Realms Society Entertainment


Use this page to determine the main forms of entertainment in the realm. What do people do in their spare time, if they have any. But also use this section to establish how open-minded the society is and whether the people are happy with their position in that society. A society lacking in arts and entertainment may get disgruntled with their leaders, whilst those with plenty of leisure time might be happy. Maybe they are just distracted with gladiatorial games. You might also describe the dwellings of the average citizen of the realm here and where they hang out.

You might want to note the realm's Society Modifier here as well as in the At a Glance section. This modifier should have some influence on how social, welcoming, happy and open-minded the society is. It also indicates how easy it is to access entertainment, and how prevalent art is.

Citizen Alignment & Attitude

How content is the populace? What is their alignment/level of contentment?

Citizen Alignment
To determine the general alignment of the realm's population choose or roll on the following table.

d100 Roll Citizen Alignment Game Mechanics
01-20 Same as the Ruler's. If there are multiple rulers, use one of the rulers or an 'average' of the group. +1 Society (+ actual alignment's modifier as below)
21-30 Within one step of the ruler's alignment. Change either the Chaos-Law or Good-Evil part of alignment to be one step away from the ruler(s)'. (+ actual alignment's modifier as below)
31-58 Alignment follows the same tendencies as the race with the highest population of the realm. (+ actual alignment's modifier as below)
59-64 Lawful Good +1 Law; +1 Society
65-70 Neutral Good +1 Society
71-74 Chaotic Good +1 Crime, +1 Society
75-80 Lawful Neutral +1 Law
81-84 Neutral -
85-86 Chaotic Neutral +1 Crime
87-92 Lawful Evil +1 Law, +1 Corruption
93-96 Neutral Evil +1 Corruption
97-00 Chaotic Evil +1 Crime, +1 Corruption

Citizen Attitude
To determine the general attitude of the realm's population choose or roll on the following table.


  • Ruler's and citizens' alignment are the same: -20
  • Ruler and citizens alignment oppose on the Law/Chaos axis: +10
  • Ruler and citizens alignment oppose on the Good/Evil axis: +20
d100 Roll Citizen Attitude Description
-20-10 Helpful Citizens go out of their way to support their leader(s) and pride is high. They will do everything to defend their realm in its current state.
11-30 Happy Citizens will likely defend their leaders and the laws in place. Citizens enjoy being part of the realm.
31-70 Content Citizens are generally fine with their leaders and the state of the realm. They might dislike some facets of life, but things could be worse.
71-90 Unhappy Citizens are generally unhappy with the way the realm is being run or the way they are treated, but are still reluctant to enter into open rebellion.
91+ Hostile Citizens actively oppose the way is being run. They seek to overthrow the leader(s), either through open rebellion, or as part of an underground resistance. Not all citizens have the courage, means or wherewithal to rebel, but most of the populace is in disagreement with the current system.

Idea Charts & Resources

Names & Descriptions Resource
Town sentiment Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Workbook p15


Music, Games, Arts, etc

What do the people of the realm do for entertainment?

Choose or roll the dominant religion of the realm. You might wish to also roll a religion for each of the racial groups in your realm.

Idea Charts & Resources

Names & Descriptions Resource
Art objects 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p135
Card games 1E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p215-6
Dice games 1E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p215
Mosaics AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p239
Statues AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p108


Individual Performers, Artists, Citizens, etc

Name and detail any important people involved in entertaining the realm.

Idea Charts & Resources

Names & Descriptions Resource
? AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p128

Sample NPC Stat Blocks

Name CR Reference
Commoner 0 5E D&D Monster Manual p345
Rakdos Performer 1 5E D&D Guildmaster's Guid to Ravnica p249
Bard 2 5E D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters p211; 5E D&D Ghosts of Saltmarsh p231
Rakdos Lampooner 2 5E D&D Guildmaster's Guid to Ravnica p248
Dirgesinger 4 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p278
Oracle 4 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros p328
War Chanter 4 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p294
Gladiator 5 5E D&D Monster Manual p346
Skald 6 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p325
Elite War Chanter 8 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p295
Dread Dirgesinger 11 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p279


Taverns, Bard Colleges, Play Houses, Entertainment Establishments & Civic/Public Places

Describe any significant place of creativity or entertainment, or public spaces and buildings.

Idea Charts & Resources

Names & Descriptions Resource
Architecture AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p102
Bridges AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p45, 58
Buying residences House document attached under Files at bottom of the page City - Districts, Buildings & Businesses
Buildings (Random) House document attached under Files at bottom of the page City - Districts, Buildings & Businesses; 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p112; AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p102, 104-5
Civic Buildings House document attached under Files at bottom of the page City - Districts, Buildings & Businesses
Commoner Dwellings AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p155
Districts & Quarters AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p45, 58
Food Establishments House document attached under Files at bottom of the page City - Districts, Buildings & Businesses
Locale AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p290
Lodging House document attached under Files at bottom of the page City - Districts, Buildings & Businesses
Monuments AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p103, 107; Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Workbook p12; Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Companion p6
Neighbourhood Features AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p103
Newspaper tables Eberron Rising… p92
Notable Landmarks Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Companion p6
Residences 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p112
Roads AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p156
Service businesses House document attached under Files at bottom of the page City - Districts, Buildings & Businesses
Streets AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p154-5
Taverns & Inns 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p113; AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p136-147, 383; PF Gamesmastery Guide p200-1; 3E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide 2 p98
Tavern Attractions 5E D&D Eberron Rising… p239
Home Base 5E D&D Eberron Rising… p240
Settlement Events Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Companion p37
Street Events 5E D&D Eberron Rising… p241-242

Examples & Samples

Name Type (Level) Known Traits/Features Resource
Agora Civilised (2) Greek market 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros p122
Ampitheater Civilised (1) Greek styled performance center including rooms beneath. 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros p166
Arena Civilised (1) Games arena with charts to populate 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros p126
Catacombs Dungeon (1) Ancient theme Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Workbook p31
Clockwork Tower Civilised (1) Haunted, gremlins 5E D&D Kobold Press Book of Lairs p16
Cult of Rakdos Organisation (13) Pleasure cult, performers, chaotic 5E D&D Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica p77, 150, 186
Golden Grin Organisation (9-11) Bards, entertainers, anti-tyranny 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Wildemount p56
Hosteler's Guild of House Ghallanda Organisation (10-11) Hospitality, food, lodging, information, halflings 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Eberron p44
Tavern Cellars Civilised/Dungeon (1) Thieves den, caverns, altar Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Workbook p38
Nightclub Civilised (1) 5E D&D Eberron Rising… p248

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