Roll 1d10 | Race Species |
1-4 | Select or roll a common (C) race/species from appropriate environment |
5-7 | Select or roll an uncommon (UC) race/species from appropriate environment |
8-9 | Select or roll a rare (R) race/species from appropriate environment |
10 | Select or roll a very rare (VR) race/species from appropriate environment |
C = Common
UC = Uncommon
R = Rare
VR = Very Rare
L = Leader (this race is not found as a population - only as rulers).
Civ | Wild | Aqua | UG | Race / Species / Monster | Player Character traits | Monster stat blocks |
C | VR | - | - | Aasimar | 5E D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters; 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Wildemount; 5E D&D House (see below); 5E D&D Southlands Heroes; 5E D&D Grim Hollow Players Guide (downcast); 13th Age Core Book; 3E D&D Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting; B&B Core Rulebook | PF2 Bestiary; PF Bestiary; 3E D&D Races of Destiny |
VR | VR | - | - | Angel | 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide | 5E D&D Monster Manual; 5E D&D Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica; 5E D&D Tome of Beasts; 5E D&D Tome of Horrors; 5E D&D Creature Codex; 5E D&D Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel; PF2 Bestiary; 4E D&D Monster Vault; 4E D&D Monster Manual; 4E D&D Monster Manual 2; PF Bestiary; 1E D&D Monster Manual II |
VR | VR | - | VR | Angel - fallen | 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide (icari) | - |
VR | VR | - | - | Archon (LG) | - | 5E D&D Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica; PF2 Bestiary; PF Bestiary; 3E D&D Monster Manual IV; 3E D&D Book of Exalted Deeds |
- | VR | - | - | Azata (CG old eladrins) | - | PF2 Bestiary; PF Bestiary; 3E D&D Book of Exalted Deeds (eladrin); 3E D&D Manual of the Planes; |
VR | VR | - | - | Bariaur (celestial goat-taurs) | 3E D&D Manual of the Planes; | 3E D&D Manual of the Planes; 3E D&D Book of Exalted Deeds |
VR | - | - | - | Celestial Court (L) | - | 5E D&D Strongholds & Followers |
- | VR | - | - | Couatl | - | 5E D&D Monster Manual; 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded; 4E D&D Monster Manual 2; 4E D&D Draconomicon: Metallic; PF Bestiary; 2E D&D Monstrous Manual |
VR | VR | - | - | Dakani (demi gods) | - | 5E D&D Creature Codex |
UC | - | - | - | Deva | 5E D&D House (see below); 4E D&D Player's Handbook 2; 4E D&D Dragon Magazine #374 | 4E D&D Monster Manual 2; 4E D&D Dragon Magazine #374; 3E D&D Necropolis; |
VR | - | - | - | Eidolon (beings of creation) | 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide | - |
VR | VR | - | - | Empyrean | - | 5E D&D Monster Manual |
R | VR | - | - | Gibborim | 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide | - |
R | - | - | - | Grigori | 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide; B&B Core Rulebook (use aasimar) | - |
- | VR | - | - | Guardinals (NG) | - | 3E D&D Book of Exalted Deeds (eladrin); 3E D&D Manual of the Planes; |
VR | R | VR | - | Kitsune | 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide | - |
R | R | VR | VR | Orisha | 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide | - |
VR | VR | - | - | Sand Speaker | 5E D&D Arcadia Magazine #3 | - |
R | VR | - | - | Shivrah | 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide | - |
VR | - | - | - | Somnian | 5E D&D Arcadia Magazine #3 | - |
VR | - | - | - | Tiphin | 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide | - |
VR | VR | - | - | Titan | - | 5E D&D Tome of Beasts |
VR | VR | - | VR | Vashnai (redeemed fiends) | 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide | - |
VR | VR | VR | - | Template (select/roll from Template table below & apply to completely new race) | - | - |
VR | VR | - | - | Sci-Fi Species (select from table below) | - | - |
Related Templates
Template | Source |
Half-Celestial | PF Bestiary |
Saint | 3E D&D Book of Exalted Deeds |
Sanctified creature | 3E D&D Book of Exalted Deeds |
Use this for radiant, light-emitting, ultra-beautiful and celestial-like aliens.Civ | Wild | Aqua | UG | Race / Species / Monster | Player Character traits | Monster stat blocks |
UC | - | - | - | Hanadarian | 5E D&D Spaceships & Starwyrms | SF Alien Archive |
VR | VR | - | - | Angel | - | SF Alien Archive |
VR | VR | VR | VR | Evolutionary | 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide | - |
VR | VR | - | - | Fantasy Species (select from table above) | - | - |
Game Statistics & Lore. 5e D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters chapter 2; 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, chapter 4
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas. Aasimar are celestial plane-touched, and as a result are often champions of good. They were introduced to the Planescape Setting as the good version of the tiefling. They can be found in the 3E Races of Destiny.
Not all aasimar need to have humans as their mortal side either. It would be easy enough, with the GM's permission to combine this race with the core features of another race. The main thing to watch for is ability score bonuses - there still should only be increases to two of them.
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Game Statistics & Lore. 5e D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters chapter 2.
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas.Typical Protector Aasimar Drawbacks
- Honourable (Minor). Deceit is not a trait you possess.
- Loyal (Minor). You protect your allies and all that is good. You do not leave those people behind.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a protector aasimar, you select one of the following: Insight, Perception, Persuasion, Shields (armor proficiency), Shields (Simple + Martial), Hammers & Maces (Simple + Martial), Long Blades (Simple + Martial) or one relevant language.
Game Statistics & Lore. 5e D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters chapter 2.
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas.Typical Scourge Aasimar Drawbacks
- Haughty (Minor) OR Insensitive (Minor). You ideals can be inflexible in the eyes of others. You may be too focused on destroying evil to see what others really want.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a scourge aasimar, you select one of the following: Endurance, Intimidation, Hammers & Maces (Simple + Martial), Long Blades (Simple + Martial) or one relevant language.
Game Statistics & Lore. 5e D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters chapter 2.
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas.Typical Fallen Aasimar Drawbacks
- Unstable (Minor) OR Insensitive (Minor). You ideals can be inflexible in the eyes of others. You may be too focused on destroying evil to see what others really want.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a fallen aasimar, you select one of the following: Endurance, Intimidation, Hammers & Maces (Simple + Martial), Long Blades (Simple + Martial) or one relevant language.
Race Feat & Source Aasimar Angelic Magic (House, D&D Racial Feats) Aasimar Font of Radiance (House, D&D Racial Feats) Aasimar Heroic Destiny (House, D&D Racial Feats) Aasimar Unwavering Destiny (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Game Statistics & Lore. 5e D&D House (see below).
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas. Deva first appeared in 4e D&D Player's Handbook 2. Deva are tall, immortal humanoids whose spirit has been reincarnated over and over.
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Deva Traits
Your deva character has the following racial traits.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
- Age. Devas are already many years old. When they die, their spirit is reincarnated in a new, adult bod that appears in a sacred place. Deva characters do not apply any of the aging rules.
- Alignment. Devas were once immortal servitors of the gods of good that chose to bind themselves to the world in mortal flesh. Most devas continue their service to the deities and are thus good in alignment.
- Size. Devas typically stand over 6 feet tall and weigh around 200 pounds. Your size is Medium.
- Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
- Languages. Common, Celestial and one other language of your choice.
- Immortal Soul. You have proficiency in the History and Religion skills.
- Astral Origin. You have resistance to necrotic and radiant damage.
- Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes. When you roll an attack roll, a saving throw, or an ability check you can add 1d6 to the result. You can add the d6 after you have rolled the check, but must decide before the results are known. After you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Typical Deva Drawbacks
Being creations of the good gods, devas are almost flawless and therefore do not start with many drawbacks.
- Honorable (Minor). Deva are typically devout followers of the good deities and act in an honorable way.
Bonus Proficiencies. For the minor drawback assigned to a deva, you select one of the following: Arcana, Insight, Nature, Performance, Persuasion, one martial weapon proficiency or one weapon group (Simple), one tool kit proficiency, one musical instrument (or group for our house rules) or one relevant language.
Race Feat & Source Deva Astral Splendor (House, D&D Racial Feats) Deva Auspicious Lineage (House, D&D Racial Feats) Deva Font of Radiance (House, D&D Racial Feats) Deva Potent Rebirth (House, D&D Racial Feats) Deva Scourge of the Fallen (House, D&D Racial Feats) Deva Serene Countenance (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Dungeons & Dragons 5E