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RPG Pages
Writing Credits
Published RPG Stuff
System Neutral
- Online Dice Roller
- Player's Stuff
- GM Tools
- GM Advice
- New Campaign Survey
- Race Template for settings.
- Random Adventure Creator
Fantasy Realms Creation
- Realm Player Page Template
- Realm GM Page Template
- Core Features
- Racial Demographics
- Government
- Law & Military
- Arcane Magic
- Religion & Divine
- Civics, Art & Entertainment
- Crime & Underworld
- Economics & Trade
- Nature & the Land
- Realm Encounters
- History & Events
House Rules
Used across all systems
- ALL - Ability & Attribute Checks
- ALL - Card Initiative
- ALL - Drawbacks
- ALL - Encumbrance
- ALL - Renown & Relationships
- ALL - Weapon Properties
- ALL - Weapon Stats
- ALL - XP & Advancement
Fantasy Heritages
Used across all systems
- Races/Heritages Lists & Details
- Aberrations & Monstrosities
- Amphibian & Aquatic
- Anthropomorphs & furries
- Avians & feathered
- Celestial - upper plane connection
- Constructs & Undead
- Draconic & reptilian
- Dwarves & small folk
- Elemental & plants
- Elves & fey
- Fiendish - lower plane connection
- Humans & Near Humans
- Giants & big folk
- Insectoids
- Other humanoids & aliens
- D&D - House Rules Summary & PC Creation Steps
- D&D - Player Stuff
d20 5E Rules Compendium
Basic Rules Webpage
ENWorld Database 5E Fan creations
Pathfinder SRD
13th Age SRD
Cypher System
- Cypher - House Rules
- Cypher - Player Stuff
- Cypher - Descriptors
- Cypher - Types
- Cypher - Flavors
- Cypher - Foci Master List
- Cypher - Foci Groups By genre, time, etc
- Cypher - Vehicles
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Savage Worlds
Fighting Fantasy
Board Games
Other Links
Connors GM Notes Behind the scenes of games I run.
Connors Central My Ed site
Cypher Cast Mag Slack Chat