Use this page to determine how your realm is governed.
You might want to note the realm's Corruption Modifier here as well as in the At a Glance section. This modifier should have some bearing on how the government operates.
Form of Government
To see how the actual government is structured roll on the following table.
d100 | Form of Government | Description | Game Mechanics |
01-02 | Anarchy | There is no government and the citizens fend for themselves. (For further rolls, consider citizens the rulers; only available in neutral, neutral evil or any chaotic aligned realm). | -4 Law; +2 Corruption; -2 Arcane Attunement; -2 Society; +2 Crime; -2 Economy; +2 Danger |
03-11 | Autocracy | Power lies completely in the hands of one person – not necessarily determined by bloodline. | - |
12-18 | Bureaucracy | A government made up of different departments or bureaus, each responsible for different aspects of rulership. | +2 Law; -1 Crime |
19-25 | Confederacy | Realm is actually made up of many smaller independent subrealms that contribute to a league or federation that looks out for the best interests of the realm as a whole. | +1 Society |
26-29 | Despotism | The ruler(s) wields complete power and all property, including people, belong to the ruler. | +2 law; +1 Corruption; -1 Society; -2 Crime |
30-45 | Feudalism | Layered levels of government where smaller lords swear fealty to and pay scutage to higher ranking lords that are then responsible for protecting those vassals. ( PF Gamesmastery Guide p150). | +1 Law; +1 Corruption |
46-51 | Hierarchy | There are clear divisions that separate each level of government. One needs to start at the bottom and work through the ranks to the top, meaning anyone can work their way to ruler-ship. | +2 Law; +1 Corruption |
52-62 | Monarchy | Ruler is a single, hereditary ruler, or ruling family. | - |
63-72 | Oligarchy / Council | Rulership by a group or council. The realm may be divided into provinces and assigned to members of the oligarchy, or they may rule the whole as a group. | -1 Law; +2 Society |
73-80 | Republic | Selected representatives or politicians rule as a government and vote on issues. | +1 Corruption; +2 Society |
81-90 | Tribal / Clan Structure | A ruler that is fit to lead and wise in the ways of tribal life is selected by a convening council. The council has the power to veto the ruler’s position and re-instate a new one. Sometimes tribes select different rulers for different tasks. | - |
91-00 | Roll twice | Roll twice on this chart and if possible combine the results. Ignore results of 91-00. | - |
Who is the Government
To see who holds important positions within the government, roll on the following table.
d100 | Make-up of Government | Description | Game Mechanics |
01-12 | Aristocracy | The upper class / nobles. | +1 Law; -1 Society |
13-20 | Democracy | Elected representatives of the public. | +1 Society |
21-25 | Gerontocracy | The elderly, older citizens. | +1 Historical Lore |
26-33 | Magocracy | Wielders of arcane magic. | +1 Arcane Attunement |
34-39 | Matriarchy / Gynarchy | Females. | - |
40-46 | Meritocracy | Those with the desired talent or ability. Rule by merit. | - |
47-57 | Militocracy | Ruled by an army/soldiers. | +1 Law; -1 Society |
58-63 | Patriarchy | Males. | - |
64-65 | Pediocracy | The wise and learned. Elders, scholars, sages – simply those that hold the most relevant knowledge. | -1 Law; +1 Historical Knowledge |
66-71 | Plutocracy | The wealthy and well-off. Quite often this means merchant houses. | +1 Economy |
72-76 | Dictatorship | One person/being holds supreme power. | +2 Corruption; -1 Society |
77-82 | Syndicracy | The heads of important guilds, organisations or syndicates. | +1 Society |
83-90 | Theocracy | Religious figure or figures. | +2 Piety |
91-00 | Roll twice | Roll twice on this chart and if possible combine the results. Ignore results of 91-00. | - |
Realm rulers are most likely members of the most populous or most powerful race (as may be the case with a dragon). If no obvious choice presents itself you can determine the race of the realm’s ruler(s) by rolling on the following table.
d100 | Ruler(s) |
01-20 | A member of the most 'powerful' race or intelligent creature (from an individual creature perspective). |
21-40 | Same as the most populous or dominant major race. |
41-60 | From one of the major races of the realm. |
61-80 | From one of the minor races of the realm. |
81-00 | Roll a completely new race from the populations table. (This represents a unique person/creature - there may not be other members of their ancestry in the realm. |
Ruler's Alignment
To determine the alignment of the realm’s ruler(s) or leaders roll on the following table.
d100 | Ruler's Alignment | Game Mechanics |
01-15 | Same as the standard alignment for the ruler's race or the dominant religion (if a theocracy). If there is no preference given for that particular race, roll again or make them neutral. | - |
16-28 | Same as standard alignment for the most populace/dominant major race of the realm (If none, such as for humans, neutral or roll again) | - |
29-42 | Same as random bordering realm, or if part of a larger realm, the same as the highest ranking ruler (If these haven’t been determined yet, roll again). | - |
43-54 | Lawful good. | +1 Law; +1 Society |
55-60 | Neutral good. | +1 Society |
61-64 | Chaotic good | +1 Crime; +1 Society |
65-72 | Lawful neutral | +1 Law |
73-78 | Neutral | - |
79-82 | Chaotic neutral | +1 Crime |
83-90 | Lawful evil | +1 Law; +1 Corruption |
91-96 | Neutral evil. | +1 Corruption |
97-00 | Chaotic evil. | +1 Corruption; +1 Crime |
Relations with Other Realms
This is to determine how the realm gets along with its neighbours. Concentrate on nearby realms first and ones where relations are obvious, such as a church and the local government. Also look at other realms of similar size. If creating a kingdom, look at relationships with nearby kingdoms; if creating a tribe, what is their relationship to surrounding tribes.
- Either realm's ruler is chaotic evil alignment: +50
- Either realm's ruler is neutral evil: +40
- Either realm's ruler is lawful evil: +25
- Both realms' rulers are good: -25
d100 | Attitude towards other Realm | Description |
01-10 | Helpful | Considers the realm a strong ally and they are likely trade partners. Will actively help the other realm. |
11-30 | Friendly | This realm has good relations with the other realm and citizens are welcome in each others' lands. Will help the other realm, but might expect something in return. |
31-70 | Indifferent | Standard relations, which are likely to depend on recent events. Would likely help the other realm, but will want something in return. |
71-90 | Unfriendly | The two realms do not get along, but either just dislike each other or are fierce rivals. They are not openly hostile, but usually willing to maneuver against the other. |
91+ | Hostile | The realm considers the other an enemy and willingly takes steps to oppose it. |
Idea Charts & Resources
Names & Descriptions | Resource |
Ambassadors | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p91 |
Gentry | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p90 |
Government - forms (simpler version of above) | 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p18-9 |
Head of State tables | Eberron Rising… p68 |
Power Behind the Throne | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p79 |
Nobles | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p95 |
Noble Titles | 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p19; 1E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p89 |
Rulers | AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p90 |
Ruler's Status | 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p112; 3E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide 2 p86 |