Realms Society Religion


Use this page to determine the main religion of the realm and what role divine magic plays in the realm. You can use it to detail individuals such as deities and major priests.

You might want to note the realm's Piety Modifier here as well as in the At a Glance section. This modifier should have some influence on the number of temples and divine casters are present and how religious the general population is.

Religions and View/Role of Divine Magic

Determine the main religion of the realm. Outline whether divine magic plays a major role in the realm and how it is viewed. Are there other religions? How are they viewed?

Choose or roll the dominant religion of the realm. You might wish to also roll a religion for each of the racial groups in your realm.

d100 Roll Form of Religion Description Game Mechanics
01-35 Standard/Loose Pantheon Use the base religion as set out in the Player's Handbook or one that was written for the setting or a similar setting. -
36-43 Cultural/Tight/Unique Pantheon The realm has its own specific set of deities. You may wish to use appropriate historical religions or ones from other settings (such as the Nyambe orisha for an African setting). You could base this on the Model Culture you determined in the Core Features section or use a racial pantheon if rolling for a specific race. +1 Piety
44-48 Nature/Primal/Spirits The people worship nature as a living force (making druids the standard priest). The belief may be that everything has a spirit, or a specific set of nature spirits is honoured, such as animal totems or elemental spirits. +1 Nature Connection
49-54 Ancestor Worship This is the belief in drawing power from those that came before. The people might believe these spirits are still with them. This also includes hero worship, where people of historical significance have achieved demi-god status. +1 Historical Lore
55-57 Alternate Fantasy Pantheon Use a pantheon from a random fantasy setting. -
58-59 Alternate Historical Pantheon Use a pantheon from a random mythology. You could roll on the Model Culture table again (on the At a Glance page). -
60-64 New Pantheon Develop a complete new pantheon or put one together from random deities. See ‘Idea Charts & Resources’ below for creating own pantheon. -
65-68 Force/Philosophy The peoples’ beliefs are hard to define. They have faith, and can get power from that faith, but it is not harnessed from one supreme being. Such philosophies could be alignment based, cultural (where all things important to the people have their own guidelines), a monastic tradition, an akashic memory or hive mind, etc. -
69-72 Creature-based The people follow beings often considered lesser than the deities, but all the more important to them. Egs: Devils, demons, primordials/elemental beings, aberrations of the Far Realm, archons, angels, or even mortal creatures such as dragons or elves. -
73-77 Supreme Being/Monotheism The people see one being as superior to all others. This may be the only god, where all other beings are simply greater immortals or spirits. +1 Piety
78-82 No Religion The people of the realm do not believe in deities. They simply consider greater beings more advanced vessels and none are therefore worthy of worship. Alternatively the realm may be seeking to bring down the deities and opposes the deities' worshipped by surrounding realms at every opportunity. -2 Piety
83-86 Dead or Abandoned Entities The people believe the gods or spirits have abandoned them (or the people may have in fact turned away from the deities). There is no established religion, but cults may exist. Roll again to see what religion was in place before the separation. -1 Piety
87-92 Any/Many There are no restrictions upon religion and many types are practiced in the realm, with no particular form of worship dominating. You may just state there are hundreds of gods and let players select any deity from any other pantheon, make up their own deity, or base their religion on any of the other options above. Your realm might be set up where every city or place of significance has its own deity. -
93-00 Roll Twice Roll twice and either combine the results into one religion or the two religions operate separately by equally. You can roll a third and so on with further rolls of 93+ or simply ignore any rolls. -

Example Pantheons

Pantheon Type Resource
Dawn War Standard/Loose 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p9; 4E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p162;
Dawn War - variation Standard/Loose 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Wildmount p20
Lesser Idols Creature-based 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Wildmount p31

Idea Charts & Resources

Names & Descriptions Resource
Cult Generator Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Companion p45
Cults AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p24, 70, 320
Deity Spheres of Influence 2E D&D World Builder's Guidebook p88
Deity Spheres of Influence AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p70-1
Deities AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p68-9
God Generator Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Companion p43
Holy Orders AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p23
Monastic Orders AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p27
Paladin Orders AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p23
Pantheon Involvement 2E D&D World Builder's Guidebook p87
Pantheon Name & Type AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p68
Pantheon Organisation 2E D&D World Builder's Guidebook p85
Pantheon Types 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p10-13
Religious Order tables Eberron Rising… p95

Examples & Samples

Name Type (Level) Known Traits/Features Resource
Healer's Guild of House Jorasco Organisation (6-8) Healing, medicine, halflings 5E D&D Explorer's Guide to Eberron p43
The Shining Crusade Organisation (4-6) Militant arm of good aligned churches 3E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide 2 p216
Cult of the Dragon Organisation (5) Followers of dragons and fiends 5E D&D Eberron Rising… p188
Lords of Dust Organisation (12) Fiendish cabal aiming to release their masters, inc maps & tables 5E D&D Eberron Rising… p215


Individual Religious Figures & Casters

Name and detail any important divine casters in the realm, their role in the realm and what stats you would use for them (if needed).

Idea Charts & Resources

Names & Descriptions Resource
Clerical Titles AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p128
Evil Cultists & Priests AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p320

Sample NPC Stat Blocks

Name CR Reference
Cultist 1/8 5E D&D Monster Manual p345
Acolyte 1/4 5E D&D Monster Manual p342
Frontline Medic 1/4 5E D&D Guildmaster's Guid to Ravnica p231
Void Cultist 1/2 5E D&D Creature Codex p407
Cult Fanatic 2 5E D&D Monster Manual p345
Cult Priest of Asmodeus 2 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p296
Cult Priest of Demogorgon 2 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p298
Death Priest (of Orcus) 2 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p302
Priest 2 5E D&D Monster Manual p348
Riptide Priest 2 5E D&D Ghosts of Saltmarsh p248
Hellfire Disciple (of Mephistopheles) 3 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p300
Martial Arts Adept 3 5E D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters p216
Shadow Fist Initiate 3 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p323
War Chaplain 3 5E D&D Creature Codex p410
Graveslayer (dwarf) 5 5E D&D Creature Codex p400
Oracle 4 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros p328
Cleric of the Brew (dwarf) 5 5E D&D Creature Codex p400
Frostmaiden (of Auril) 5 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p319
Inquisitor 5 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p322
Kraken Priest 5 5E D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters p215; 5E D&D Ghosts of Saltmarsh p240
Storm Priest 5 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p326
Cult High Priest of Asmodeus 6 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p297
Cult High Priest of Demogorgon 6 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p298
Doomspeaker 6 5E D&D Creature Codex p399
Hellfire Steward (of Mephistopheles) 6 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p301
High Death Priest (of Orcus) 6 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p303
Divine Trickster 7 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p317
Blood Witch 7 5E D&D Guildmaster's Guid to Ravnica p248
Death Priest 7 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p317
Firepriest 7 5E D&D Guildmaster's Guid to Ravnica p231
Void Speaker 7 5E D&D Creature Codex p408
Blackguard 8 5E D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters p211
Stormlord 8 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p327
War Priest 8 5E D&D Creature Codex p411
War Priest 9 5E D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters p218
Dreadmaster 10 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p318
Cult Head of Demogorgon 11 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p299
Death Priest Exarch (of Orcus) 11 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p303
Hellfire Master (of Mephistopheles) 11 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p301
Cult Exarch of Asmodeus 12 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded II p297
Shadow Fist Assassin 12 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p324
Dread Lord (of Bane) 13 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p318
High Inquisitor 16 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p321
Shadow Fist Master 17 5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded p324


Holy Sites, Temples, Churches, etc

Describe any significant holy sites or places of worship.

Idea Charts & Resources

Names & Descriptions Resource
Churches AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p126-8, 72
Druid Circles AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p26, 276
Eldritch Stone Formations AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p277
Ghost Ships & Wrecks AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p217
Haunted Gravestones AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p109
Monuments AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p103, 107
Realms of the Dead Names AEG's Ultimate Toolbox p73
Religious room dressing 1E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p218
Temples - religious structures House document attached under Files at bottom of the page City - Districts, Buildings & Businesses; 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p113
Temple rooms 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p294
Tomb rooms 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide p295

Examples & Samples

Name Type (Level) Known Traits/Features Resource
All-Seeing Eye Temple Dungeon (1) Teleporting temple to ancient destiny/knowledge goddess 5E D&D Kobold Press Book of Lairs p32
Canyon Shrine Wilderness (1) Remote shrine to bestial deity. 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros p154
Coastal Temple Dungeon (1-2) Seaside cliffs. 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros p174
Forest Shrine Wilderness (1) Remote shrine to nature deity. 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros p158
Graveyard Temple Civilised (1) Graveyard & temple with charts to populate 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros p126
Oracular Conflux Civilised (1) Temple to observe stars, planes, weather. An observatory. 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros p142
Sun Temple Civilised (1) Temple in mountains with charts to populate 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros p130
Temple of Mystery Dungeon (1) Remote temple full of puzzles and traps. 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros p150
Temple Civilised (1) Full complex, no dedicated deity Sly Flourish The Lazy DM's Workbook p44
Volcano Temple Dungeon (1-2) Includes large forge. 5E D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros p171
Warforged Ossuary Civilised (1) Place of rememberance for those that fell in war, inc map and tables 5E D&D Eberron Rising… p212

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