Player's Stuff

This page is for articles and ideas useful to players, no matter what system they are using.


Give Your Character Culture
The full article for giving your PC a colourful background with ideas for actually bringing it out in play.
NB: A heavily modified version of this was published in Dragon Magazine, but this is the full article.

Character Connections

Here are many ways to connect characters to one another. Choose another member of the party then roll a random number or choose.

Roll Connection Ideas, Charts, extras
1 You owe them a debt. See Debts table Eberron Rising… p9
2 You have the same patron. See Random Adventure Generator Page for patrons.
3 You are siblings.
4 They are a relation other than sibling.
5 They were thrust into your care.
6 You both belong to the same group/organisation/team. Have Relationship dice with the same group
7 They are under your command or your student/apprentice.
8 They are your superior/commander/mentor.
9 They know your secret.
10 You are both from the same hometown/neighbourhood.
11 You attended school/church/etc together.
12 You are childhood friends.
13 You are friendly rivals.
14 You both belong to same religion/follow the same deity.
15 You only recently met and hit it off.
16 You don't know them or just met.
17 You are romantically linked.
18 You were locked-up or served as prisoners together.
19 You both suffer the same curse.
20 You were both forced into this quest.
21 You both survived a pivotal event - maybe you're the only ones? Explosion, ship wreck, invasion, plague, etc.
22 You saved them.
23 They saved you.
24 You are business partners.
25 You accidentally affected them in a bad way with your Powers or abilities.
26 You have an unexplainable mystical bond. Maybe you never target them even when charmed etc.
27 You have a strange arcane connection. Powers and spells might affect them too when they are next to you or their presence might affect the way your Powers work
28 You lost something valuable to them (or their connections).
29 You are suspicious of them. You suspect they might have been involved in something that affected your past.
30 You share a hobby or a love for the same thing.
31 You both have the same fear.
32 You are aquaintences through an important third party.
33 They owe you a debt. See Debts table Eberron Rising… p9
34 You worked together on a job previoulsy Did it go well or end bad?
35 In the past, the two of you were on opposite sides of a conflict.
36 They got you into your current line of work.
37 They are a reassuring presence. You might be able to better deal with fears or hindrances in their presence.
38 Luck or chance brought you together. You just happened to be in the same place at the same time.
39 They were a former enemy or rival, but you became friends. Did someone change sides, or you both found new common ground?
40 They are your best friend.
41 You have a common enemy.
42 You are both part of a foretold prophesy or destiny.
43 You both have a strange mysical mark or are altered in some way that links you both.
44 You were partners in crime.
45 You brought them to life or created them. Or other way around. Only works for constructs or other magical creations.
46 You found them when they were lost.
47 They found you when you were lost.
48 You were both lost, either together or found each other whilst lost.
49 Kindred spirits. Some other force, or the spirits themselves, have bonded the two of you. You must look out for one another.
50 You Powers or abilities benefited this person in some way.
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