Races Humans Near Humans
Roll 1d10 Race Species
1-4 Select or roll a common (C) race/species from appropriate environment
5-7 Select or roll an uncommon (UC) race/species from appropriate environment
8-9 Select or roll a rare (R) race/species from appropriate environment
10 Select or roll a very rare (VR) race/species from appropriate environment


C = Common
UC = Uncommon
R = Rare
VR = Very Rare
L = Leader (this race is not found as a population - only as rulers).


Civ Wild Aqua UG Race / Species / Monster Player Character traits Monster stat blocks
VR VR - - Alabast - 3E D&D The Diamond Throne;
VR VR - - Avion (winged humans) Savage Worlds Adventure Edition; Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition -
- - - R Caligni (dark folk) - PF2 Bestiary
VR VR - VR Dark folk (shadow touched) - 5E D&D Creature Codex
VR VR - - Dvati (twin beings) 3E D&D Dragon Compendium; B&B Core Rulebook -
R R - - Elan (psionic) 3E D&D Expanded Psionics Handbook 3E D&D Expanded Psionics Handbook
- - - UC Grimlock (blind UD humans) - 5E D&D Monster Manual; 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded; 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded 2; 4E D&D Monster Manual; 4E D&D Underdark; 3E D&D Dragon Magazine #327 (ecology); 2E D&D Monstrous Manual;
C C - - Human standard / generic 5E D&D Player's Handbook; 5E D&D House (see below); 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide; PF2 Core Rulebook; 13th Age Core Book; 4E D&D Player's Handbook; 3E D&D Races of Destiny; 3E D&D Oriental Adventures; 3E D&D Arcana Unearthed; 2E D&D Player's Handbook; AGE Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook; B&B Core Rulebook (see below); Savage Worlds Adventure Edition; Savage Worlds Sundered Skies 4E D&D Monster Vault; 4E D&D Monster Manual; 4E D&D Monster Manual 2; 4E D&D Dark Sun Creature Catalog; 2E D&D Monstrous Manual
C UC - - Human - unique / specific 5E D&D Adventures in Middle Earth Player's Guide (8 cultural groups); 5E D&D Midgard Heroes Handbook (Kariv Wanderers); 5E D&D Plane Shift Dominaria (keldon); 5E D&D Plane Shift Innistrad (4 cultural groups); 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide (Amazons, Anansi, others under Human); PF2 Core Rulebook; PF2 Lost Omens Character Guide; PF + AGE Midgard Campaign Setting (7 cultural groups); 3E D&D Book of Vile Darkness (vashar); 3E D&D Nyambe African Adventures (12 cultural groups); 3E D&D Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide (6 cultural groups); 2E D&D Domains of Dread (half-Vistani); Savage Worlds Hellfrost Player's Guide (4 cultural groups) -
VR VR - - Illumian 3E D&D Races of Destiny -
VR - - - Inspired - 5E D&D Eberron Rising from the Last War
R R - - Kalashtar 5E D&D Eberron Rising from the Last War; 5E D&D House (see below); 4E D&D Eberron Player's Guide; 5E D&D Eberron Rising from the Last War
VR R - - Kor (pale climbers) 5E D&D House (see below); 5E D&D Plane Shift Zendikar -
R - - - Lazari 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide -
VR R - - Maenad (psionic) 3E D&D Expanded Psionics Handbook 3E D&D Expanded Psionics Handbook
- - - R Morlock - PF Bestiary
UC R - - Mul (half desert dwarf) 4E D&D Dark Sun Campaign Setting; B&B Core Rulebook 4E D&D Dark Sun Creature Catalog
- R - - Ramag PF Southlands 5E D&D Tome of Beasts
VR UC - - Shifter 5E D&D Eberron Rising from the Last War; 5E D&D House (see below); 4E D&D Player's Handbook 2; 4E D&D Monster Manual; B&B Core Rulebook 5E D&D Eberron Rising from the Last War; 4E D&D Monster Manual; 4E D&D MV Threats to Nentir Vale (Tigerclaw);
VR VR VR VR Sora 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide -
VR VR - VR Twinight (shadow-touched) 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide -
R R - - Verrik 5E D&D House (see below); 3E D&D Arcana Unearthed; B&B Core Rulebook -
VR R - - Xeph (psionic) 3E D&D Expanded Psionics Handbook; B&B Heritages 3E D&D Expanded Psionics Handbook
VR VR - - Sci-Fi Species (select from table below) - -


Civ Wild Aqua UG Race / Species / Monster Player Character traits Monster stat blocks
R - - - Chiss Saga Legacy Era Campaign Guide; Saga Force Unleashed Campaign Guide; d20 Ultimate Alien Anthology; 5E D&D, Cypher sci-fi site -
R - - - Dressellian d20 Ultimate Alien Anthology; Cypher, Year Zero sci-fi site -
C R - - Human (generic) 5E D&D Esper Genesis Core Manual; 5E D&D Spaceships & Starwyrms; Saga Star Wars Core Rulebook; SF Starfinder Core Rulebook; d20 Ultimate Alien Anthology; Cypher sci-fi site; d20 Darwin's World; Fragged Fragged Empire Core Rule Book (as Corporation) -
UC R - - Lashunta SF Starfinder Core Rulebook -
C - - - Lorendi B&B Core Rulebook 5E D&D Esper Genesis Threats Database
R - - - Nagai Saga Legacy Era Campaign Guide; Year Zero sci-fi site; -
R - - - Pau'an Saga Web Enhancement; Cypher sci-fi site; -
VR VR - - Nalurus Cypher Numenera Character Options -
UC R - - Promethean 5E D&D Esper Genesis Core Manual -
VR VR - - Spliced - Cypher Strange Bestiary
VR R - - Taran (tall, no eyes) Cypher Gods of the Fall -
UC R - - Twi-far Fragged Protagonist Archive -
UC - - VR Umbaran Saga Clone Wars Campaign Guide; d20 Ultimate Alien Anthology; B&B Core Rulebook -
UC - - - Veerux (xenophobic humans) 5E D&D Spaceships & Starwyrms; 5E D&D Spaceships & Starwyrms;
UC - - - Verthani SF Alien Archive SF Alien Archive
UC R - - Zabrak Saga Star Wars Core Rulebook; d20 Ultimate Alien Anthology; 5E D&D, Cypher, Year Zero sci-fi site; B&B Core Rulebook -
R VR - - Zargon 5E D&D Tales of Arcana Race Guide -
UC - - - Zeltron Saga Legacy Era Campaign Guide; d20 Ultimate Alien Anthology; Cypher, Year Zero sci-fi site; -
VR VR - - Fantasy Species (select from table above) - -



Game Statistics & Lore. 5e D&D Player's Handbook chapter 2.
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas. Racial descriptions for typical humans can be found in many products. The 3E Races of Destiny is a good source for a more detailed look at humans and their place in the D&D world.


Dungeons & Dragons 5E



Humans do not generally have subraces, though these may be possible in various settings.

Altered Human Traits

As we use feats, the 'Variant Human Traits' can be used. (Again, human traits may even be assigned by 'subrace' if the DM decides to develop them for individual settings).

Typical Human Drawbacks

As humans are the baseline to which others are compared and they vary considerably, there are no set drawbacks common to all humans. DMs are encouraged to assign specific flaws to humans of a certain region, culture or 'subrace'.


Race Feat & Source
Human Heroic Destiny (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Human Prodigy (Xanathar's Guide to Everything)
Human Surging Destiny (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Human Unwavering Destiny (House, D&D Racial Feats)


Game Statistics & Lore. 5E D&D Eberron Rising from the Last War;
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas. Kalashtar were a player race from Eberron campaign setting. The 3rd edition description could be used, just as easily as the 4th Edition version from the Eberron Player's Guide. They are basically humans whose ancestors fled the plane of dreams. They have innate psionic ability.


Dungeons & Dragons 5E


Typical Kalashtar Drawbacks

Being very human-like there are no drawbacks common to all kalashtar. They already come with quirks that play on their mental instability, but players wishing to take this further may take the Unstable (Minor) drawback.

Bonus Proficiencies. If you decide to take the Unstable drawback, you select one of the following: Insight, Intimidation, Performance or Persuasion or one relevant language.


Race Feat & Source
Kalashtar Bastion of Mental Clarity (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Kalashtar Group Mind Link (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Kalashtar Quori Shield (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Kalashtar Telepathic Sensitivity (House, D&D Racial Feats)



Game Statistics & Lore. 5e D&D Magic the Gathering Planeshift - Zendikar
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas. Kor are a near-human race with pale skin and elongated skulls. They are typically nomadic and excellent climbers. For further lore see the MTG Wiki.


Dungeons & Dragons 5E


Typical Kor Drawbacks

  • Stubborn (Minor) OR Dullard (Minor) OR Weak. Kor do not have consistent deficiencies, but these three are common enough. Though athletic, they have light builds, they restrict their learning to their own traditions and mostly keep the company of their own.
  • Honor-bound (Minor) OR Loyal. Kor ideals embody an ordered, harmonious approach with strong traditions binding them together.
  • Outsider (Minor). Kor togetherness does not endear them to other races.

Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a kor, you select one of the following: Animal Handling, Endurance, History, Nature, Religion, Survival, Brawling Weapons (Simple + Martial), Hooks & Sickles (Simple + Martial), or Nets Whips & Chains (Simple + Martial) or one relevant language.


Race Feat & Source
Kor Determined (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Kor Earth Magic (House, D&D General Feats) This is a general feat, but kor can take it as a racial feat.
Kor Stone Forge Mystic (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Kor Unwavering Destiny (House, D&D Racial Feats)


Game Statistics & Lore. 5E D&D Eberron Rising from the Last War;
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas. Shifters are characters with some lycanthropic blood that have long been associated with the Dungeons & Dragons setting of Eberron. The 3rd edition description could be used, just as easily as the 4th Edition version from the Player's Handbook 2.


Dungeons & Dragons 5E




Typical Beasthide Shifter Drawbacks

  • Stubborn (Minor). This is a common drawback for the larger beasthides.
  • Outsider (Minor). The feral appearance and link to were-creatures is off-putting to most races.

Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a beasthide shifter, you select one of the following: Endurance, Intimidation, Survival, or Natural weapons (claws can be used for unarmed strikes) or one relevant language.


Typical Longtooth Shifter Drawbacks

  • Loyal (Minor). Longtooth shifters typically develop strong bonds with their allies and treat them as a pack to be protected.
  • Outsider (Minor). The feral appearance and link to were-creatures is off-putting to most races.

Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a longtooth shifter, you select one of the following: Athletics, Acrobatics, Endurance, Survival, or Natural weapons or one relevant language.



Typical Swiftstride Shifter Drawbacks

  • Curious (Minor) OR Haughty (Minor). Swiftstrikes often take on the aloofness of a feline or the curiosity of a young feline or rodent.
  • Outsider (Minor). The feral appearance and link to were-creatures is off-putting to most races.

Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a swiftstride shifter, you select one of the following: Athletics, Stealth, Survival, Brawling weapons (Simple), Natural weapons or one relevant language.


Typical Wildhunt Shifter Drawbacks

  • Cautious (Minor). Wildhunt shifters are constantly alert and looking for threats.
  • Outsider (Minor). The feral appearance and link to were-creatures is off-putting to most races.

Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a wildhunt shifter, you select one of the following: Athletics, Endurance, Insight, Nature, Stealth, Natural weapons or one relevant language.


Race Feat & Source
Shifter (swiftstride or wildhunt) Ambusher (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Shifter (swiftstride or wildhunt) Battle Ready (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Shifter (beasthide) Bear Hug (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Shifter Beast Affinity (1 type based upon heritage/totem) (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Shifter (swiftstride) Cliffwalk Shifting (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Shifter (longtooth or swiftstride) Go For The Throat (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Shifter (longtooth) Howl (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Shifter (longtooth) Pack Instincts (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Shifter (beasthide) Roar (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Shifter Shifting Affinity (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Shifter (beasthide) Thick Hide (House, D&D Racial Feats)
Shifter Wild Survivor (House, D&D General Feats) This is a general feat, but shifters can take it as a racial feat.


Game Statistics & Lore. 5e D&D House, (see below). Original appearance and lore in 3E D&D compatible Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed chapter 2.
Further Lore & Roleplaying Ideas. Verrik are red-skinned, highly intelligent human-like beings from the Diamond Throne setting.


Dungeons & Dragons 5E


Verrik Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
  • Sensory Control. As a bonus action or a reaction a verrik can shut down any number of their senses. Doing so means you apply one or more of the following until you spend another bonus action or reaction to return your senses:

- Apply the blinded condition.
- Apply the deafened condition.
- Loss of smell should provide advantages against scent-induced sickness/attacks.
- Shutting off touch means you do not suffer penalties from pain (such as from spells and sometimes poisons). You ignore the effects of extreme heat and cold, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. Without touch, you have disadvantage on all Strength, Dexterity and Constitution checks, and attack rolls made with these abilities.

  • Telepathy: Verrik can communicate telepathically with any creature within 30 feet (Near range for our house rules) that has a language.
  • Verrik Psionics. You know the mage hand cantrip and the hand is invisible when you cast the cantrip with this trait. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the command spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the detect thoughts spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. When you cast them with this trait, they don't require components and you can use your Telepathy trait rather than verbalising them.
  • Size. Medium.
  • Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
  • Languages. Verrik and Common.

Typical Verrik Drawbacks

  • Outsider (Minor). Despite appearing mostly human, verrik neither think nor feel like humans and often have difficulty relating to other races.
  • Anti-Social (Minor) OR Weak (Minor). Verrik can come across as aloof or self-centered and very few of them have large builds.

Bonus Proficiencies. For every minor drawback assigned to a verrik character, choose one of the following: Acrobatics, Arcana, Intimidation, Investigation or calligrapher's supplies or one relevant language.


Race Feat & Source
Verrik Mind Stab (House, D&D Racial Feats)


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