Use this page to generate great events of the past as well as current changes in the realm. This can really make the realm feel alive and shows players there is more going on than just what their characters engage with.
It is also a good location to
You might want to note the realm's Historical Lore Modifier here as well as in the At a Glance section. This modifier should have some bearing on the age of the realm and how aware its inhabitants are of that history.
Calendar & Special Days
For a large realm, you will need to flesh how they track time. If a smaller realm, simply list which larger realm's calendar it abides by. It would be a good idea to list some holy days, holidays or other celebrated festivals for the realm.
Examples & Samples
Name | Resource |
Calendar - Eberron | 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Eberron p7 |
Calendar - Exandrian | 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Wildemount p8 |
Holy Days - Exandrian | 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Wildemount p9 |
Write a list of random rumours the PCs may hear whilst within the realm. Recent Events (see below) are a good source for rumours, as are the various people and places that make up the realm.
Idea Charts & Resources
Names & Descriptions | Resource |
Adventure Hooks | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p326 |
Castle Legends | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p205 |
Cavern Legends | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p203 |
Clues | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p328-9 |
Dungeon Legends | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p204 |
Gossip about Group/Guild/Organisation | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p327 |
Gossip about a Person | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p327 |
Gossip about Racial Group/Non-humans | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p327 |
Gossip about Ruler/Noble | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p326 |
Gossip about Town/City | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p326 |
Local Legends | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p93 |
Maritime Legends | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p185 |
Prophecies | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p273 |
Rumours & Stories | 3E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide 2 p70; AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p66 |
Recent Events | Use ideas from Recent Events you roll on the table below to generate a rumour |
Secrets | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p338-44 |
Specific Rumours | Word document attached to the bottom of this page under Files |
Tomb & Crypt Legends | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p204 |
Recent Events
Determine some of the activities and events that have recently happened or are ongoing within the realm. Recent events usually refer to events within the last year.
For future events, roll on this chart once per month or season (your choice) for each relevant realm the characters are interacting with. It is a good idea for a GM to do this ahead of time so that you can work the event into the campaign.
If filling in the past for the realm, include one for each month/season of the past year (and determine whether those events are still ongoing - see Event Status below).
Event modifiers are temporary (though a GM may decide to make them permanent if they have a significant impact upon the realm).
d100 | Event Theme | Description | Game Mechanics |
01-02 | Arcane | A large show of magic brings about an event that affects the realm. This could be a powerful individual, small group of casters or an academy or cabal making a show of power. (Could roll again to help determine the result). | +1 Arcane Attunement |
03 | Artifact | An artifact comes into the possession of the realm’s leaders. (5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p219; 4E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p164; 4E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide 2 p147; AEG's Ultimate Toolbox - Holy & Unholy Relic Names p345). | - |
04-07 | Bandits | Brigands, bandits or pirates begin to cause trouble and steal from travellers in the realm. | +1 Crime |
08 | Birth | A child is born to the realm’s leader(s) or someone significant in the realm. | +1/-1 Society (depending upon citizen attitude to ruler) |
09-13 | Conflict - External | The realm becomes involved in a physical conflict with another realm. (Most likely one with hostile or unfriendly relations – in any case the relationship becomes hostile). The conflict would depend upon the type of realm. It could take the form of skirmishes, a magical attack, or all-out war with many soldiers. (Invading forces 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p29). | -1 Economy |
14-15 | Conflict - Internal | The realm is unsettled as the citizens or some minority group, organisation or faction rebels. This could escalate into civil war. (Rebellion, revolution, overthrow 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p29). | +1 Law; +1 Corruption |
16-19 | Construction | Construction of significant structure for the realm - usually at the ruler’s behest. Possibilities: Headquarters for an organisation, barracks, castle/fort, food stores, library, market, monument, palace, road, shipyards, siege engines, wall, religious building. Perhaps roll a random Realms Creation Page and see what structures are associated with it. | Possibly a +1 to a relevant area depending upon the building. (For example +1 Arcane Attunement if a new magical university is built) |
20 | Controversy | Some form of political controversy arises in the realm arousing mistrust among the populace. Perhaps use the Rumours section above for ideas. | +1 Corruption |
21 | Death | There is a significant death in the realm. This may be a member of the ruling body or someone significant or famous. (Fall of a leader 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p27). | - (But citizen attitude may rise or fall) |
22-24 | Diplomacy | Another realm has sent ambassadors to this realm or this realm has approached another with intentions of improving relations. | - (But relations between the two realms may change) |
25 | Disliked Organisation | A non-religious, major organisation looked upon unfavourably by the realm (such as an assassin guild in a Chivalric realm) rises to significance. It may have just arrived, been established, or performed a significant act. (New organisations 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p31). | - (Modify one factor depending upon the group responsible. For example, if an assassin guild: +1 Crime) |
26 | Disliked Religion | The church of a deity or belief system looked upon unfavourably by the realm rises to significance. It may have risen to prominence, been established, or performed a significant act. | - (Modify one factor depending upon the religion responsible.) |
27 | Extinction | An important animal or plant species relied upon by the realm becomes extinct or so rare that the effects of this loss are widespread. (Extinction 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p30). | -1 Nature Connection and/or -1 Economy |
28-30 | Favourable Realm Specific | Determine an event that portrays the unique culture and situation of the realm. (For example, in far north, extra furs are gathered this season). | +1 to one relevant Realm Stat |
31 | Favoured Organisation | A non-religious, major organisation looked upon favourably by the realm (such as a knighthood in a Chivalric realm) rises to significance. It may have just arrived, been promoted, or performed a significant act. (New organisations 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p27). | +1 to one relevant Realm Stat |
32 | Favoured Religion | A church of a deity or belief system looked upon favourably by the realm rises to significance. It may have just been established, promoted, or performed a significant act. | +1 Piety |
33-35 | Food Stocks Depleted/Damaged | Fire, disease or some other calamity destroys food from the stocks being gathered this season. (Could roll again to determine how that happened). (Depletion 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p30). | -1 Economy and possible -1 Nature Connection |
36-38 | Food Stocks Surplus | The harvest or food gathering received a boost this season with communities having spare food over. | +1 Economy |
39-47 | Games or Festival | Local or grand games are held, or a significant festival is underway. Depending upon the size of the realm this could vary from a wedding to a nation-wide celebration. (AEG Ultimate Toolbox- Holiday names p129; Festival activities p158; Songs & Performances p158-9; March/Parade p159) | +1 Society |
48-49 | Increased Game | Large amounts of game animals wander into the region. Alternatively, the usual animals hunted or fished are larger. | +1 Nature Connection |
50-51 | Land Clearance | Land is cleared for farming or building. This could involve removing trees, draining a swamp or demolishing old buildings. | +1 Economy |
52-54 | Magical | Something magical or fantastical occurs. | 3E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p109 |
55-59 | Natural Disaster | Storms, fire, floods, earthquake, drought, tidal wave, cyclone, eruption or some other catastrophe strikes realm. (For large realms this is usually confined to a division). (Cataclysmic disasters 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p27). | -1 Economy and possibly -1 Nature Connection |
60-66 | None | Nothing significant happens this month/season. | - |
67-68 | Plague | The people and/or animals of the realm suffer from a random disease (5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide - Diseases p256; 4E D&D Dungon Master's Guide - Diseases p49; AEG Ultimate Toolbox - Disease & Plague names p386) | -2 Society, +1 Crime, -3 Economy |
69 | Planar | An outsider visits the realm, leakage from another plane or a portal temporarily opens. (5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p45 - Portals; p293 Dungeon planar gates; AEG Ultimate Toolbox - Planar Encounters, Places, Portals & Agents p293-6) | (Possibly modifiers depending upon the plane) |
70-71 | Political Strife | Whether warranted or not, a nearby realm takes offence at the acting realm. | Drop relations between the two realms 1d3 spots. |
72-73 | Population Change | Adult population increases or decreases as a result of increased births/deaths and/or migrations. Refugees may arrive, putting strain on the local economy and food supplies. | Possibly -1 Economy and/or -1 Society |
74-75 | Predators | A small group of large beasts or large numbers of a particular predator stalk the lands of the realm. | +1 Danger |
76-77 | Recruitment | The realm recruits people to its cause or armed forces. This could be as simple as officials offering rewards for people to sign-up for the army, conscription, or discounts for joining as a member. | +1 Law |
78-80 | Resource Discovery | The realm stumbles upon a small cache of resources, such as a vein of gold, or starts extracting resources from an area previously not used, such as logging a new forest. Roll a new resource from the Realms Economy page. (Discoveries 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p31). | +1 Economy |
81 | Resource Lost | A previous resource site is lost. A vein of silver runs out, all the usable trees are cut down, the marble quarry plays out, etc. (Depletion 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p30). | -1 Economy |
82 | Shift Seat of Government or New Government | The realm changes the place where the ruler(s) live and run the realm or changes ruler. (Rise of new leader 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p27). | - |
83-84 | Subterfuge | The realm’s ruler (or someone important) is the victim of an attempted assassination by another realm (or someone within the realm). Alternatively the realm is blamed for such actions (possibly rightly so). | +1 Corruption |
85-90 | Take Action | The realm takes action against an unfavourable situation or event that is ongoing. For example, if there are bandits in the realm, the realm’s forces try to eliminate them. | - |
91-92 | Trade Route | Realm establishes (or loses) a new trade route with another realm. | +1 Economy, and add a new trade route. |
93-94 | Troop Movement | The realm moves a significant part of it force. It could be to defend against a threat (internal or external) to pressure another realm, in preparation for war, or to simply protect someone or something. | -1 Danger |
95-97 | Unfavourable Realm Specific | Determine an event that portrays the unique culture and situation of the realm. (For example, an important cavern collapses in an underground realm) | Reduce one relevant Realm Stat |
98-00 | Roll Twice | Two or more significant events happen this month/season. Every time you roll 98-00 add an extra event and roll again. OR Roll on an alternative chart from the ideas below. | - |
Event Status
Here you will determine which events are continuing and which events will be wrapped up or come to an end this month/season. If you are rolling for recent past events for your realm then the description covers that as well as current events.
You roll on this chart for each ‘ongoing’ event to see if it continues or ends.
d100 | Status of Event | Description |
01-30 | New/Ends | The event has just occurred or begun. The characters have arrived just as the event arises. The event then becomes ongoing (unless the characters put a stop to it). If rolling for an ongoing event it ends unfavourably for the realm. |
31-70 | Ongoing | The event rolled is underway and has been going for some time. If rolling for an ongoing event, then it continues. |
71-00 | Past/Ends | The event has recently concluded and its effects are evident. If rerolling for an ongoing event, this indicates the event comes to a favourable end for the realm. |
Idea Charts & Resources
Names & Descriptions | Resource |
Current Calamity | 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p112 |
Fantastic Events | Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Workbook p15 |
Mundane Events | Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Workbook p15 |
World-Shaking Events | 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p27 |
Recent History
Create a timeline of important events that have happened within the last 100 years. These could be be significant events the characters or their parents have lived through and may tie their back stories to them.
If filling in the past for the realm, go back 1d10-1 years between each event. You can use the ‘Recent Events’ chart above to determine these recent events. Note that to be remembered over the past century, these events have to be of relevant significance to the size of the realm.
Idea Charts & Resources
Names & Descriptions | Resource |
City History | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p83-5 |
Defining National Moment | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p65 |
Historical Events - Recent | 2E D&D World Builder's Guidebook p92 |
Year of Historical Importance | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p65 |
Middle History
This is like an era in our history, such as Medieval times. It could be since the foundation of a kingdom for example. Generally middle history goes back hundreds of years. If unsure, roll 1d10 x 100 years.
If filling in the past for the realm, go back 2d4 x10 years between each event, so you are averaging two per century. To be remembered over the past centuries, these events have to be of relevant significance to the size of the realm.
Idea Charts & Resources
Names & Descriptions | Resource |
City History | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p83-5 |
Defining National Moment | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p65 |
Historical Events - Middle Periods | 2E D&D World Builder's Guidebook p92 |
Year of Historical Importance | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p65 |
Ancient History
This is anything prior to Middlle History, dating back to the start of recorded history, or the foundations of early civilizations.
If filling in the past for the realm, go back 2d4 x100 years between each event, so you are averaging two per millennium. To be remembered over the past centuries or millennia, these events have to be of relevant significance to the size of the realm.
Idea Charts & Resources
Names & Descriptions | Resource |
Defining National Moment | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p65 |
Historical Events - Ancient Ages | 2E D&D World Builder's Guidebook p92 |
Catastrophic Events | Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Companion p44 |
Lost Kingdoms Rulership | Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Companion p44 |
Myth & Legend
This is anything prior to Ancient History. It is usually stories of the deities and other great beings and how the many races came to be. Obviously you only need to do this for significant realms; probably a whole setting.
This is likely done at a campaign setting only and should probably be developed alongside the Religion of the realm.
Idea Charts & Resources
Names & Descriptions | Resource |
Myths & Legends | 2E D&D World Builder's Guidebook p90 |
Heroes, Historic People & Places
If you wish to detail any of the people or places mention in your history, then do so here.
Idea Charts & Resources
Names & Descriptions | Resource |
Forgotten Monuments | Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Companion p44 |
Examples & Samples
Name | Type (Level) | Known Traits/Features | Resource |
Library of the Cobalt Soul | Organisation (16) | Religious (Ioun), archive knowlegde, libraries, inc monks | 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Wildemount p52 |
Pathfinder Society | Organisation (16) | Seekers or lost lore & artifacts, explore ancient sites | PF2 Lost Omens Character Guide p108 |
Ruined Fort | Ruin (2) | Incs tables and maps | 5E D&D Eberron Rising… p199 |