), Earth Tremor (EEPG/XGtE), Erase (Arc3), Fanfare (SCC), Ghost Light (GHPG), Intaglio (GrimH), Neutralize Aura (GHPG), Read Weather (PCC), Screeching Sense (SCC), Shadow Weapon (MotW), Tireless (MGHH), Undermine Armor (MGHH), Waterproof (PCC), Whisper (G&G), Word of Mercy (SCC) |
2nd | 22 PHB; 18 here; total 40 | Aid (PHB), Attract Metal (Arc3), Beguiling Bet (DM), Bleating Call (DM), Convoluted Dictum (DM), Discern Weakness (DM), Distractng Divination (DM), Distraction Cascade (DM), Dome of Silence (DM), Enlarge/Reduce (PHB), Gather Animals (SCC), Martial mage (House), Mind spike (XGtE), Mirror image (PHB), Pyrotechnics (EEPG/XGtE), Skywrite (EEPG/XGtE), Track ship (PCC), Warding wind (EEPG/XGtE) |
3rd | 16 PHB; 17 here; total 33 | Alone (DM), Aura of Listlessness (DM), Catnap (XGtE), Chilling Words (DM), Compelled Movement (DM), Curse of Incompetence (DM), Deep Focus (DM), Enemies Abound (XGtE), Glitterdust (Arc3), Intellect Fortress (TCE), Mass Healing Word (PHB), See the Unseen (G&G), Slow (PHB), Tiny Servant (XGtE), Tone of the Shepherd (SCC), Walking Dead (Arc3) |
4th | 8 PHB; 19 here; total 17 | Abhorrent Apparition (DM), Charm Monster (XGtE), Curse of damned aging (GrimH), Curse of foul blight (GrimH), Curse of lost sentiment (GrimH), Distressing Resonance (DM), Enamour (G&G), Phantasmal killer (PHB), Veiled vessel (PCC) |
5th | 16 PHB; 13 here; total 29 | Battle Mind (DM), Contact Other Plane (PHB), Curse of Conceited Obsession (GrimH), Curse of Ill-Fated Fortune (GrimH), Curse of Insatiable Greed (GrimH), Curse of Ravenous Hunger (GrimH), Evolve Beast (SCC), Incite Riot (GHPG), Rary's Telepathic Bond (PHB), Sea Scrying (PCC), Skill Empowerment (XGtE), Synaptic Static (XGtE), Unseen Crew (PCC) |
6th | 7 PHB; 8 here; total 15 | Crown of Radiance (GHPG), Curse of Uncontrollable Wrath (GrimH), Heroes' feast (PHB), Mental Prison (XGtE), Rainbow Recurve (Arc3), Scatter (XGtE), Tenser's Transformation (XGtE), Veiled Vessel, Greater (PCC) |
7th | 10 PHB; 2 here; total 12 | Power Word Pain (XGtE), Prismatic Spray (PHB) |
8th | 5 PHB; 3 here; total 8 | Antipathy/Sympathy (PHB), Arcane Sight (DM), Maze (PHB) |
9th | 4 PHB; 4 here; total 8 | Dream of the Blue Veil (TCE), Mass Polymorph (XGtE), Prismatic Wall (PHB), Psychic Scream (XGtE) |
Cleric Spell List
Spell Level | Spells #s | Spell Names (Source) |
Cantrips | 7 PHB; 9 here; total 16 | Abhorrence (DM), Acumen (DM), Allure (DM), Bless the Dead (DM), Brawn Boost (DM), Clumsiness (DM), Holy Word (GrimH), Toll the Dead (XGtE), Word of Radiance (XGtE) |
1st | 15 PHB; 16 here; total 31 | Ancestor's Strength (DM), Assisted aim (GrimH), Avoid Grievous Injury (DM), Candle's Insight (DM), Cause fear (PHB), Ceremony (XGtE), Decompose corpse (PCC), Disquieting Gaze (DM), Erase (Arc3), Float (PCC), Ghost Light (GHPG), Intaglio (GrimH), Neutralize Aura (GHPG), Restore corpse (PCC), Word of Mercy (SCC), Wrathful smite (PHB) |
2nd | 17 PHB; 12 here; total 29 | Animate Ghoul (DM), Arena of Trust (SCC), As You Were (DM), Barrage of Shelter (SCC), Blessed Rest (DM), Bloodletter (GHPG), Branding smite (PHB), Distractng Divination (DM), Fiend Flesh (GHPG), Life Tether (GrimH), Sunray (G&G), Weaken (G&G) |
3rd | 20 PHB; 12 here; total 32 | Aura of Protection or Destruction (DM), Aura of Vitality (PHB), Bolstering Brew (DM), Command Undead (DM), Deep Focus (DM), Delayed Healing (DM), Glitterdust (Arc3), Life transference (XGtE), See the unseen (G&G), Skeleton crew (PCC), Spirit Shroud (TCE), Walking Dead (Arc3) |
4th | 8 PHB; 7 here; total 15 | Aura of life (PHB), Aura of purity (PHB), Binding Oath (DM), Curse of damned aging (GrimH), Curse of foul blight (GrimH), Curse of lost sentiment (GrimH), Lesser invulnerability (G&G) |
5th | 13 PHB; 18 here; total 31 | Ancient Shade (DM), Battle Mind (DM), Chains of the Goddess (DM), Conjure Fiend (G&G), Curse of conceited obsession (GrimH), Curse of ill-fated fortune (GrimH), Curse of insatiable greed (GrimH), Curse of ravenous hunger (GrimH), Dawn (XGtE), Greater animate undead (GrimH), Holy weapon (XGtE), Skill empowerment (XGtE), Soulforging (MGHH), Spirit Swarm (GHPG), Summon Celestial (TCE), Unholy Weapon (MME2), Wall of light (XGtE), Wall of sunlight (G&G) |
6th | 10 PHB; 4 here; total 14 | Ally Aegis (DM), Animate Greater Undead (DM), Crown of Radiance (GHPG), Curse of uncontrollable wrath (GrimH) |
7th | 8 PHB; 4 here; total 12 | Curse of the Grave (DM), Death God's Touch (DM), Defile Healing (DM), Temple of the Gods (XGtE) |
8th | 4 PHB; 4 here; total 8 | Arcane Sight (DM), Costly Victory (DM), Undead entrallment (GrimH), Unholy Aura (MME2) |
9th | 4 PHB; 2 here; total 6 | Phoenix Flames (GHPG), Power word heal (PHB) |
Druid Spell List
Spell Level | Spells #s | Spell Names (Source) |
Cantrips | 8 PHB; 17 here; total 25 | Abhorrence (DM), Acid splash (PHB), Control flames (EEPG/XGtE), Convey Intention (SCC), Create bonfire (EEPG/XGtE), Decay (DM), Frostbite (EEPG/XGtE), Gust (EEPG/XGtE), Hunter Sense (GHPG), Hydraulic push (PCC), Infestation (XGtE), Magic stone (EEPG/XGtE), Mold earth (EEPG/XGtE), Nature's Ladder (Arc3), Primal savagery (XGtE), Shape water (EEPG/EGtW/XGtE), Thunderclap (EEPG/XGtE) |
1st | 16 PHB; 30 here; total 46 | Absorb elements (EEPG/XGtE), Ancestor's Strength (DM), Animate water (PCC), Assisted aim (GrimH), Beast bond (EEPG/XGtE), Bloodhound (DM), Ceremony (XGtE), Cobra Fangs (DM), Conjure Mock Animals (DM), Creeping Touch (GHPG), Cure Beast (DM), Decompose corpse (PCC), Deep Breath (DM), Earth tremor (EEPG/XGtE), Encircling Waters (House), Float (PCC), Ice knife (EEPG/XGtE), Murk (PCC), Protection from evil and good (PHB), Quick breath (PCC), Read weather (PCC), Restore corpse (PCC), Screeching Sense (SCC), Sea sight (PCC), Slipstream (PCC), Snare (XGtE), Summon Spores (House), Touch of the sea (PCC), Weather eye (PCC), Word of Mercy (SCC) |
2nd | 18 PHB; 41 here; total 59 | Animal Spy (DM), Ashen Memories (DM), Aspect of the Ape (DM), Aspect of the Ram (DM), Attract Metal (Arc3), Augury (PHB), Batsense (DM), Bestial Fury (DM), Black Swan Storm (DM), Blood Rush (GHPG), Boulder Toss (DM), By the Light of the Moon (DM), Comprehend Wild Shape (DM), Conjure Fungal Folk (House), Conjure Scarab Swarm (DM), Continual flame (PHB), Dead Walking (DM), Depth warning (PCC), Dust devil (EEPG/XGtE), Earthbind (EEPG/XGtE), Enlarge/reduce (PHB), Earthen grasp (House), Egg (SCC), Flotsam vessel (PCC), Frostbolt (G&G), Gather Animals (SCC), Healing spirit (XGtE) (EEPG), Incubate (SCC), Magic slingshot (G&G), Pernicious poison (PCC), Pressure of the deeps sphere (House), Primal Stalker (MotW), Sargasso strands (PCC), Sea sight (PCC),Shadow cats (House), Skywrite (EEPG/XGtE), Summon Beast (TCE), Sunray (G&G), True bearing (PCC), Vomit swarm (PCC), Warding wind (EEPG/XGtE) |
3rd | 13 PHB; 32 here; total 45 | Aspect of the Moon (MotW), Aspect of the Serpent (DM), Aura of vitality (PHB), Battlefield charger (House), Blood Offering (DM), Bond Jump (SCC), Bones of Stone (DM), Breeze Compass (DM), Calm Seas (G&G), Cloak of Vermin (DM), Conjure plants (GrimH), Cynophobia (DM), Deep Focus (DM), Defensive Quills (DM), Elemental weapon (PHB), Erupting earth (EEPG/XGtE), Flame arrows (EEPG/XGtE), Flash Fever (GHPG), Icicle barrage (House), Lava burst (G&G), Receding reef (PCC), Reef growth (PCC), Revivify (PHB), Serpent Tongue (GHPG), Summon Fey (TCE), Thunder step (XGtE), Tidal wave (EEPG/XGtE), Tone of the Shepherd (SCC), Turbid tide (PCC), Undertow (PCC), Wall of sand (XGtE), Wall of water (EEPG/XGtE/MOoT) |
4th | 16 PHB; 18 here; total 34 | By the Light of the Watchful Moon (DM), Charm monster (XGtE), Cloak of Serpents (DM), Curse of damned aging (GrimH), Curse of foul blight (GrimH), Curse of lost sentiment (GrimH), Divination (PHB), Elemental bane (EEPG/XGtE), Fire shield (PHB), Guardians of nature (XGtE), Shatterhull (PCC), Summon elemental spirit (UA), Surrogate (SCC), Thorn body (PCC), Thundercloud wall (G&G), Thunderstorm (G&G), Wall of brine (PCC), Watery sphere (EEPG/XGtE) |
5th | 14 PHB; 21 here; total 35 | Channeled currents (PCC), Cone of cold (PHB), Conjure Fey Hound (DM), Control winds (EEPG/XGtE), Curse of conceited obsession (GrimH), Curse of ill-fated fortune (GrimH), Curse of insatiable greed (GrimH), Curse of ravenous hunger (GrimH), Dawn (XGtE), Deep diver (PCC), Evolve Beast (SCC), Immolation (XGtE), Investiture of Venom (GHPG), Lava Field (G&G), Lightning Strike (G&G), Maelstrom (EEPG/XGtE), Sea scrying (PCC), Sea swell (G&G), Transmute rock (EEPG/XGTE), Wall of sunlight (G&G), Wrath of nature (XGtE) |
6th | 9 PHB; 13 here; total 22 | Aqueous extraction (PCC), Bones of the earth (EEPG/XGtE), Conjure Forest Defender (DM), Curse of uncontrollable wrath (GrimH), Druid grove (XGtE), Earth Worm (GHPG), Flesh to stone (PHB), Investiture of flame (EEPG/XGtE), Investiture of ice (EEPG/XGtE), Investiture of stone (EEPG/XGtE), Investiture of wind (EEPG/XGtE), Primordial ward (EEPG/XGtE), Wall of coral (PCC), |
7th | 5 PHB; 7 here; total 12 | Arcane Parasite (DM), Consult the Storm (DM), Create Thunderstaff (DM), Curse of Dust (DM), Stoneheart (Arc3), Symbol (PHB), Whirlwind (EEPG/XGtE) |
8th | 7 PHB; 2 here; total 9 | Awaken Object (DM), Incendiary cloud (PHB) |
9th | 4 PHB; 2 here; total 6 | Mass polymorph (XGtE), Power word heal (PHB) |
Paladin Spell List
Spell Level | Spells #s | Spell Names (Source) |
1st | 15 PHB; 5 here; total 20 | Ancestor's Strength (DM),Assisted Aim (GrimH), Ceremony (XGtE), Intaglio (GrimH), Word of Mercy (SCC) |
2nd | 8 PHB; 8 here; total 16 | Arena of Trust (SCC), Barrage of Shelter (SCC), Champion's Weapon (DM), Gentle repose (PHB), Prayer of healing (PHB), Sunray (G&G), Warding bond (PHB), Wilting Smite (GHPG) |
3rd | 10 PHB; 9 here; total 19 | Aura of Protection or Destruction (DM), Battlefield charger (House), Conjure plants (GrimH), Explosive Strength (SwF), Herculean Force (SwF), Life transference (XGtE), See the unseen (G&G), Spirit guardians (PHB), Spirit Shroud (TCE) |
4th | 6 PHB; 5 here; total 11 | Binding Oath (DM), Blade of my Brother (DM), Cherub's Burning Blade (DM), Find Greater Steed (XGtE), Supernatural Smite (GHPG) |
5th | 6 PHB; 7 here; total 13 | Battle Mind (DM), Dawn (XGtE), Flame strike (PHB), Holy weapon (XGtE), Summon Celestial (TCE), Unholy Weapon (MME2), Wall of sunlight (G&G) |
Ranger Spell List
Spell Level | Spells #s | Spell Names (Source) |
1st | 13 PHB; 23 here; total 35 | Absorb elements (EEPG/XGtE), Air Wave (MotW), Alter Arrow's Fortune (DM), Assisted aim (GrimH), Beast bond (EEPG/XGtE), Bloodhound (DM), Cunning Strike (MotW), Cure Beast (DM), Deep Breath (DM), Entangle (PHB), Float (PCC), Murk (PCC), Nature's Ladder (Arc3), Quick breath (PCC), Read weather (PCC), Screeching Sense (SCC), Sea sight (PCC), Searing smite (PHB), Shadow weapon (MotW), Snare (XGtE), Weather eye (PCC), Zephyr strike (XGtE) |
2nd | 13 PHB; 31 here; total 44 | Aid (PHB), Animal Spy (DM), Arcane Reconnaissance (MotW), Aspect of the Ape (DM), Aspect of the Ram (DM), Barrage of Shelter (SCC), Batsense (DM), Bestial Fury (DM), Conjure Mantelet (DM), Crushing Trample (DM), Dead Walking (DM), Depth Warning (PCC), Discern Weakness (DM), Egg (SCC), Enhance ability (PHB), Flotsam vessel (PCC), Gather Animals (SCC), Gust of wind (PHB), Healing spirit (XGtE), Incubate (SCC), Magic weapon (PHB), Mutual Hatred (MotW), Primal Stalker (MotW), Riversight (PCC), Sargasso strands (PCC), Shadow cats (House), Slipstream (PCC), Steel drive (MotW), Summon Beast (TCE), True bearing (PCC), Warding bond (PHB) |
3rd | 11 PHB; 22 here; total 33 | Aspect of the Moon (MotW), Aspect of the Serpent (DM), Battlefield charger (House), Blinding smite (PHB), Blood Offering (DM), Bond Jump (SCC), Booster Shot (DM), Conjure plants (GrimH), Cynophobia (DM), Defensive Quills (DM), Explosive Strength (SwF), Flame arrows (EEPG/XGtE), Herculean Force (SwF), Inferno Strike (MotW), Meld into stone (PHB), Reef growth (PCC), Revivify (PHB), See the unseen (G&G), Summon Fey (TCE), Tongues (PHB), Turbid tide (PCC), Undertow (PCC) |
4th | 5 PHB; 4 here; total 9 | Death ward (PHB), Dominate beast (PHB), Guardian of nature (XGtE), Surrogate (SCC) |
5th | 4 PHB; 8 here; total 12 | Awaken (PHB), Battle Mind (DM), Conjure Fey Hound (DM), Deep Diver (PCC), Evolve Beast (SCC), Greater restoration (PHB), Steel wind strike (XGtE), Wrath of nature (XGtE) |
Sorcerer Spell List
Spell Level | Spells #s | Spell Names (Source) |
Cantrips | 16 PHB; 18 here; total 34 | Booming Blade (TCE), Caustic Touch (DM), Clumsiness (DM), Control flames (EEPG/XGtE), Create bonfire (EEPG/XGtE), Dark Maw (DM), Frostbite (EEPG/XGtE), Green-Flame Blade (TCE), Gust (EEPG/XGtE), Hydraulic push (PCC), Infestation (XGtE), Lightning Lure (TCE), Mind Sliver (TCE), Mold earth (EEPG/XGtE), Primal savagery (XGtE), Shape water (EEPG/EGtW/XGtE), Sword Burst (TCE), Thunderclap (EEPG/XGtE) |
1st | 20 PHB; 18 here; total 38 | Absorb elements (XGtE), Acid Bubble (SCC), Alter Arrow's Fortune (DM), Animate water (PCC), Avoid Grievous Injury (DM), Blinding Pain (DM), Catapult (EEPG/XGtE), Chaos bolt (XGtE), Earth tremor (EEPG/XGtE), Erase (Arc3), Float (PCC), Grease (PHB), Ice knife (EEPG/XGtE), Protection from evil and good (PHB), Shadow weapon (MotW), Shock shield (PCC), Tasha's Caustic Brew (TCE), Waterproof (PCC) |
2nd | 24 PHB; 23 here; total 47 | Aganazzar's scorcher (EEPG/XGtE), Ashen Memories (DM), Attract Metal (Arc3), Dazing blast (GrimH), Discern Weakness (DM), Dragon's breath (XGtE), Dust devil (EEPG/XGtE), Earthbind (EEPG/XGtE), Earthen grasp (House), Fiend Flesh (GHPG), Flame blade (PHB), Flaming sphere (PHB), Frostbolt (G&G), Life Tether (GrimH), Maximillian's earthen grasp (EEPG/XGtE), Mind spike (XGtE), Pyrotechnics (EEPG/XGtE), Shadow blade (XGtE), Slipstream (PCC), Snilloc's snowball swarm (EEPG/XGtE), Tasha's Mind Whip (TCE), Warding wind (EEPG/XGtE), Withering ray (G&G) |
3rd | 20 PHB; 26 here; total 46 | Blood Offering (DM), Bones of Stone (DM), Booster Shot (DM), Breeze Compass (DM), Catnap (XGtE), Calm Seas (G&G), Compelled Movement (DM), Curse of Incompetence (DM), Deep Focus (DM), Doom of Blue Crystal (DM), Enemies abound (XGtE), Erupting earth (EEPG/XGtE), Flame arrows (EEPG/XGtE), Glitterdust (Arc3), Icicle barrage (House), Inferno Strike (MotW), Intellect Fortress (TCE), Lava burst (G&G), Melf's minute meteors (EEPG/XGtE), Mirror spell (GrimH), Shrink (Arc3), Thunder step (XGtE), Tidal wave (XGtE), Turbid tide (PCC), Vampiric touch (PHB), Wall of water (EEPG/XgtE/MOoT); Wither limb (House) |
4th | 10 PHB; 18 here; total 28 | Charm monster (XGtE), Cherub's Burning Blade (DM), Curse of damned aging (GrimH), Curse of foul blight (GrimH), Curse of lost sentiment (GrimH), Fire shield (PHB), Hullshock (PCC), Ride the Lightning (GHPG), Shatterhull (PCC), Sickening radiance (XGtE), Silver Wings (Arc3), Storm sphere (EEPG/XGtE), Summon elemental spirit (UA), Surrogate (SCC), Thundercloud wall (G&G), Vitriolic sphere (EEPG/XGtE), Wall of brine (PCC), Watery sphere (EEPG/XGtE) |
5th | 11 PHB; 19 here; total 30 | Battle Mind (DM), Control winds (EEPG/XGtE), Curse of conceited obsession (GrimH), Curse of ill-fated fortune (GrimH), Curse of insatiable greed (GrimH), Curse of ravenous hunger (GrimH), Enervation (XGtE), Deep diver (PCC), Far step (XGtE), Immolation (EEPG/XGtE), Investiture of Venom (GHPG), Lava Field (G&G), Magic Mirror (GHPG), Mortality (GHPG), Sea scrying (PCC), Sea Swell (G&G), Skill empowerment (XGtE), Synaptic static (XGtE), Wall of light (XGtE) |
6th | 10 PHB; 15 here; total 25 | Absorbing Field (DM), Aqueous extraction (PCC), Aspect of the Firebird (DM), Curse of uncontrollable wrath (GrimH), Earth Worm (GHPG), Flesh to stone (PHB), Heart Seeker (GHPG), Investiture of flame (EEPG/XGtE), Investiture of ice (EEPG/XGtE), Investiture of stone (EEPG/XGtE), Investiture of wind (EEPG/XGtE), Mental prison (XGtE), Rainbow Recurve (Arc3), Scatter (XGtE), Tasha's Otherworldly Guise (TCE) |
7th | 8 PHB; 5 here; total 13 | Arcane Parasite (DM), Crown of stars (XGtE), Demiplane (PHB), Power word pain (XGtE), Whirlwind (XGtE) |
8th | 5 PHB; 2 here; total 7 | Abi-Dalzim's horrid wilting (EEPG/XGtE), Arcane Sight (DM), |
9th | 5 PHB; 6 here; total 11 | Blade of Disaster (TCE), Dream of the Blue Veil (TCE), Foresight (PHB), Mass polymorph (XGtE), Phoenix Flames (GHPG), Psychic scream (XGtE) |
Warlock Spell List
Spell Level | Spells #s | Spell Names (Source) |
Cantrips | 9 PHB; 20 here; total 29 | Abhorrence (DM), Allure (DM), Bewilderment (DM), Booming Blade (TCE), Clumsiness (DM), Convey Intention (SCC), Create bonfire (EEPG/XGtE), Dark Maw (DM), Decay (DM), Frostbite (EEPG/XGtE), Green-Flame Blade (TCE), Hydraulic push (PCC), Illusory instrument (GrimH), Infestation (XGtE), Lightning Lure (TCE), Magic stone (EEPG/XgtE), Mind Sliver (TCE), Sword Burst (TCE), Thunderclap (EEPG/XGtE), Toll the dead (XGtE) |
1st | 11 PHB; 16 here; total 27 | Agonizing Mark (DM), Avoid Grievous Injury (DM), Bleed (DM), Blinding Pain (DM), Blood Rush (GHPG), Bolster Undead (DM), Cause fear (XGtE), Consumption (GHPG), Crimson Lash (GHPG), Disquieting Gaze (DM), Erase (Arc3), Ghost Light (GHPG), Murk (PCC), Screeching Sense (SCC), Thunderwave (PHB), Whisper (G&G) |
2nd | 13 PHB; 25 here; total 38 | //Batsense (DM), Bloodletter (GHPG), By the Light of the Moon (DM), Conjure Spectral Dead (DM), Dazing blast (GrimH), Dead Walking (DM), Discern Weakness (DM), Distractng Divination (DM), Earthbind (EEPG/XGtE), Fiend Flesh (GHPG), Frostbolt (G&G), Knock (PHB), Life Tether (GrimH), Mind spike (XGtE), Pernicious poison (PCC), Pressure of the deeps sphere (House), Sanguine Shield (GHPG), Sense Lifeblood (GHPG), Shadow blade (XGtE), Shadow cats (House), Theft of Vitae (GHPG), Weaken (G&G), Wilting Smite (GHPG), Withering ray (G&G), Wrack (GHPG) |
3rd | 12 PHB; 28 here; total 40 | Alone (DM), Animate dead (PHB), Blood Offering (DM), Bond Jump (SCC), Chilling Words (DM), Closing In (DM), Confound Senses (DM), Conjure plants (GrimH), Conjure Undead (DM), Curse of Hostility (DM), Curse of Incompetence (DM), Dark Herladry (DM), Deep Focus (DM), Enemies abound (XGtE), Flash Fever (GHPG), Intellect Fortress (TCE), Life transference (XGtE), Mirror spell (GrimH), Reanimate (GHPG), Sanguine Poppet (GHPG), See the unseen (G&G), Spirit Shroud (TCE), Summon Fey (TCE), Summon lesser demons (XGtE), Summon Shadowspawn (TCE), Summon Undead (TCE), Thunder step (XGtE), Turbid tide (PCC), Undertow (PCC), Wither limb (House) |
4th | 4 PHB; 19 here; total 23 | Abhorrent Apparition (DM), Black spot (PCC), By the Light of the Watchful Moon (DM), Chains of Torment (DM), Charm monster (XGtE), Circle of Scarlet (GHPG), Consume Mind (GHPG), Curse of damned aging (GrimH), Curse of foul blight (GrimH), Curse of lost sentiment (GrimH), Dark Sacrament (GHPG), Elemental bane (EEPG/XGtE), Shadow of moil (XGtE), Sickening radiance (XGtE), Silver Wings (Arc3), Summon Aberration (TCE), Summon greater demon (XGtE), Surrogate (SCC), Tendrils of ichor (G&G) |
5th | 4 PHB; 25 here; total 29 | Battle Mind (DM), Conjure Fiend (G&G), Curse of conceited obsession (GrimH), Curse of ill-fated fortune (GrimH), Curse of insatiable greed (GrimH), Curse of ravenous hunger (GrimH), Danse Macabre (XGtE), Dark Web of the Spider Monarch (DM), Enervation (XGtE), Far step (XGtE), Incite Riot (GHPG), Infernal calling (XGtE), Investiture of Venom (GHPG), Little Death (GHPG), Magic Mirror (GHPG), Mislead (PHB), Modify memory (PHB), Mortality (GHPG), Negative energy flood (XGtE), Planar binding (PHB), Sea Swell (G&G), Synaptic static (XGtE), Teleportation circle (PHB), Thundercloud wall (G&G), Wall of light (XGtE) |
6th | 8 PHB; 15 here; total 23 | Aqueous extraction (PCC), Avronin's Astral Assembly (DM), Create homunculus (XGtE), Curse of uncontrollable wrath (GrimH), Heart Seeker (GHPG), Investiture of flame (EEPG/XGtE), Investiture of ice (EEPG/XGtE), Investiture of stone (EEPG/XGtE), Investiture of wind (EEPG/XGtE), Magic jar (PHB), Mental prison (XGtE), Scatter (XGtE), Soul cage (XGtE), Summon Fiend (TCE), Tasha's Otherworldly Guise (TCE) |
7th | 4 PHB; 9 here; total 13 | Conjure Greater Spectral Undead (DM), Crown of stars (XGtE), Curse of Dust (DM), Curse of the Grave (DM), Death God's Touch (DM), Defile Healing (DM), Power Word Pain (XGtE), Project Image (PHB), Stoneheart (Arc3) |
8th | 5 PHB; 8 here; total 13 | Abi-Dalzim's horrid wilting (XGtE), Arcane Sight (DM), Black Sunshine (DM), Creeping Death (GHPG), Flense (GHPG), Maddening darkness (XGtE), Red Rain (GHPG), Undead entrallment (GrimH) |
9th | 5 PHB; 7 here; total 12 | Blade of Disaster (TCE), Dream of the Blue Veil (TCE), Gate (PHB), Psychic scream (XGtE), Shapechange (PHB), Steal Immortality (GHPG), Weird (PHB) |
Wizard Spell List
Spell Level | Spells #s | Spell Names (Source) |
Cantrips | 16 PHB; 28 here; total 44 | Abhorrence (DM), Acumen (DM), Ale-Dritch Blast (DM), Allure (DM), Animated Scroll (DM), Bewilderment (DM), Booming Blade (TCE), Brawn Boost (DM), Caustic Touch (DM), Clumsiness (DM), Control flames (EEPG/XGtE), Convey Intention (SCC), Create bonfire (EEPG/XGtE), Dark Maw (DM), Decay (DM), Frostbite (EEPG/XGtE), Green-Flame Blade (TCE), Gust (EEPG/XGtE), Hydraulic push (PCC), Infestation (XGtE), Lightning Lure (TCE), Mind Sliver (TCE), Mold earth (EEPG/XgtE), Sapping sting (EGtW), Shape water (EEPG/EGtW/XGtE), Sword Burst (TCE), Thunderclap (EEPG/XGtE), Toll the dead (XGtE) |
1st | 30 PHB; 41 here; total 71 | Absorb elements (EEPG/XGtE), Acid Bubble (SCC), Adjust Position (DM), Agonizing Mark (DM), Alter Arrow's Fortune (DM), Analyze Device (DM), Animate water (PCC), Avoid Grievous Injury (DM), Blinding Pain (DM), Bolster Familiar (SCC), Bolster Undead (DM), Bomber's eye (PCC), Candle's Insight (DM), Catapult (EEPG/XGtE), Cause fear (XGtE), Cobra Fangs (DM), Creeping Touch (GHPG), Decompose corpse (PCC), Deep Breath (DM), Disquieting Gaze (DM), Earth tremor (EEPG/XgtE), Encircling Waters (House), Erase (Arc3), Float (PCC), Ghost Light (GHPG), Gift of alacrity (EGtW), Ice knife (EEPG/XgtE), Intaglio (GrimH), Magnify gravity (EGtW), Murk (PCC), Neutralize Aura (GHPG), Restore corpse (PCC), Screeching Sense (SCC), Sea sight (PCC), Shadow weapon (MotW), Shock shield (PCC), Slipstream (PCC), Snare (XGtE), Tasha's Caustic Brew (TCE), Waterproof (PCC), Weather eye (PCC), |
2nd | 34 PHB; 51 here; total 85 | Aganazzar's scorcher (EEPG/XGtE), Althea's Travel Tent (DM), Animate Ghoul (DM), Arena of Trust (SCC), Ashen Memories (DM), Attract Metal (Arc3), Augury (PHB), Barrage of Shelter (SCC), Black Swan Storm (DM), Bleating Call (DM), Bloodletter (GHPG), By the Light of the Moon (DM), Conjure Spectral Dead (DM), Convoluted Dictum (DM), Daggerhawk (DM), Dazing blast (GrimH), Dead Walking (DM), Depth Charge (PCC), Depth Warning (PCC), Discern Weakness (DM), Distractng Divination (DM), Distraction Cascade (DM), Dragon's Breath (XGtE), Dust devil (EEPG/XGtE), Earthbind (EEPG/XGtE), Earthen grasp (House), Egg (SCC), Enhance ability (PHB), Fiend Flesh (GHPG), Fortune's favor (EGtW), Frostbolt (G&G), Incubate (SCC), Immovable object (EGtW), Martial mage (House), Maximillian's earthen grasp (EEPG/XGtE), Mind spike (XGtE), Pernicious poison (PCC), Pyrotechnics (EEPG/XGtE), Sanguine Shield (GHPG), Sense Lifeblood (GHPG), Shadow blade (XGtE), Skywrite (EEPG/XgtE), Snilloc's snowball swarm (EEPG/XgtE), Tasha's Mind Whip (TCE), Theft of Vitae (GHPG), Track ship (PCC), True bearing (PCC), Warding wind (XGtE), Withering ray (G&G), Wrack (GHPG), Wristpocket (EGtW) |
3rd | 29 PHB; 53 here; total 82 | Alone (DM), Aspect of the Serpent (DM), Aura of Listlessness (DM), Bond Jump (SCC), Blood Offering (DM), Catnap (XGtE), Calm Seas (G&G), Chilling Words (DM), Cloak of Vermin (DM), Closing In (DM), Command Undead (DM), Compelled Movement (DM), Compelling Fate (DM), Confound Senses (DM), Conjure Undead (DM), Curse of Hostility (DM), Curse of Incompetence (DM), Cynophobia (DM), Deep Focus (DM), Dimensional Shove (DM), Enemies abound (XGtE), Erupting earth (EEPG/XGtE), Explosive Strength (SwF), Flame arrows (EEPG/XGtE), Flash Fever (GHPG), Glitterdust (Arc3), Herculean Force (SwF), Icicle barrage (House), Inferno Strike (MotW), Intellect Fortress (TCE), Lava burst (G&G), Life transference (XGtE), Melf's minute meteors (EEPG/XgtE), Pulse wave (EGtW), Reanimate (GHPG), Sanguine Poppet (GHPG), See the unseen (G&G), Serpent Tongue (GHPG), Shrink (Arc3), Speak with dead (PHB), Spirit Shroud (TCE), Suffocate (GHPG), Summon Fey (TCE), Summon lesser demons (XGtE), Summon Shadowspawn (TCE), Summon Undead (TCE), Thunder step (XGtE), Tidal wave (EEPG/XGtE), Tiny servant (XGtE), Turbid tide (PCC), Walking Dead (Arc3), Wall of sand (EEPG/XgtE), Wall of water (EEPG/XGtE/MOoT); Wither limb (House) |
4th | 23 PHB; 32 here; total 55 | Abhorrent Apparition (DM), By the Light of the Watchful Moon (DM), Charm monster (XGtE), Cloak of Serpents (DM), Consume Mind (GHPG), Curse of damned aging (GrimH), Curse of foul blight (GrimH), Curse of lost sentiment (GrimH), Cursed Gift (DM), Desiccating Breath (DM), Distressing Resonance (DM), Divination (PHB), Elemental bane (EEPG/XGtE), Gravity sinkhole (EGtW), Hullshock (PCC), Lesser invulnerability (G&G), Ride the Lightning (GHPG), Shatterhull (PCC), Sickening radiance (XGtE), Silver Wings (Arc3), Skeleton crew (PCC), Storm sphere (EEPG/XGtE), Summon Aberration (TCE), Summon Construct (TCE), Summon elemental spirit (UA), Summon greater demon (XGtE), Surrogate (SCC), Thundercloud wall (G&G), Veiled vessel (PCC), Vitriolic sphere (EEPG/XGtE), Wall of brine (PCC), Watery sphere (EEPG/XgtE) |
5th | 23 PHB; 36 here; total 59 | Ancient Shade (DM), Battle Mind (DM), Conjure Fey Hound (DM), Control winds (EEPG/XGtE), Curse of conceited obsession (GrimH), Curse of ill-fated fortune (GrimH), Curse of insatiable greed (GrimH), Curse of ravenous hunger (GrimH), Danse macabre (XGtE), Dawn (XGtE), Deep diver (PCC), Enervation (XGtE), Evolve Beast (SCC), Far step (XGtE), Greater animate undead (GrimH), Immolation (EEPG/XGtE), Incite Riot (GHPG), Infernal calling (XGtE), Investiture of Venom (GHPG), Lava Field (G&G), Little Death (GHPG), Magic Mirror (GHPG), Mortality (GHPG), Negative energy flood (XGtE), Sea scrying (PCC), Sea Swell (G&G), Skill empowerment (XGtE), Soulforging (MGHH), Spirit Swarm (GHPG), Steel wind strike (XGtE), Synaptic static (XGtE), Temporal stunt (EGtW), Transmute rock (EEPG/XgtE), Unseen crew (PCC), Wall of iron (MME2), Wall of light (XGtE) |
6th | 20 PHB; 25 here; total 45 | Absorbing Field (DM), Ally Aegis (DM), Animate Greater Undead (DM), Aspect of the Firebird (DM), Avronin's Astral Assembly (DM), Catapult (DM), Create homunculus (XGtE), Crown of Radiance (GHPG), Curse of uncontrollable wrath (GrimH), Destroy Enchantment (G&G), Earth Worm (GHPG), Gravity fissure (EGtW), Heart Seeker (GHPG), Investiture of flame (EEPG/XGtE), Investiture of ice (EEPG/XGtE), Investiture of stone (EEPG/XGtE), Investiture of wind (EEPG/XGtE), Mental prison (XGtE), Rainbow Recurve (Arc3), Scatter (XGtE), Soul cage (XGtE), Summon Fiend (TCE), Tasha's Otherworldly Guise (TCE), Tenser's transformation (XGtE), Veiled vessel, greater (PCC), |
7th | 15 PHB; 14 here; total 29 | Amplify Gravity (DM), Arcane Parasite (DM), Conjure Greater Spectral Undead (DM), Create Thunderstaff (DM), Crown of stars (XGtE), Curse of Dust (DM), Curse of the Grave (DM), Death God's Touch (DM), Defile Healing (DM), Power Word Pain (XGtE), Stoneheart (Arc3), Submerge ship (PCC), Tether essence (EGtW), Whirlwind (EEPG/XGtE) |
8th | 14 PHB; 17 here; total 31 | Abi-Dalzim's horrid wilting (EEPG/XGtE), Arcane Sight (DM), Awaken Object (DM), Black Sunshine (DM), Caster's caravel (PCC), Creeping Death (GHPG), Dark star (EGtW), Disruptive Aura (DM), Flense (GHPG), Illusory dragon (XGtE), Maddening darkness (XGtE), Mighty fortress (XGtE), Permanency (Arc3), Reality break (EGtW), Red Rain (GHPG), Undead enthrallment (GrimH), Wall of Gloom (GHPG) |
9th | 12 PHB; 11 here; total 23 | Blade of Disaster (TCE), Dream of the Blue Veil (TCE), Interplanar voyage (PCC), Invulnerability (XGtE), Mass polymorph (XGtE), Phoenix Flames (GHPG), Psychic scream (XGtE), Ravenous void (EGtW), Salvage (PCC), Steal Immortality (GHPG), Time ravage (EGtW) |
Spell Descriptions
(Inspired by the spell of the same name in the 3E D&D Heroes of Battle p128, Wizards of the Coast)
3rd level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V,S
Duration: Instantaneous
A large charger appears in a place that you can see within range. The charger's appearance differs, based upon your spellcasting tradition. If you are a paladin, it appears as an armored knight on a warhorse. If you are a druid or ranger, the charger is typically some horned beast such as a giant ram, musk-ox, or rhinoceros. Other options could be a large monstrosity, beast or dragon such as a minotaur, gorgon or a blue storm drake.
The charger moves in a 30-foot long and 10-foot wide line. Each creature in the charger's path must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d12 force damage and is knocked clear of the line - they must move 5 feet to the nearest vacant space beside them. If there is not vacant space they instead suffer an extra 1d12 force damage and are knocked prone. On a successful save the creature takes half as much damage and is not moved or knocked prone.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, for every two slots above 3rd, the spell does an extra 1d12 damage and widens the life by another 10-feet. (In effect, another charger appears and moves parallel to others).
2nd level conjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V,S,M (fungi)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You summon fey spirits that animate fungi and take the form of fungal creatures in unoccupied spaces that you can see within range. Choose one of the following options for what appears:
* 1 fungal-based plant creature of challenge rating 1 or lower
* 2 fungal-based plant creatures of challenge rating 1/2 or lower
* 4 fungal-based plant creatures of challenge rating 1/4 or lower
Each creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.
The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the summoned creatures as a group, which has its own turns. They obey any verbal commands that you issue to them (no action required by you). If you don't issue any commands to them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using certain higher level spell slots, you choose one of the options above, and more creatures appear: twice as many or 1 challenge rating 2 fungal-based plant monster with a 4th-level slot, three times as many with a 6th-level slot.
Example fungal-based plant monsters that can be summoned:
CR 1/4 (or lower): chwinga (5E D&D Tomb of Annihilation p216, but fungal in appearance), myconid sprout (5E D&D Monster Manual p230), vegepygmy (5E D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters p196 and Tomb of Annihilation p234), bridesmaid of Zuggtmoy (5E D&D Out of the Abyss p230)
CR 1/2: myconid adult (5E D&D Monster Manual p231); vegepygmy warrior (5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p238);
CR 1: myconid devoted (5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p200); myconid guard (5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p200); thorny (5E D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters p197 and Tomb of Annihilation p233); fungal folk alchemist I (5E D&D Tome of Horrors p157); vegepygmy shaman (5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p238);
CR 2: vegepygmy chief (5E D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters p197 and Tomb of Annihilation p234), chamberlain of Zuggtmoy (5E D&D Out of the Abyss p230)
2nd level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V,S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Choose two creatures that are standing on earth or stone, that you can see and within range. The earth around those creatures tremors and tries to bind them. The targets must succeed on a Strength saving throw or are grappled as they begin to sink into the earth and their movement is zero.
Any creature that starts its turn grappled in the earth, takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage. This increases to 2d6 if restrained, or 3d6 if paralyzed.
A trapped creature must continue to make Strength saving throws at the end of each of their turns. Upon each failure, the creature is pulled further into the earth. If the creature fails a second Strength saving throw, it sinks half its height into the earth and is restrained. Following a third failure the creature is mostly encompassed in the earth and is considered paralysed.
If a target succeeds on any of their saving throws, their condition improves by one step in the reverse order of the three stages above.
Targets can also use their action to make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against your spell save DC to improve their situation one step, though this check is made at disadvantage when restrained and cannot be taken once paralyzed. The only way to improve from paralyzed is with successful saving throws.
When the spell ends, the creatures are released, but must use half of their movement to get free of the earth.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 and you can choose one extra target, for each slot above 2nd.
1st level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V,S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
A wall of water appears around you and then surges out in all directions, halting in a 10-foot-radius wall around you. The wall is 1 foot thick and 5 feet high and remains as long as you maintain concentration. Anyone that comes into contact with the wall, including those that started within the encircled area, must make Strength saving throws or be thrown straight backwards 5 feet from the wall's final position and knocked prone. If the creature succeeds on its Strength save it stands its ground if within the radius or can move through the wall, treating it as difficult terrain.
The wall provides cover in both directions, and also grants resistance to fire damage for anyone within the encircling wall.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 2nd level spell slot or higher, you can increase the radius of the final wall by a further 5 feet for every slot level above 1st. Furthermore, those that start in the radius and fail their Strength saving throw take 1d8 bludgeoning damage for every slot above 1st.
(Developed by @DrakeonTheRogue. Posted spell from Discord).
2nd level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V,S,M (a piece of iron)
Duration: 8 hours
You touch a willing creature and they gain proficiency on one chosen weapon for the duration of the spell. (If using our weapon group house rules, the recipient gains proficiency in in all Simple and Martial weapons from one weapon group for the duration of the spell).
The spell ends if you dismiss it as an action.
2nd level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V,S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You create a 5-foot radius sphere of terrible, bone-crushing pressure. Creatures within the sphere must make a Strength saving throw. On a successful save, a creature is ejected from that space to the nearest unoccupied space of the creature's choice outside the sphere. On a failed saving throw a creature takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage as they are crushed and they are restrained. A creature that begins its turn in the pressure sphere may make a Strength saving to move from the sphere. A creature that ends their turn within the sphere takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
If this spell is cast in a body of water, the initial sphere deals 4d6 bludgeoning damage.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 3rd level spell slot or higher, you can increase the radius of the sphere by a further 5 feet for every slot level above 1st. Furthermore, when you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher the initial damage is increased by 1d6 for every slot above 2nd level.
(Developed by Schmecklez. Post on Discord)
2nd level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V,M (a cryptantha flower or a piece of raw meat)
Duration: Instantaneous
Black panthers leap from the shadows, striking targets before vanishing. Up to three targets of your choice that you can see within range must make Wisdom saving throws. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d12 psychic damage and must make another save at the beginning of their next turn, and if they fail they take another 1d12 psychic damage.
If a target is in darkness or dim light, they are also frightened until the end of their next turn if they fail their saving throw.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 2nd level.
1st level conjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 60 feet
Components: V,S,M (fungus)
Duration: Instantaneous
You summon either a fungi-based creature or hazard. A fungi or mold hazard erupts from all surfaces within a 10-foot square. If there are targets within the area or creatures later enter the area, they suffer the immediate effects of the type of fungi or mold that grows there (such as being attacked by violet fungus, or having to make a saving throw versus russet mold). If summoning a creature, then it must be summoned into a vacant space within range. Once placed, the fungus or mold is permanent and behaves in all manner as described in their description. For example, if the summoned fungus or mold can take actions, it rolls initiative and takes turns if there is a combat. If it is a hazard, use the description to determine the outcome if any creature enters or is in the area.
The fungus or mold is permanent until destroyed, and is subject to normal environmental effects, such as yellow mold being instantly destroyed by fire or sunlight. Even if the summoned fungi or mold has a movement, such as a gas spore, they cannot move from the area they were summoned into, except if forced.
The fungi is not under the control of the caster, but at the time of casting the spell, you can designate yourself as not triggering any fungi or mold you create. The fungi or mold will simply behave as if you are not there.
When you cast this spell you choose one of the following to appear:
* 4 shriekers (5E D&D Monster Manual p138)
* 4 violet fungi (5E D&D Monster Manual p138)
* 1 patch of russet mold (5E D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters p196); or 1 gas spore (5E D&D Monster Manual p138);
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using certain higher level spell slots, you can choose other varieties of fungus or molds:
2nd level spell slot: 1 patch of yellow mold (5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p105); or the area is simply covered in a type of fungus of your choosing, such as edible mushrooms or exotic types like bioluminescent fungi that sheds light in a 15 foot radius and dim light for a further 15 feet. This fungus might even glow only on contact. (See 5E D&D Out of the Abyss p23 for other ideas on exotic fungi).
4th level spell slot: 1 patch of brown mold (5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p105); or 1 giant violet fungus (5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p102)
6th level spell slot: 4 Zuggtmoy-touched shriekers (5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p102)
3rd level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V,S
Duration: 1 minute
A ray of sickly, mustard-coloured energy shoots forth towards one creature you can see within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 necrotic damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, one random limb withers and is unusable until the spell ends.
If a limb is withered, roll 1d6 and consult the following table. (You can roll a 1d4 for creatures that have no tails or wings. Reroll if you get a result that is not possible).
Creatures with six or more limbs do not suffer speed penalties until half of their limbs are affected.
1d6 | Limb affected | Effects |
1 | Left arm | Target drops any item held in this hand and cannot use the limb. Climbing speed is reduced to 5 feet or 0 feet if 2 limbs have been affected. Strength checks requiring the use of arms are made with disadvantage. |
2 | Right arm | Target drops any item held in this and cannot use the limb. Climbing speed is reduced to 5 feet or 0 feet if 2 limbs have been affected. Strength checks requiring the use of arms are made with disadvantage. |
3 | Left leg | Target falls prone and cannot use the limb. Speed is reduced to 5 feet. Strength and Dexterity checks requiring the use of legs are made with disadvantage. |
4 | Right leg | Target falls prone and cannot use the limb. Speed is reduced to 5 feet. Strength and Dexterity checks requiring the use of legs are made with disadvantage. |
5 | Tail | Tail hangs limp and cannot be used as a weapon. Items held are dropped. Speed and climbing speeds are reduced by 10 feet and the creature has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws. |
6 | Wing | Flying speed is reduced to zero and the creature descends at 60 feet per round. If all wings are affected, the creature falls. |
At the end of each of the target's turns, it can make a Constitution saving throw. On a success the spell ends and affected limbs return to normal.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot above 3rd.