Races Avians Feathered
Roll 1d10 Race Species
1-4 Select or roll a common (C) race/species from appropriate environment
5-7 Select or roll an uncommon (UC) race/species from appropriate environment
8-9 Select or roll a rare (R) race/species from appropriate environment
10 Select or roll a very rare (VR) race/species from appropriate environment


C = Common
UC = Uncommon
R = Rare
VR = Very Rare
L = Leader (this race is not found as a population - only as rulers).

Civ Wild Aqua UG Race / Species / Monster Player Character traits Monster stat blocks
- R - - Aarakocra (bird folk) 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Wildemount; 5E D&D House (see below); 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide (avian); 2E D&D Complete Book of Humanoids 5E D&D Monster Manual; 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded; 4E D&D Dark Sun Creature Catalog; 3E D&D Monsters of Faerun; 2E D&D Monstrous Manual
VR VR - - Argaroc (roc folk) 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide -
- R R - Harpy 5E D&D Plane Shift Ixalan (as siren); 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide 5E D&D Monster Manual; 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros; 5E D&D Tome of Beasts; 5E D&D Creature Codex (alkonost - small storm heralds); 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded; PF2 Bestiary; 13th Age Core Book; 4E D&D Monster Manual; PF Bestiary; 2E D&D Monstrous Manual; SW Weird Wars Rome; Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion; Savage Worlds Hellfrost Bestiary
R R - - Hawk/eagle folk 5E D&D House (harkrinn - see below); 5E D&D Plane Shift Amonkhet (aven); 5E D&D Plane Shift Dominaria (aven); 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide (griffin); B&B Core Rulebook -
R R - - Hengeyokai (shapechanging animal) 3E D&D Oriental Adventures; 2E D&D Dragon Magazine #266; B&B Core Rulebook 3E D&D Oriental Adventures
UC R - - Ibis folk 5E D&D Races (ibisil - see below); B&B Core Rulebook (ibisil - see below); 5E D&D Plane Shift Amonkhet (aven); -
C VR - VR Kenku 5E D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters; 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Wildemount; 5E D&D House (see below); 4E D&D Monster Manual 2; PF Bestiary (as tengu); B&B Core Rulebook 5E D&D Monster Manual; 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded; 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded 2; PF2 Bestiary (as tengu); 4E D&D Monster Manual 2; PF Bestiary (as tengu); 2E D&D Monstrous Manual
- VR - - Pengu (penguin folk) 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide (under argaroc) -
R R - - Owl-folk B&B Core Rulebook (owlin) -
- VR - - Raptoran 3E D&D Races of the Wild -
R R - - Ravenfolk 5E D&D Midgard Heroes Handbook; 2E D&D Dragon Magazine #262; B&B Core Rulebook (tengu) 5E D&D Tome of Beasts
- R - - Tengu (magical raven folk) 5E D&D House (see below) 3E D&D Oriental Adventures
R UC - R Voltare (harpy eagle folk) B&B Core Rulebook -
VR R - UC Vulture folk (brutes) 5E D&D House (see below - vulkrar); B&B Core Rulebook (vulkrar) 5E D&D Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio 1 (dire corby); 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded 2 (dire corby);
VR R - VR Vulture folk (magic) - 3E D&D The Diamond Throne (harrid)
R R - - Wilding (animal cross) AGE Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook (beastfolk); Savage Worlds Sundered Skies Savage Worlds Sundered Skies
VR R - - Sci-Fi Species (select from table below) - -


Civ Wild Aqua UG Race / Species / Monster Player Character traits Monster stat blocks
R R - - Caamasi Saga Force Unleashed Campaign Guide -
UC VR - - Luonn Tua 5E D&D Spaceships & Starwyrms -
VR R - - Sathari Force & Destiny Chronicles of the Gatekeeper -
VR R - - Zalpheed (avian folk) B&B Core Rulebook (harkrinn) 5E D&D Esper Genesis Threats Database
R UC - VR Fantasy Species (select from table above) - -



Game Statistics & Lore. 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Wildemount; 5E D&D Elemental Evil Player's Companion.
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas. This subrace has been a staple of D&D for many editions. They have ties to the Elemental Plane of Air and are detailed in Wizards of the Coast's Elemental Evil Player's Guide. In older editions of D&D their hands/claws were part of their wings. In 5E they have a separate pair of arms, making them the same as harkrinns in appearance. The two may have been the same subrace, with harkrinns having lost their touch with the Elemental Plane of Air.


Dungeons & Dragons 5E


Altered Aarakocra Traits

  • Talons. If using our house rules, this grants proficiency in the Natural Weapons group proficiency.
  • Wings. For an aarakocra's wings to be able to function, they must have a number of feet equal to their height free on both sides of them. If their wings can be used, an aarakocra gains advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to jump, can ignore falling damage, or glide forward 2 feet for every 1 foot descended. You have disadvantage on Strength (Athletic) checks made to swim.

Typical Aarakocra Drawbacks

  • Brittle Bones (Major). To enable flight, birdfolk have hollow or light bones.
  • Dullard (Minor) OR Frail (Minor) OR Weak (Minor). There is not a real standard weakness across all aarakocra, though each of these is common enough.
  • Aversion (Minor). Applies when interacting with creatures of the earth (typically those native to the Elemental Plane of Earth and/or speak Terran).
  • Fear of Confinement (Racial Minor). After spending 1 hour under the earth you must make a Wisdom DC 12 saving throw. On a success, you cope until your next long rest. On a failure, you lose your nerve and make all checks and attacks with disadvantage until you complete a long rest. This save must be repeated following every long rest if you remain below ground.
  • Outsider (Minor). Aarakocra are literally outsiders, being native to the Plane of Elemental Air. They think very differently to ground-dwelling humanoids and feel nothing but pity for those unable to fly.

Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a protector aasimar, you select one of the following: Nature, Perception, Survival, or Spears (Simple) or one relevant language.

Bonus Racial Feat. For each racial major drawback you start with, you select one aarakocra racial feat.


Race Feat & Source
Aarakocra Beast Affinity (Avians) (House, D&D Racial Feats)


Game Statistics & Lore. 5e D&D House (see below).
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas. This subrace represents any hawk or eagle-like birdfolk. They are a creation from Kage where they serve as a guardian race and are known to be proud with strong sense of honor and the divine. They are distinguished from aarakocra by their larger size, lack of connection to the Elemental Plane of Air, and different outlook.They may have once been members of the same race, but harkrinn have adapted better to life on the ground and their larger size limits their flight.

Harkrinns are humanoid birdfolk. They have the exceptional perception of birds of prey. They have a strong sense of community and pride themselves on their noble behaviour and reverence of the gods. Their wings allow them to glide and some develop allowing flight.

Detailed Harkrinn Lore we have written.


Dungeons & Dragons 5E


Harkrinn Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
  • Age. Harkrinn life spans are comparable to those of humans.
  • Avian Affinity. You have advantage on all Wisdom (Animal handling) rolls with avian beasts.
  • Exceptional Eyesight. You gain proficiency in the Wisdom (Perception) skill and can see twice as far as a human.
  • Limited Flight. On your turn you can fly your speed when you move. If you do not land at the beginning of your next turn you must glide (as detailed under Wings) as your movement. If you are unable to glide you fall.
  • Natural Weapons. Harkrinn have sharp beaks and legs end in sharp talons. These can be used as natural weapons, dealing 1d4 slashing damage. (You are not proficient in the use of these weapons unless you take the Natural Weapons Group proficiency).
  • Wings. For a harkrinn's wings to be able to function, they must have a number of feet equal to their height free on both sides of them. If their wings can be used, a harkrinn gains advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to jump, can ignore falling damage, or glide forward 2 feet for every 1 foot descended. You have disadvantage on Strength (Athletic) checks made to swim.
  • Size. Medium.
  • Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
  • Languages Common and Elven or Dwarven.

Typical Harkrinn Drawbacks

  • Aversion (Minor). Applies to snake-like beasts and when interacting with serpentfolk such as serpentine/yuan-ti. This may not be common to all settings.
  • Dullard (Minor) OR Frail (Minor) OR Weak (Minor). There is not a real standard weakness across all harkrinns, though each of these are common enough.
  • Honorable (Minor). Harkinns pride themselves on their noble bearing and honourable behaviour. Although they may come across as aloof initially, they are actually very accepting of other races and enjoy conversation and song.
  • Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a harkrinn, you select one of the following: Endurance, Insight, Intimidation, or Religion or one relevant language.


Race Feat & Source
Harkrinn Beast Affinity (avians) (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Harkrinn Flight (Harkrinn gain the Flight trait from the aarakocra race as detailed in 5E D&D Elemental Evil Player's Companion.)


Game Statistics & Lore. 5e D&D house (see below).
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas. These humanoids represent any ibis or heron-like birdfolk. They are a creation from Kage where they serve as a guardian race and are known for their love of knowledge and studious ways. Of particular note is the lack of wings on the ibisil.


Dungeons & Dragons 5E


Ibisil Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score by 2.
  • Languages Auran and Common.
  • Ibisil Scrutiny. You have advantage on checks made to decipher, understand or identify forgeries when dealing with written text including runes and magical writing.
  • Size. Medium.
  • Speed. Base speed is 25 feet.
  • Water Born. You ignore movement penalties for wading through water and moving through swamp and marsh terrain.

Typical Ibisil Drawbacks

  • Armor Avoidance (Minor racial). Armor is typically too heavy for your frail frame and is uncomfortable over your feathers and sensitive shoulder nodules.
  • Frail (Minor). All ibisils are slight of build, with very thin and easily broken limbs.
  • Weak (Minor OR Major). Ibisils have little strength and are on the shorter end of Medium size.
  • Brittle Bones (Major). Ibisil still have light bone structure despite losing the gift of flight some time ago.

Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to an ibisil, you select one of the following: Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Religion, calligrapher's supplies, weaver's tools, herbalism kit or oared vehicles or one relevant language.

Bonus Racial Feats. For each racial major drawback you start with, you select one ibisil racial feat.


Race Feat & Source
Ibisil Beast Affinity (avians) (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Ibisil Light Frame (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Ibisil Water Magic (House, D&D General Feats) This is a general feat, but ibisil can take it as a racial feat.


Game Statistics & Lore. 5e D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters chapter 2.
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas. This race of scheming sneaks able to imitate sound have also been in the D&D game for a long time. Kenku can represent any cross with smaller birds. Kenku and tengu may even be different spectrums of the same 'race'.


Dungeons & Dragons 5E


Typical Kenku Drawbacks

  • Brittle Bones (Major) OR Weak-Willed (Major). Many kenku still have light bone structure despite losing the gift of flight some time ago. Kenku tend to be followers and are easily led into trouble.
  • Dullard (Minor) OR Frail (Minor) OR Weak (Minor). There is not a real standard weakness across all kenku, though each of these are common enough.
  • Outsider (Minor). Even though they live in urban areas, kenku tend to gather in ghettos and are generally not trusted by other citizens. The kenku's 'speech' can also be very off-putting to others.

Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a kenku, you select one of the following: Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Streetwise, Short Blades (Simple), or any game set (or gaming group if using our grouped proficiencies) or one relevant language.
Bonus Racial Feat. For the major drawback assigned to a kenku, you select one kenku racial feat.


Race Feat & Source
Kenku Ambusher (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Kenku Light Frame (House, D&D Racial Feats)


Game Statistics & Lore. 5e D&D house (see below).
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas. Tengu are a crow-like race common to Oriental settings. There are several takes on tengu; several consider them fickle, covetous and even scavengers. These are better represented by using the kenku race. The kenku were likely a group of tengu that lost their wings and became their own race.

The tengu below are the mysterious, reclusive race that devote themselves to their studies, be it sword mastery, philosophy or magic. They do consider themselves superior to most beings, but once outsiders prove themselves worthy, tengu can become loyal and trusted allies (and often teachers).


Dungeons & Dragons 5E


Tengu Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
  • Flight. Your wings are fully functional and you have a flying speed of 40 feet. You cannot fly whilst wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a heavy load.
  • Languages Auran and Common.
  • Mimicry. You can mimic any sound you have heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds can tell if they are imitations by opposing your Charisma (Deception) check with a Wisdom (Insight) check. You gain proficiency in the Deception skill, and when you are able to use sounds, you add twice your proficiency bonus to any Charisma (Deception) check that you make. Although tengu have this ability, they rarely try to deceive honourable creatures. This cannot be combined with other features, such as Expertise, to increase the bonus further.
  • Natural Weapons. Tengu have sharp beaks and legs end in sharp talons. These can be used as natural weapons, dealing 1d4 slashing damage. (You are not proficient in the use of these weapons unless you take the Natural Weapons group proficiency. It is rare for an honorable tengu to use their natural weapons).
  • Size. Medium.
  • Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
  • Wings. For a birdfolk's wings to be able to function, they must have a number of feet equal to their height free on both sides of them. If their wings can be used a birdfolk gains advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to jump, can ignore falling damage, or glide forward 2 feet for every 1 foot descended. You have disadvantage on Strength (Athletic) checks made to swim.

Typical Tengu Drawbacks

  • Frail (Minor). Tengu are slight of build.
  • Haughty (Minor). Tengu initially come across as very proud and remain so until others prove themselves as equals in honor.
  • Honor-Bound (Minor). Although tengu have the means to deceive, they are not very good with deceptive actions other than their mimicry. The penalty to Charisma (Deception) checks does not apply when they are using mimicry.
  • Outsider (Minor). Tengu live isolated lives and others tend to be wary around them.
  • Brittle Bones (Major). To enable flight, birdfolk have hollow or light bones.

Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a tengu, you select any one of the following: Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, Long Blades (Simple), Short Blades (Simple) or calligraphy supplies or one relevant language.

Bonus Racial Feats. For each racial major drawback you start with, you select one tengu racial feat.


Race Feat & Source
Tengu Beast Affinity (avians) (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Tengu Devotion (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Tengu Tengu Magic (House, D&D Racial Feats)


Game Statistics & Lore. 5e D&D house (see below).
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas. There have been several takes on vulturefolk from vulchlings and the magical nagpas, both from early editions of D&D. (The tengu subrace would be a better representation of the nagpas). Dire corbies have also been used to represent vulturefolk with no wings. They are a strong, aggressive, underground dwelling race. The entry below is based more upon this latter subrace. Vulkrar have a greater scent sense than other birdfolk and are capable of eating rotten meat.


Dungeons & Dragons 5E


Vulkrar Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
  • Carrion Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
  • Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey. Many flocks of vulkrar have adapted to a life fully lived underground.
  • Languages Auran and Common.
  • Natural Weapons. Vulkrar have sharp beaks and legs that end in sharp talons. These can be used as natural weapons, dealing 1d6 slashing damage. All vulkrar are proficient with their natural weapons (or with the Natural Weapons group proficiency if using our house rules). They actually enjoy pecking at their enemies.
  • Size. Medium.
  • Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.

Typical Vulkrar Drawbacks

  • Anti-Social (Minor). Vulkrar have enough difficulty relating to each other, let alone others.
  • Belligerent (Minor). Vulkrar are aggressive in all interactions.
  • Dullard (Minor). Vulkrar are not known for their intellectual processing. They learn by experiencing.
  • Primitive (Minor). Vulkrar do not craft and rarely even use weapons. They are scavengers.

Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a vulkrar, you select one of the following: Athletics, Endurance, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth or Survival or one relevant language.


Race Feat & Source
Vulkrar Screech (House, D&D Racial Feats)


Dungeons & Dragons 5E

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